This is getting old.

Nov 17, 2007
Charlotte, NC
I am so sick of seeing good threads get closed because they end up in name calling.

I thought that my ways to generate revenue thread was a positive and possibly helpful sounding board and now it's closed because people can't quit being ugly. Do we not desperately need new ways to generate revenue? Besides raising the price? YES!!

I know corporate reads this page. Probably daily. I've actually been called in and reprimanded for my obvious presence on here and was warned by upper management that it is a flagged site.

So, I don't post things that will get me fired, obviously, but this tells me that someone is reading this. Any idiot that stumbles upon this site can see that we are falling apart from the inside and I'm sorry, but I DONT WANT THIS AIRLINE TO BE A CASUALTY OF ANOTHER FAILED MERGER - - THIS TIME FOR GOOD!!

So stop fighting and being horrid to each other, and let's work together to find a way to keep our paychecks, our jobs, and our airline. We don't need United, we just need to finally merge with each other.

I'm sorry, but I thought the thread was a good idea, but of course, since it was my idea, I'm biased.

Continue, if you want, to post flame bait and belittle each other, but why would management, or the public that pays to get service take us seriously if we act like miserable children throwing dirt?
I am so sick of seeing good threads get closed because they end up in name calling.

I thought that my ways to generate revenue thread was a positive and possibly helpful sounding board and now it's closed because people can't quit being ugly. Do we not desperately need new ways to generate revenue? Besides raising the price? YES!!

I know corporate reads this page. Probably daily. I've actually been called in and reprimanded for my obvious presence on here and was warned by upper management that it is a flagged site.

So, I don't post things that will get me fired, obviously, but this tells me that someone is reading this. Any idiot that stumbles upon this site can see that we are falling apart from the inside and I'm sorry, but I DONT WANT THIS AIRLINE TO BE A CASUALTY OF ANOTHER FAILED MERGER - - THIS TIME FOR GOOD!!

So stop fighting and being horrid to each other, and let's work together to find a way to keep our paychecks, our jobs, and our airline. We don't need United, we just need to finally merge with each other.

I'm sorry, but I thought the thread was a good idea, but of course, since it was my idea, I'm biased.

Continue, if you want, to post flame bait and belittle each other, but why would management, or the public that pays to get service take us seriously if we act like miserable children throwing dirt?

I really liked that thread. It comes down to a couple of things. We need to stop being cheap. We need to offer a good product that we can be proud of and that our passengers will like. We also need to raise the prices of tickets. This airline has been trying to save pennies and it ends up biting them in the butt and costing more in the long run. Spend the cash to get good products and invest in the airline instead of trying to do everything on the will make everyone happy in the long run. I love US Airways and it pains me to see what it has become. When I go to work I don't half-a** it I do my best to make my pax happy even though it's hard sometimes. I just put on my game face and try to make the best of what I have. The people that I work with are the same...I wish management would see that. If they would invest in this airline it would be so good because the people at the heart of it are some of the best people I have ever come across...
I'll stop now...I just had to get that out.
I am so sick of seeing good threads get closed because they end up in name calling.

I thought that my ways to generate revenue thread was a positive and possibly helpful sounding board and now it's closed because people can't quit being ugly. Do we not desperately need new ways to generate revenue? Besides raising the price? YES!!

I know corporate reads this page. Probably daily. I've actually been called in and reprimanded for my obvious presence on here and was warned by upper management that it is a flagged site.

So, I don't post things that will get me fired, obviously, but this tells me that someone is reading this. Any idiot that stumbles upon this site can see that we are falling apart from the inside and I'm sorry, but I DONT WANT THIS AIRLINE TO BE A CASUALTY OF ANOTHER FAILED MERGER - - THIS TIME FOR GOOD!!

So stop fighting and being horrid to each other, and let's work together to find a way to keep our paychecks, our jobs, and our airline. We don't need United, we just need to finally merge with each other.

I'm sorry, but I thought the thread was a good idea, but of course, since it was my idea, I'm biased.

Continue, if you want, to post flame bait and belittle each other, but why would management, or the public that pays to get service take us seriously if we act like miserable children throwing dirt?

I agree. And for the record, my stab at PHL BULL (and our senior workforce) was only a joke and he knows it in case anybody thinks I was being ugly. I can't vouch for the other posters who were calling others names though. Also, there is so much negativity and hostility at work. It is disheartening. If I were a passenger I would never want to fly US Airways again after seeing how some of our employees treat them and talk about them. I understand when the pax are being rude it is easy to lose your cool, but when they aren't being rude or bothersome, why are some of you still so mean to them for absolutely no reason? What gives? It makes me want to be extra nice just to compensate for all the rude employees we have. If we all continue to piss off all the pax none of us will have jobs. How's that for an attitude adjustment? Not only that, but we're all mean to each other. It is sickening. Why are we all enemies? I'm not just talking about East vs. West either. We're all mean to each other. F/a to f/a, f/a to agent, agent to f/a, f/a to catering, catering to f/a, f/a to pilot, pilot to f/a, pilot to pilot, pilot to agent, agent to pilot, agent to agent, you get the idea...This place is a train wreck and I don't know how we will ever fix it. At this point, even offering more pay and tools to work with probably would not be enough to change people's attitudes. We need to completely restructure this place. OK, I'll get off my soapbox now. Peace.

