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Horton gets his Feelings hurt!


Oct 4, 2002
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Talked to some guys who work at DWH and it seems that during the 787 visit the other day Mr. Horton was standing at the front of the gleaming new aircraft prattling on about how much they love and respect the employees of AA and one of our title II mechanics was standing there trying not to get nauseous, when he looks up and to his surprise there's Tom standing in front of him hand extended for the warm how you doing, well for whatever reason {I think we all know why} he did not return the greetings instead it is reported his reply was something like I don't think so, this it seems has led to a Date with a Manager and shop steward on Monday Mourning imagine that.

The unmitigated gall of these guys is surpassed only by their since of entitlement as if this man is required to shake his hand he was not there to be impressed or entertained he was simply at work if not for that he would not have been present the truth is given Mr. Horton’s current offer he is likely either,

1.Going to lose his job.

2. Be forced to take a 1/3 cut in pay.

3. Bumped to another location.

Really, Tom you think this man wants to shake your hand and if he don't you are small enough to need rattle your sabre.I believe a there is a syndrome named after a small Frenchman look it up.

Just My Opinion!!!
Talked to some guys who work at DWH and it seems that during the 787 visit the other day Mr. Horton was standing at the front of the gleaming new aircraft prattling on about how much they love and respect the employees of AA and one of our title II mechanics was standing there trying not to get nauseous, when he looks up and to his surprise there's Tom standing in front of him hand extended for the warm how you doing, well for whatever reason {I think we all know why} he did not return the greetings instead it is reported his reply was something like I don't think so, this it seems has led a Date with a Manager and shop steward on Monday Mourning imagine that.

The unmitigated gall of these guys is surpassed only by their since of entitlement as if this man is required to shake his hand he was not there to be impressed or entertained he was simply at work if not for that he would not have been present the truth is given Mr. Horton’s current offer he is likely either,

1.Going to lose his job.

2. Be forced to take a 1/3 cut in pay.

3. Bumped to another location.

Really, Tom you think this man wants to shake your hand and if he don't you are small enough to need rattle your sabre.I believe a there is a syndrome named after a small Frenchman look it up.

Just My Opinion!!!
A "meeting" over the refusal of a handshake?

Now I'm no "Fuzzy Bunny" but it sounds like someone has anger issues that should be addressed - byhaps through EAP with a generous helping of Unicorn Farts and mandatory PC Awareness CBT.
"Really, Tom you think this man wants to shake your hand and if he don't you are small enough to need rattle your sabre.I believe a there is a syndrome named after a small Frenchman look it up."

IMO quite naive of Mr Tom H. to Assume that the lowly union employee would be receptive and respectful , in consideration of the carnage of the BK court. Perhaps Mr. Tom should have extended his sympathies to the man about to take a huge pay cut and/or lose his job, instead of setting him up for a butt chewing session. Maybe the poor guy was thinking of bricks the backpack comments from senior executive and wondering how much he was valued and respected??
Wait until Horton sees what happens after the week of Monday June 4th. If his feelings were hurt by one, he will surely become disturbed when thousands have no reason for greeting him with a positive response. If he thinks the employees of AA are just going to rollover he has some sad days ahead. An ATT Customer Service Employee is not the same animal as a AA Customer Service Employee. not even close. Even when certain employee groups have tried to warn him in advance, he refuses to realize those employees are not "posturing", and that there is real discontent and problems ahead. Arrogance and denial is doing nothing more than fanning the flame.

Crandall found out the resolve of the Flight Attendant group during his days as AA's leader, and rumors are he threw an executive chair through a window. I would love to be a fly on the wall when Horton faces the heated battle of union workers also. Just stay away for ground area below his offices in case flying debris rains down. Maybe Horton was gone when the video "collision course" about Eastern Arilines was being shown around the AA System. He might want to sit down and view it, between now and mid-June.
IMO quite naive of Mr Tom H. to Assume that the lowly union employee would be receptive and respectful , in consideration of the carnage of the BK court. Perhaps Mr. Tom should have extended his sympathies to the man about to take a huge pay cut and/or lose his job, instead of setting him up for a butt chewing session. Maybe the poor guy was thinking of bricks the backpack comments from senior executive and wondering how much he was valued and respected??

Sounds like another reason to vote NO for the other thread.
Crandall found out the resolve of the Flight Attendant group during his days as AA's leader, and rumors are he threw an executive chair through a window. I would love to be a fly on the wall when Horton faces the heated battle of union workers also. Just stay away for ground area below his offices in case flying debris rains down. Maybe Horton was gone when the video "collision course" about Eastern Arilines was being shown around the AA System. He might want to sit down and view it, between now and mid-June.

Its funny you bring up Collision Course because it appears he is trying to recreate the events of the time maybe we can call it the curse of miami since that was one of Easterns big bases back then and now our claim to fame, Hell Tom just ask Harvey how it ends
(Sigh) The Crandall "chair thru the window" story is a breakroom myth.

1) It would have been photographed by someone had it actually happened, and the repairs done by a TWU facilities mechanic (since HDQ has plant maintenance men).

2) There were news vans at HDQ 24/7 during the strike. It would have been televised had it happened.

Just let it die. Sounds great, but there are far better "Bob has a bad temper" stories to tell, like firing Bernie DeSena, and Bernie getting his job back, twice...
(Sigh) The Crandall "chair thru the window" story is a breakroom myth.

1) It would have been photographed by someone had it actually happened, and the repairs done by a TWU facilities mechanic (since HDQ has plant maintenance men).

2) There were news vans at HDQ 24/7 during the strike. It would have been televised had it happened.

Just let it die. Sounds great, but there are far better "Bob has a bad temper" stories to tell, like firing Bernie DeSena, and Bernie getting his job back, twice...

Whatever, still doesnt change the horton challenge coming soon. Which is the thread topic.
On the original topic, did you ever consider that Horton had no part in what happened to the employee? Won't name names, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was a knee-jerk reaction from someone in DFW management...

I seem to recall on more than one occasion people complaining here that neither Arpey or Carty were willing to be seen with the masses, much less talk to them or try to understand what it is they do on a daily basis.

For what it's worth, Horton doesn't seem to mind being visible. He was supposedly throwing bags a week or two ago. That's probably more than Arpey did when he was CEO.

Maybe it's all an act and a photo op.

Or, maybe he doesn't really worry if people like him or not.

At least he's not hiding behind a couple security guards and three or four layers of secured doorways.
I heard Horton approached some FAs on a bus to sell his plan and was asked by a Senior FA to get off the Bus, At LGA he was given a similar greeting by mechanics there and there were no repurcussions. I agree nothing will happen as a result of turning down a handshake but I think Horton actually enjoys such encounters as he can use it to rationalize that they deserve the screwing he is about to give them.
I heard Horton approached some FAs on a bus to sell his plan and was asked by a Senior FA to get off the Bus, At LGA he was given a similar greeting by mechanics there and there were no repurcussions. I agree nothing will happen as a result of turning down a handshake but I think Horton actually enjoys such encounters as he can use it to rationalize that they deserve the screwing he is about to give them.

hence the reference to "collision course"
I would like to see the handshake discipline go to arbitration. (29F)
Call Horton as a witness and cross examination him
Maybe it's all an act and a photo op.

And maybe that's the biggest understatement of this whole situation. Horton is so far beyond repair. There is no silver lining or positive ulterior motive to his actions. He's toast. Done. Finished. His actions are a personal embarrasment to his character and an insult to the outstanding employees of American Airlines.