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Why would the power plant guy in Amarillo say that the problem was with transmission efficienc of gas lines? Many were frozen. And a lot of Texans have electric heat. The gas was there until it wasn't. And the loss of a fraction of the electric capacity (expected performance for wind turbines in winter was 6%)...even if it was a total loss (which it wasn't)...Texas wasn't prepared. It's not the windmills fault.
LNG doesn't freeze.
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Valves in the pipeline did. IF the valve won't open, the gas won't go. It's not the windmills fault.


From the article:

“It appears that a lot of the generation that has gone offline today has been primarily due to issues on the natural gas system,” Woodfin said during a Tuesday call with reporters.

It wasn't the windmills
LNG storage capacity was exceeded due to demand, not for production, but for consumption, and at its most critical time for use, renewables failed miserably.
I believe it was ted cruz called biden requesting generators n other aide. Military flew it in from California. Hopefully theyll recover quickly
LNG storage capacity was exceeded due to demand, not for production, but for consumption, and at its most critical time for use, renewables failed miserably.
you didn't read the artical again, did you?
LNG storage capacity was exceeded due to demand, not for production, but for consumption, and at its most critical time for use, renewables failed miserably.

From the article:

Texas does not have as much storage capacity as other states, experts said, because the resource-laden state can easily pull it from the ground when it’s needed — usually.


It looks like Takes Ass decided that it was no problem...we'll just fire up the wells and pump more gas....it's lots cheaper that having some on tap. It wasn't the windmills.
you didn't read the artical again, did you?

From the article:

Texas does not have as much storage capacity as other states, experts said, because the resource-laden state can easily pull it from the ground when it’s needed — usually.


It looks like Takes Ass decided that it was no problem...we'll just fire up the wells and pump more gas....it's lots cheaper that having some on tap. It wasn't the windmills.

So I just listened to a half hour interview on the Joe Pags radio show with former governor and United States energy secretary Rick Perry. The information that we provided about Texas on the freezing up of the windmills and the natural gas being too cold and not working, were all confirmed during this interview. Also it was noted that the windmills even when at 100% capacity are only providing 40% of what was promised of the mega wattage for electrical power grid of Texas. He says there needs to be more nuclear options for electricity. If you get a chance listen to the Joe Pags Show and catch the interview.

So I just listened to a half hour interview on the Joe Pags radio show with former governor and United States energy secretary Rick Perry. The information that we provided about Texas on the freezing up of the windmills and the natural gas being too cold and not working, were all confirmed during this interview. Also it was noted that the windmills even when at 100% capacity are only providing 40% of what was promised of the mega wattage for electrical power grid of Texas. He says there needs to be more nuclear options for electricity. If you get a chance listen to the Joe Pags Show and catch the interview.


I guess that's a topic for another thread since that had nothing to do with the Texas power outage. Everything has it's plusses and minues. Once the "fuel" to power a wind turbine expires, it just blows on to Oklahoma. Once the fuel in an nuclear generator expires, the costs to handle it for disposal might buy a couple of windmills.

And I do have a question...was Perry asking how you incentivize the companies to do the weatherization on ALL their equipment, or just the windmills. Should TExas bite the bullet and put gas storage facilities in place in case another event prevents them from drilling, since that's what they typically do to get extra gas when they need it, but couldn't because THAT equipment was frozen?

The thing I don't like about your podcast - instead of saying that there is room for wind and solar....they toss out AOC and haters of a God given natural resource of natural gas. One side wants all solar...the other side wants all fossil fuel. You get nowhere with that kind of thinking. ***** about wind all you want and about how much it costs to build a windmill, which makes them unaffordable. But once they are built, how much do they pay per month for the "fuel" to create the energy that they create? How much do they pay for the gas they use in the gas powered plants? How about for the load of coal that they had to buy to create power from one of those plants? Last I checked, the wind was free, which over the years, might end up costing less.

As for the efficiency of the windmills - I'd prefer a link to a non political site that documents that. I don't really put a lot of stock into people who want us to "come together" and then turn right around and mention AOC. Immediate division. What's the source of that.
Who in their Right Mind would EVER listen to ANYTHING that BUFFOON Rick (glasses) PERRY, said, seriously.

Funny. El Paso didn't have much trouble !!!!!!!!!!!
(Different/better system)

Tuck FEX-ASS !
Why would the power plant guy in Amarillo say that the problem was with transmission efficienc of gas lines? Many were frozen. And a lot of Texans have electric heat. The gas was there until it wasn't. And the loss of a fraction of the electric capacity (expected performance for wind turbines in winter was 6%)...even if it was a total loss (which it wasn't)...Texas wasn't prepared. It's not the windmills fault.
Must be due to the fact that it usually isn't 105 degrees in Texas in the winter. So that means, based on 25% of Texas' power generation coming from windmills, there should have been an abundance of untapped reserve power just sitting there 'blowing in the wind', so to speak,....like another 19% of capacity.....but in the end, when it was needed most, windmills weren't there.
Now windmills have failed in climate extremes, in both Texas and California leaving millions in the dark.

Bring on the green new deal.

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