This Bulletin Board Is A Disgrace

Decision 2004

Mar 12, 2004
This bulletin board is nothing more than a disgrace to the profession of Aircraft Maintenance Technicians.

The lack of moderation should not be blamed, because true professionals should able to debate issues without MOM and DAD having to control your behavior.

No wonder the webmaster moved this group away from the main information.

I am disgusted with the content of this bulletin board.

That is my two cents worth for the evening.

"""""Ear Plugs are in, now go ahead and sling the mud you fools"""""
i agree the name calling is childish and ive only responded to drippy in the only way he can understand, he certainly can't debate and turning the other cheek to this moron only gets you more of the same. i apologize if ive offended anyone!......except of course drippy.
Oh mylanta...I'm so ashamed of my friend....however Dave, isn't this the pot calling the kettle black? You crack me up with your BS, go have another hit.

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