P.S. For those of you who say "If you're so unhappy then leave!" Well let me tell you - first of all I am actively searching for another job, second of all, I will start graduate school in the fall so I can move on to a much more lucrative and fulfilling career, and third of all it's none of your business why I chose to stay here for the time being. Besides, I like the extra free time and I sure as he!! wouldn't leave unless I was 100% sure about any new job opportunity that arises.

As for cutting costs, it is the general consensus that employees should not have to give up anything else. We've already given up pay, pensions, and a whole slew of other things. I also don't think we should nickel and dime our customers. That isn't the answer either. I think we should take those nasty pillows and blankets off the airplane for sanitary reasons. It would also same the company a little bit of money too. I think we should charge for special meals and for special assistance for wheelchairs since many abuse it. We will have 5-6 people pre board in a wheel chair and as soon as they find out they have to wait until the very end to deplane, they miraculously get up and walk away like any normal person would. I do not think we should charge for sodas and things though. I think any flight that is so short that it has an express service should be a no serve or should have a different procedure because trying to pass out Coke, Sprite, Diet Coke, or water to pax in such a short time is not always possible. Also, no matter how many times you tell pax the choices, they will still try to get a cranapple or tomato juice then they get mad when you say there isn't enough time. Then f/as argue on how to do the service. One wants to put a blanket over the cart while the other wants to use the 9 hole trays. Geez Louise. I don't really like the idea of using a credit card machine for inflight purchases because I know they won't work half the time since we will have the cheapest kind and they will never get fixed once they are broken but when they do work, the company will probably make more money with that. Of course, cutting back on a few things here and there is nothing more than putting on a band aid. It isn't a viable, long term solution for the real problem.

While I realize that we are on profit, haven't you all ever stopped to think about how the reason we are on profit is simply because of the labor concessions, lack of necessary tools (i.e. we didn't have to spend any extra money), and charge more for less? Our airplanes are filthy and falling apart on the inside, our RES system sucks, we have the cheapest plastic cups and trash bags that tear and leak on everybody and everything, nothing ever gets fixed, and nobody seems to give a damm about this place. If mgmt would be on top of things and fix problems as they arise and not go for the cheapest of the cheap instead of letting them pile up and pile up and pile up into a heaping mountain that they find they can't climb due to it's enormous size, then we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place. Maybe they were making a profit, but it wasn't being reinvested into the asset. It was going into the pockets of our mgmt. This is an unsound business practice that anyone in a Business 101 class would know. Yet our mgmt chooses to ignore it by lining their silver pockets and destroying their assets. Yeah, that's real smart. Once of these days, the sandcastle is going to be washed away by the big wave that's coming and it won't be pretty for any of us. I hope you all have a plan B.

Remember when you were a little kid and your mom told you to clean your room and you wouldn't do it even though there was just a small mess? She told you again and you didn't do it only this time the mess was a little bigger. Then finally, you wanted to go to a friends house to play basketball, yet she said you couldn't go until you cleaned your room. Since you never straightened your room up, the mess just kept piling up until it looked like a tornado had hit and you spent the whole day cleaning your room and never got to go play at your friend's house. That's what this reminds me of.
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To also address the "if you're unhappy, leave" thing.. I have left before , enjoyed 3X my salary, but felt nostalgic every day when I was outside because I live directly under the approach path for the airport.

This industry is truly addictive, and as abusive as it may be at times, there is something there that keeps us here. That's why I'm back, downsized my whole life, including home and cars so I could actually afford to do something I love.

I don't care how much I disagree with a decision someone higher than me made, I still love my job, I love working with the people and I love making my small difference. If you can piss them off enough to make them write a letter, why not turn around and be extra nice for a change? i dont even turn in my a & b coupons, I save them.

Even if I were a millionaire, I'd keep this job. I'm here until they fire me or go under. :rolleyes:
To also address the "if you're unhappy, leave" thing.. I have left before , enjoyed 3X my salary, but felt nostalgic every day when I was outside because I live directly under the approach path for the airport.

This industry is truly addictive, and as abusive as it may be at times, there is something there that keeps us here. That's why I'm back, downsized my whole life, including home and cars so I could actually afford to do something I love.

I don't care how much I disagree with a decision someone higher than me made, I still love my job, I love working with the people and I love making my small difference. If you can piss them off enough to make them write a letter, why not turn around and be extra nice for a change? i dont even turn in my a & b coupons, I save them.

