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Ok boomer


All I am saying is that I want doctors who will call a spade a spade and diagnose Trump...not a Trump doctor.
Trump doctors do some weird stuff. Here...in this picture, one of us is considered obese. Trump (supposedly) weighed 239 pounds in this picture. I weighed 250 pounds. We are both 6'3... I'm obese...Trump isn't. So I don't want on of those doctors scoring Trump. I want a real doctor to evaluate him. I'm pretty sure that the diagnosis won't be very good.

All I am saying is that I want doctors who will call a spade a spade and diagnose Trump...not a Trump doctor.
Trump doctors do some weird stuff. Here...in this picture, one of us is considered obese. Trump (supposedly) weighed 239 pounds in this picture. I weighed 250 pounds. We are both 6'3... I'm obese...Trump isn't. So I don't want on of those doctors scoring Trump. I want a real doctor to evaluate him. I'm pretty sure that the diagnosis won't be very good.

View attachment 15089

Well one of those pictured is a high achiever who built an billion dollar brand and empire, became president and the other is a loser boomer on SS who eats cat food.

Guess who the real mental one is...
Well one of those pictured is a high achiever who built an billion dollar brand and empire, became president and the other is a loser boomer on SS who eats cat food.

Guess who the real mental one is...
Yes...that stable genius who wants democratic senators and representatives to be drug tested. I just want a psychologist to examine our stable genius to see how stable he really is. And... think his doctor fibbed a little when he made him one pound under the "obese" level. I'd prefer a psychologist who isn't on his payroll to screen him.

One is a fat ass with "stamina", although he drives a freaking golf cart right up to the ball....EVEN IF IT"S ON THE GREEN. I would love to see that lard ass WALK a course just once....he can even have a caddy carry his clubs....I'd just like to see him walk. But the other picture is an obese guy who outweighs that guy by 20 pounds who is standing next to his $5,000 bike. . I wish I had Trumps doctor.

One correction though...I am a boomer who is taking the money that YOU put in to SS to buy whatever I want. Money you are never going to see again because you are voting Republican so that they can take it away from you. It's like free money that I don't need, but they give it to me anyways. Just like a tax cut, I'd be a fool to turn it down. But I take comfort in knowing that you will never have to eat cat food because you will never be able to retire. Oh yeah....I bought a second beater bike, it only cost $1,000...I counted out your money as I paid for it. Uno, dos, tres...etc.
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Yes...that stable genius who wants democratic senators and representatives to be drug tested. I just want a psychologist to examine our stable genius to see how stable he really is. And... think his doctor fibbed a little when he made him one pound under the "obese" level. I'd prefer a psychologist who isn't on his payroll to screen him.

One is a fat ass with "stamina", although he drives a freaking golf cart right up to the ball....EVEN IF IT"S ON THE GREEN. I would love to see that lard ass WALK a course just once....he can even have a caddy carry his clubs....I'd just like to see him walk. But the other picture is an obese guy who outweighs that guy by 20 pounds who is standing next to his $5,000 bike. . I wish I had Trumps doctor.

One correction though...I am a boomer who is taking the money that YOU put in to SS to buy whatever I want. Money you are never going to see again because you are voting Republican so that they can take it away from you. It's like free money that I don't need, but they give it to me anyways. Just like a tax cut, I'd be a fool to turn it down. But I take comfort in knowing that you will never have to eat cat food because you will never be able to retire. Oh yeah....I bought a second beater bike, it only cost $1,000...I counted out your money as I paid for it. Uno, dos, tres...etc.


Just more boomer “get off my lawn” hissy fits on display.

Just more boomer “get off my lawn” hissy fits on display.
Today I had coffee with my retiree group. We raised a cup in your honor as we drank the fruits of your FICA contributions (that you will never see).
Today I had coffee with my retiree group. We raised a cup in your honor as we drank the fruits of your FICA contributions (that you will never see).
You should post a picture of your tired worn out liberal deadbeat boomer group. I’m sure it would be something to point and laugh at.

It’s funny you are under the delusion that you are somehow existing off me. That says more about your sheer ignorance and stupidity then anything else. But we are all used to you saying something stupid. You do it a lot.
An interesting picture wouldn't you say?

