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No really, what are you hiding?

You see how that works?

Make a baseless claim and assume guilt because you’re unable to prove.

That’s exactly what you’re saying about Trumps returns. You assume he is hiding something without proof and assigning guilt.

The same treatment can be applied to you cupcake.

The same treatment can be applied to you cupcake
As it should be.

But, really, why do you not want to see Trumps tax returns?
As it should be.

But, really, why do you not want to see Trumps tax returns?

Not at all. Im not a tax professional like the ones Trump employs and are then reviewed by IRS professionals. Same professionals who would surely raise flags if something was afoul, since that is what they do.

You think yourself or John Q. Public are better qualified then they are?
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Not at all. Im not a tax professional like the ones Trump employs
and are then reviewed by IRS professionals. Same professionals who
would surely raise flags if something was afoul, since that is what they do.

You think yourself or John Q. Public are better qualified then they are?
That's fair.
That's fair.

People make a lot of fuss over “Tax Returns” but it cuts both ways. When Maddow illegally obtained and then released Trumps 2005 tax returns on TV, it showed he paid more percentage wise then both Obama and Bernie Sanders.

Paid 38 Million on 150 Million Income.
Trump paid 25.3 percent of his income in taxes.

That’s a higher rate than what Barack Obama paid, 19.6 percent or Bernie Sanders who paid 13.5 percent.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:

Yes we know.

We see the results of it every time you post your incoherent babbling.

Pelosi invited to go see for herself. Well she take them up on it? .......I don't think so!
I could care less about the shutdown. I don't have my hand out expecting government cheese.

As far as the wall, let's wait till the dust settles shall we?

The cheese was pretty good as a matter of fact. Early eighties the steel industry and others were decimated due to several issues. Unemployment compensation, no UC, lack of viable employment and food banks were the rule of the day. Gov't was emptying their federal food storage program which was a leftover from the days of backyard bunkers and such. Some whizz bang genius figured out the food would be vaporized in a non survivable nuclear strike and wasting money on storage was a dumb idea. One time someone in Gov't had their thinking cap on.Good stuff, that cheese.
The cheese was pretty good as a matter of fact. Early eighties the steel industry and others were decimated due to several issues. Unemployment compensation, no UC, lack of viable employment and food banks were the rule of the day. Gov't was emptying their federal food storage program which was a leftover from the days of backyard bunkers and such. Some whizz bang genius figured out the food would be vaporized in a non survivable nuclear strike and wasting money on storage was a dumb idea. One time someone in Gov't had their thinking cap on.Good stuff, that cheese.
So the government was hoarding food then decided to return it to the tax payers who initially payed for it anyway.

So the government was hoarding food then decided to return it to the tax payers who initially payed for it anyway.


Actually, it was back in the 'three month supply' mentality days.....now its three days and you on your own.

Someone said 'Man Russia got these really big nukes'.

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