Even if I were a millionaire, I'd keep this job. I'm here until they fire me or go under. :rolleyes:

I wish we had more people around here with your attitude. :up:
To also address the "if you're unhappy, leave" thing.. I have left before , enjoyed 3X my salary, but felt nostalgic every day when I was outside because I live directly under the approach path for the airport.

This industry is truly addictive, and as abusive as it may be at times, there is something there that keeps us here. That's why I'm back, downsized my whole life, including home and cars so I could actually afford to do something I love.

I don't care how much I disagree with a decision someone higher than me made, I still love my job, I love working with the people and I love making my small difference. If you can piss them off enough to make them write a letter, why not turn around and be extra nice for a change? i dont even turn in my a & b coupons, I save them.

Even if I were a millionaire, I'd keep this job. I'm here until they fire me or go under. :rolleyes:

At first I was incredulous at your post. But then I remembered the old adage which I believe is true: If you love your job, you never really have to work. Good for you.

It also reminded me of a great story I once heard (probably fiction) about an old time curmudgeonly airline captain who had to retire early for medical reasons who was seen on the ramp one day by a former co-pilot. The old captain was driving the "honey wagon" up to the co-pilot's airplane. He then proceeded to begin hooking up the pump-out hose and the valve on the holding tank gave out and covered the old captain with blue (now green and brown) fluid. The co-pilot walked up to this ex-captain and asked why in the world he didn't go find some other type of work.

The old captain just stared at him in disbelief and yelled: "WHAT???? AND LEAVE AVIATION????"
To also address the "if you're unhappy, leave" thing.. I have left before , enjoyed 3X my salary, but felt nostalgic every day when I was outside because I live directly under the approach path for the airport.

This industry is truly addictive, and as abusive as it may be at times, there is something there that keeps us here.
Good for you! I must admit, I'm a bit envious because you got to go back. I'm inactive now - took the VF in '02 and went out to seek my fortune in a totally different career. Like you, I ended up making way more money than I ever could as a FA, but every time I saw an airplane take off, it still made me smile and gave me a rush and I missed it. I was actually hoping they would get to me on the most recent recalls, but they didn't and it doesn't look like any more will be happening again soon, if ever. Even though I fully realize things have changed a lot in the 6 years since I left, I was definitely willing to put on my wings and fly again (although NOT in that heinous mock turtleneck! ;))

But you're so right when you say there's something about the industry. I distinctly remember our new hire instructor telling us in class one day that whether we stayed in this job for a lifetime or only a few months, the airline biz would get into our blood and we'd never completely lose it. I never forgot her saying that and, while I can't entirely explain it, she was right. I know things are bad right now and that people b*tch and moan. But you know what? Some of them always did and some of them always will. I feel sure THAT part of being an airline employee will never change! :)
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I wish we had more people around here with your attitude. :up:
Allright, let's start operation happycake , we'll pass out prozac pills that we sprinkle on the top of cupcakes like sprinkles to our coworkers. For the really bad attitudes we can throw some benzos in there with it and VOI LA - - no more bitter!!
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At first I was incredulous at your post. But then I remembered the old adage which I believe is true: If you love your job, you never really have to work. Good for you.

It also reminded me of a great story I once heard (probably fiction) about an old time curmudgeonly airline captain who had to retire early for medical reasons who was seen on the ramp one day by a former co-pilot. The old captain was driving the "honey wagon" up to the co-pilot's airplane. He then proceeded to begin hooking up the pump-out hose and the valve on the holding tank gave out and covered the old captain with blue (now green and brown) fluid. The co-pilot walked up to this ex-captain and asked why in the world he didn't go find some other type of work.

The old captain just stared at him in disbelief and yelled: "WHAT???? AND LEAVE AVIATION????"
The honey's exactly how I feel. I went through 9/11 and furloughs just like everyone else. I left. I missed it painfully. I came back, knowing what it was like to no longer be "one of us" , and my life has had to readjust to accomodate the reality of loving a job that pays at best the babysitting bill. barely. But I'd wilt up without it.
I think we should charge for [...] special assistance for wheelchairs since many abuse it.

Chic - Yes people abuse it, but the law says we can't charge for it - regardless. Alas.

every time I saw an airplane take off, it still made me smile and gave me a rush and I missed it...But you're so right when you say there's something about the industry.

Stew - I agree. As many of you know, leaving US wasn't my choice. Every time I hear or see a commercial aircraft overhead, I'm reminded of what I'm missing out on. Ten or 15 times a day, I hear the distinctive whine of a DH8 engine over my house. If I'm outside, I look up to see if I can spot it. It's somewhere up at 8k or 9k feet coming or going from CLT, likely to/from ROA, LYH or CHO. Some days that gets me down in the dumps; most days it inspires me not to have my history repeat itself.

Those who still have it should maybe stop griping about it and be thankful, or try being without it for a while and see how much they'll wish they could get it back.
i dont believe you can get fired for posting what you want on this board that would fall under the Fredom of Speech Act. Of course what you had on the now closed thread a lot of it made sense but of course the company doesnt do what actually makes sense.

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