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They also mention 25% loss in capacity (acutally it's less) but if a 747 loses one engine (25% of it's capacity), is it going to auger in?
A 747 is designed to run that way. The Texas power grid is not. 1 engine having an issue is far more likely than a statewide winter storm in Texas. Stop denying reality in favor of pushing your absurd examples to justify your flawed agendas.

And again...how'd they keep those windmills in Canada and the northern US running? Texas cut a few corners. Don't blame the windmills.
Texas did what was cost appropriate. Despite living by the lake I don't buy flood insurance because I live on top of a massive hill. The risk does not justify the cost. The risk of a statewide winter storm overloading the electric grid is possible but unlikely. The risk does not justify the cost. I am sure Texans would much rather have lower power bills than fund millions of dollars for something they might use 'MIGHT USE" once every few decades. The reason this is news is because it is the exception not the rule.

I guess in your world they should just stop building skyscrapers because a bunch of Muslim jihadist MIGHT ram a jet into them.
Texas takes more than they give. Texas doesn't like federal regulation on things like their power grid. They made their mess...now live in it. Had Texas been under Federal regulation instead of a privatized management system, their equipment and facilities might have been updated to meet those nasty regulations. I mean, Amarillo (on a different power grid) has only had rolling blackouts....and they aren't blaming the windmills freezing as a problem.

TExas prides itself on not having a state income tax. But when they decide to pull themselves off a federal system, they should plan on paying to keep that system working. But that might mean that they need to implement at state income tax. So we will take federal aid for our screw up.
Yes KCFlyer.... we should ALL be like failing California.

People are LEAVING California. They are moving TO Texas.

I guess Texas is doing something right.
One poster was so brain damaged he thought the President was elected by popular vote and posted a meme advertising his ignorance.
OKIES migrate to other states all the time and fare just fine. Yet another comment of yours coming from a place of ignorance.

I guess you don't have much faith in humans to adapt to their environment or you consider those from the south sub human. After reading years of your posts I suspect the latter.
I got to give it to you midwest folks. I believe you all get the worst of the worst weather wise but ya all bounce back mighty fast.
Yes KCFlyer.... we should ALL be like failing California.

People are LEAVING California. They are moving TO Texas.

I guess Texas is doing something right.

Let's ask them how right Texas is once the temps are above 30. Growth is great, except Texas started going downhill in the 80's, when everybody started moving there.
Yeah...why didn't Texas order some of those windmills like Alaska has. Especially when Texas has no other sources to get power from. Bottom line - it was AVAILABLE. And in the part of Texas where the vast majority of the Texas windmills are located, wintertime temperatures can often fall below freezing.. But they didn't by the right package.
Yeah...why didn't Texas order some of those windmills like Alaska has. Especially when Texas has no other sources to get power from. Bottom line - it was AVAILABLE. And in the part of Texas where the vast majority of the Texas windmills are located, wintertime temperatures can often fall below freezing.. But they didn't by the right package.

The Biden Plan for a Clean Energy Revolution and Environmental Justice

As president, Biden will lead the world to address the climate emergency and lead through the power of example, by ensuring the U.S. achieves a 100% clean energy economy and net-zero emissions no later than 2050.


Biden/AOC green plan, total reliance on windmills and solar panels.....in light of recent events, how you think that is going to work out?

'First they came after cow farts, then they came after me'

A 747 is designed to run that way. The Texas power grid is not. 1 engine having an issue is far more likely than a statewide winter storm in Texas. Stop denying reality in favor of pushing your absurd examples to justify your flawed agendas.

Texas did what was cost appropriate. Despite living by the lake I don't buy flood insurance because I live on top of a massive hill. The risk does not justify the cost. The risk of a statewide winter storm overloading the electric grid is possible but unlikely. The risk does not justify the cost. I am sure Texans would much rather have lower power bills than fund millions of dollars for something they might use 'MIGHT USE" once every few decades. The reason this is news is because it is the exception not the rule.

I guess in your world they should just stop building skyscrapers because a bunch of Muslim jihadist MIGHT ram a jet into them.

Somebody it Texas did something. https://www.yahoo.com/news/parts-texas-not-ercot-power-080159059.html
A couple of reasons....El Paso didn't lose power and second, they didn't try to blame windmills. I see the good governor is walking back his comments.
Windmills failed to do their part in the overall plan.
You know, if this was 12 inches of rain or a hurricane, nobody would have noticed.
Natural gas was there until everyone turned on the heat.
You know, if this was 12 inches of rain or a hurricane, nobody would have noticed.
Why would the power plant guy in Amarillo say that the problem was with transmission efficienc of gas lines? Many were frozen. And a lot of Texans have electric heat. The gas was there until it wasn't. And the loss of a fraction of the electric capacity (expected performance for wind turbines in winter was 6%)...even if it was a total loss (which it wasn't)...Texas wasn't prepared. It's not the windmills fault.
A couple of reasons....El Paso didn't lose power and second, they didn't try to blame windmills. I see the good governor is walking back his comments.
Probably due to social peer pressure from whiny pussy hat wearing liberals immigrating to Texas from California.


Why would the power plant guy in Amarillo say that the problem was with transmission efficienc of gas lines? Many were frozen. And a lot of Texans have electric heat. The gas was there until it wasn't. And the loss of a fraction of the electric capacity (expected performance for wind turbines in winter was 6%)...even if it was a total loss (which it wasn't)...Texas wasn't prepared. It's not the windmills fault.
Why don't you worry about Kansas and let Texas worry about Texas.

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