They Pay me just enough not to quit! So I do just enough to not get fired!


Aug 8, 2004
It is oh so sad that after over 20 years the company has beat me down to the point where I really don't care!! I do not go to work with the intention of hurting the company but unlike my first 17 or so years I do not do anything I don't have to!! It takes more effort to not go above and beyond that it did to just do what ever was needed. And I am sure it does not do much good for our repeat customers! But Eh eh has made some of the best mechanics that I have ever worked with in to just drones. Most now have second jobs or businesses on the side and just make it to Eh eh for the half ass bennies we still have. What a sad state for such a great profession, and all the pride we at one time had in the maintenance of our fleet!!! Pay me now or pay me later...........and by the looks of our fleet they have chosen for it to be later!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope it is not too late!
It is a fairly accepted dictum of compensation that an employer should pay just enough to keep the attrition rate at a certain point. If attrition is lower than that, the pay is too high, and should be reduced. And if turnover is too high, they will actually raise the pay after other methods have not yielded results.

So, they end up with the best people leaving, and the ones who stay being demotivated as you describe.
<_< -----The man most be speaking the truth, because in my thirty five plus year in aircraft maintenance I've never seen such a plane in such a state! How aa could fly paying passengers in on this peace of trash I'll never know! Aircraft #320, an aa 767 came in for a "C" check, and now the big boys have let a small problem turn into a big one! It seems this has been an on going problem for at least the last two years! They've known about it,but have not dealt with it! Now they'll (we'll) have to! All I got to say is what kind of "Mickey Mouse" outfit are we dealing with here! :angry:
Good post. Too bad this is the general attitude I see among many co-workers. Mechanics who once literally ran out to an aircraft to get an on time departure no longer do so. No one does any more than they have to.
The company's response to the moral problem is the AIP $25 payout that we should jump for joy when it comes. Their attitude is that be happy to have a job,,be happy we are not bankrupt and if you are so unhappy here,,you have the option to quit.
I love how you clowns act like you're the only ones who had your pay and benefits reduced. A job is what you make it. There is no Shan-gri-la. Even the companies on all of the "most admired places to work" lists have problems including bad managers. Do you think your managers aren't having the same feeling? Do you think they go home going, "boy this company is great, the paycuts make it so much more enjoyable!" Don't you think the same issues that have de-motivated you have done the same to others in the organization?
I love how you clowns act like you're the only ones who had your pay and benefits reduced. A job is what you make it. There is no Shan-gri-la. Even the companies on all of the "most admired places to work" lists have problems including bad managers. Do you think your managers aren't having the same feeling? Do you think they go home going, "boy this company is great, the paycuts make it so much more enjoyable!" Don't you think the same issues that have de-motivated you have done the same to others in the organization?



(Not by choice, but out of necessity),
I fly WN exclusively(since I've retired) and I NEVER see/hear ANY employee talk/act the way that "YOU ARE" offering to us, as an example !!!!



Must be something in their "MANAGEMENT WATER", that they're drinking :shock:
A job is what you make it.

Right. I'm the one who made my pay and benefits go in the toilet? Certainly a person can practice a certain amount of positive thinking to enhance the work experience, but with families to feed, etc, that can only go so far. And unless one is totally in a fog of self-delusion, the external factors mentioned do indeed have much effect on daily performance.

For you perhaps, the pay cuts just cut into your luxuries. For most of us, they cut into necessities.

And, BTW, starting out calling others "clowns" really makes us all take you less seriously. I suspect many read no farther. Or click "ignore".

I've heard plenty of complaints by WN employees and heard a lot of AA employees that have a lot of good things to say about the company. It's not something in the water, it's realizing that you control your own destiny. Much like I did, you can choose to leave the industry when you aren't happy. Hanging around to be unhappy doesn't seem like a very bright thing to do.

As for shared sacrifice, I know plenty of mechanics and I know a lot of people in "management" at AA and I can assure you that the management folks have shared more than their fair share. You may not believe that or like to hear it, but fact is fact. Most of them stay because they enjoy the work and the industry. I had enough but then again I wasn't at AA, a company that is far better run than most of their competitors. Might have kept me in the game...although, I'm not a big fan of Texas.
I stay because I'm unemployable elsewhere...

What's funny is that I've been hearing this same line of "this job sucks but not enough for me to quit" since I started...
<_< -----jetmechjer, In my career in the Airline business I've seen good times and bad. We make chooses early on and have to live with them! Sometimes those chooses turn out not to have been the best one's we could have made, but at this point in time it's all we can do is deal with it! I know how you feel! There was a time, like yourself, when I took pride in what I did. But greedy people, and circumstances beyond my control, turned that pride into apathy! Now at least that's pretty much behind me! I'm looking forward to retirement, and spending a little more quality time with my family! In the mean time like yourself, I'll come to work, and do my job, but the "Glory Days" are definitely gone!!!! :down:


(Not by choice, but out of necessity),
I fly WN exclusively(since I've retired) and I NEVER see/hear ANY employee talk/act the way that "YOU ARE" offering to us, as an example !!!!


Must be something in their "MANAGEMENT WATER", that they're drinking :shock:

Ain't this grand!

Mr.SuperUnionAA guy himself using a non-union airline because of "necessity".

Kinda like your former customers who got tired of being raped for airline tix, eh?

Once again you have revealed the level of your credibility.
Ain't this grand!

Mr.SuperUnionAA guy himself using a non-union airline because of "necessity".

Kinda like your former customers who got tired of being raped for airline tix, eh?

Once again you have revealed the level of your credibility.

What are you on? Nearly everybody at Southwest is a member of a union.

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