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Probably going to happen anyway......so you still aren't sure if there was payday hanky panky?

Years ago, back before Mexico was sending us rapists and drug dealers, they were sending an overwhelming number of landscapers. I was a teller in a bank in Dallas back then, and every Friday, a line of these landscapers would be in the lobby of the bank to cash their checks drawn on Southland Corporation (owner of 7/11 and the business development that hired the landscapers). I didn't even have a "Si habla Espanol" sign in my window...I just cashed a ton of checks for smiling Mexicans. So based on that, I would say that yes, the meat packers and chicken producers were giving them checks and withholding taxes from those checks.

A couple of other things....back then, the INS (precursor to ICE) would make periodic raids on the business park. The landscapers would scatter thru drainage tunnels. Some escaped, some didn't. But there never seemed to be a shortage of landscapers working. Also, wouldn't it look odd if a producer of chickens or meat made tens of millions in profits, but had a negligible payroll (since illegals were paid "cash under the table)?
Trump is a Friggin' M O R O N that defy's Description, just like the Red Hat MORONS that voted for the A - H !!!

It's took some time, but the pressure etc. has started to bear/bare Fruit with the M O R O N constantly losing battles with Ms. Pelosi, Judges and appeals court judges ruling against the M O R O N, as he tries to HIDE Negative shite like his tax info., unredacted Mueller reports etc. By the time the 2020 electiion rolls around, he'll be unable to 'beat his meat', much less the Democrat that runs against him !!

" HEY M O R O N, HOW'S that WALL coming Brother " ?????????????

South of Yuma, Arizona, the tall brown bollards rising against a cloudless desert sky will replace much shorter barriers that are meant to keep out cars, but not people.

This 5-mile (8-kilometer) section of fencing is where President Donald Trump’s most salient campaign promise — to build a wall along the entire southern border — is taking shape.

Two other Pentagon-funded construction projects in New Mexico and Arizona are underway, but some are skeptical that so many miles of wall can be built in such a short amount of time. The government is up against last-minute construction hiccups, funding issues and legal challenges from environmentalists and property owners whose land sits on the border.

Critics say a wall is useless when most of those apprehended turn themselves in to Border Patrol agents in the hope they can be eventually released while their cases play out in immigration court.

(Hey Gringo, if they can't enter, we do not have the burden or cost of incarcerating them.)




Supreme Court: Trump can use Pentagon funds for border wall
July 27, 2019

Ah hahahahahahaha!!!!!

Would this include the 1,000 miles of border that weren't ever slated to get a wall?
Years ago, back before Mexico was sending us rapists and drug dealers, they were sending an overwhelming number of landscapers. I was a teller in a bank in Dallas back then, and every Friday, a line of these landscapers would be in the lobby of the bank to cash their checks drawn on Southland Corporation (owner of 7/11 and the business development that hired the landscapers). I didn't even have a "Si habla Espanol" sign in my window...I just cashed a ton of checks for smiling Mexicans. So based on that, I would say that yes, the meat packers and chicken producers were giving them checks and withholding taxes from those checks.

A couple of other things....back then, the INS (precursor to ICE) would make periodic raids on the business park. The landscapers would scatter thru drainage tunnels. Some escaped, some didn't. But there never seemed to be a shortage of landscapers working. Also, wouldn't it look odd if a producer of chickens or meat made tens of millions in profits, but had a negligible payroll (since illegals were paid "cash under the table)?
'Back in the day'
Wasn't it the Obama admin that got away from those raids? Bush pushed for e-verify.
This is a scene from one of my favorite movies (that nobody ever heard of - Fandango). It was shot on location. That bit of water in the picture is called "The Rio Grande River". One side is the US....the other side is Mexico. It's in one of those areas that all the "wall people" say is "too difficult" to get to. Yet in the movie, a bunch of drunk college students got there. Where do we put the wall? Because everybody only shows pictures of flat desert land for miles and miles with a wall going up. But there are over 1,000 miles in Texas that aren't scheduled to get a wall. The Supreme Court just approved a Supreme waste of money. The wall won't work.

'Back in the day'
Wasn't it the Obama admin that got away from those raids? Bush pushed for e-verify.

I'm not sure that he did....haven't lived in Texas since Reagan was president. I do know that there were raids in Emporia KS when there was a meat packing plant there. I guess Emporia was too close to KC or Wichita, so most of them have moved into a more remote area of western Kansas.
YOu are right on every point. Why don't we try something new. That chicken plan? Fine them. Fine them BAD. If they are publicly traded, fine them so bad that shareholders feel it and DEMAND that management not use illegal labor. If it happens a second time, then put the owners and managers of that chicken plant in jail. Right now we round up and deport over and over and over again. Instead of going after the supply of illegal labor, why don't we try something to address the demand for illegal labor.

As far as the tax thing goes....you do realize that every one of those illegals at the chicken plant was having federal, state, FICA and Medicare taxes withheld from their paychecks...right? How many of them do you think are going to file a tax return to get a refund of any of that money?

Problem: You can not get Americans to work in those chicken processing plants (and other unpleasant shops) for any amount of money. How do I know? I worked for the Texas Employment Commission for 7 years (now named the Texas Workforce Commission--don't you think that name change makes a huge difference?). Jobs like that were either filled by alien workers or went unfilled. In the Houston offices of TEC each had a day labor section where people willing to work at anything for any amount of money just waited for an employer with a pickup truck. English was not spoken in the day labor office except by staff talking to staff. It was also the source for any employer who had an outdoors job like landscaping in Houston during the Summer.
This is a scene from one of my favorite movies (that nobody ever heard of - Fandango). It was shot on location. That bit of water in the picture is called "The Rio Grande River". One side is the US....the other side is Mexico. It's in one of those areas that all the "wall people" say is "too difficult" to get to. Yet in the movie, a bunch of drunk college students got there. Where do we put the wall? Because everybody only shows pictures of flat desert land for miles and miles with a wall going up. But there are over 1,000 miles in Texas that aren't scheduled to get a wall. The Supreme Court just approved a Supreme waste of money. The wall won't work.

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There you go again, pushing your pro open borders absurdity.
There you go again, pushing your pro open borders absurdity.
Where in there did I say anytihng about open borders. I only pointed out two things - this is one of those areas that won't get a wall because it's 'too hard' to get there. Second...since you ARE the barrier expert - where in that picture do you put the wall?
Problem: You can not get Americans to work in those chicken processing plants (and other unpleasant shops) for any amount of money. How do I know? I worked for the Texas Employment Commission for 7 years (now named the Texas Workforce Commission--don't you think that name change makes a huge difference?). Jobs like that were either filled by alien workers or went unfilled. In the Houston offices of TEC each had a day labor section where people willing to work at anything for any amount of money just waited for an employer with a pickup truck. English was not spoken in the day labor office except by staff talking to staff. It was also the source for any employer who had an outdoors job like landscaping in Houston during the Summer.
That's odd.....after the raids, MSM reported those factories were inundated with people applying for work......legally.
That's odd.....after the raids, MSM reported those factories were inundated with people applying for work......legally.

The whacko left has mastered the art of soft bigotry of low expectations. They think that only menial jobs can only be afforded to illegal border crosser's.
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