If they give Pulitzers to photoshopped images, but given our dear leaders propensity for "bending the truth", they just might start.

Side note. I was out at KCI back in 1993 when Clinton was in Kansas City. I watched AF1 as it taxied out and took off. There weren't any planes in the air within 5 miles of the airport, and nothing was moving on the ground, so I kind of doubt they let him in a car with 50 NASCAR drivers behind him.
If they give Pulitzers to photoshopped images, but given our dear leaders propensity for "bending the truth", they just might start.

Side note. I was out at KCI back in 1993 when Clinton was in Kansas City. I watched AF1 as it taxied out and took off. There weren't any planes in the air within 5 miles of the airport, and nothing was moving on the ground, so I kind of doubt they let him in a car with 50 NASCAR drivers behind him.
Sorry K.C. This one is "not" photoshopped!

Trump's Presidential Motorcade Leads Pace Lap for Daytona 500, Trump Was Grand Marshal
By Scott McDonald On 2/16/20 at 4:00 PM EST
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The Daytona 500 is the most notorious race of the season on the NASCAR circuit, and it's also the first race of the season. It's become known as the Great American Race. On Sunday, President Donald Trump became the first commander-in-chief to lead the pace lap, and he did it with his presidential motorcade.

Trump's entrance to the Daytona International Speedway was more than grand. Fans at the track got a flyover from Air Force One as the president arrived, then the president and first lady Melania Trump made their way to the track in the limousine known as "The Beast." The president and first lady were introduced to the crowd, in which the fans had intertwined chants of "USA" and "four more years."

After the singing of "God Bless America," an invocation and the national anthem, President Trump delivered the four famous words in racing—but he added his own introduction before starting their engines.

"Daytona International Speedway, we love our country, and it's truly an honor to be with all of you at the Great American Race," Trump said before saying those four words. "Gentlemen, start your engines."

A voice soon came over the communications system, and that message to the president was aired on TV:

"Mr. President and first lady, will you please do us the honor of leading the field for the Daytona 500."

Trump and the first lady rode in one of the limousines of a motorcade, and they made their way around the track that is two and a half miles.


US President Donald Trump rides in his limousine, known as the Beast, as it took off at 3:11 pm ET on the Daytona International Speedway trailed by todays NASCAR race cars during the Daytona 500 race on February 16, 2020 in Daytona, Florida. - They made a complete lap a first with the full fleet of racing cars, according to a top NASCAR official. President Trump crossed the finish line. Photo by SAUL LOEB/POOL/AFP via Getty Images
Then as the race cars followed the regular pace car for another lap, the president spoke to all of them through their headsets.

"Drivers, this is President Trump. It was an honor to open the Daytona 500. Have a phenomenal day, have a great race, be safe. God bless you, we love you," Trump said.

Mike Joy, the lead race announcer on Fox, said, "If you weren't nervous before, how 'bout now?"

Trump is the fourth sitting president to attend a race at Daytona. The others were Ronald Reagan in 1984, George H.W. Bush in 1992 and George W. Bush in 2004.

Trump has actually attended the race four other times—the last in 2001. This time he had an entirely different role.

"It really is the Great American Race, and I look at this as almost a patriotism kind of thing. It's incredible, the people are incredible," Trump said during an interview on the track. "We love the area, we love this state and it's very exciting. You know I've been here four times before, as a civilian, and now I'm here in a different capacity. We love NASCAR and we love the people of NASCAR."

Trump was asked if he ever gets to drive anymore, and he said he wanted to jump into a race car and compete on Sunday.

"Right now, if I can, I'm going to hop into one of these cars and I'm going to get into this race, if possible," Trump said before hopping into his limousine for a pace lap.

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In Focus
Trump Daytona 500


US President Donald Trump rides in his limousine, known as the Beast, as it took off at 3:11 pm ET on the Daytona International Speedway trailed by todays NASCAR race cars during the Daytona 500 race on February 16, 2020 in Daytona, Florida. - They made a complete lap a first with the full fleet of racing cars, according to a top NASCAR official. President Trump crossed the finish line.
Photo credit: Photo by SAUL LOEB/POOL/AFP via Getty Images
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