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You've made it clear that you think whatever Trump is doing is a waste of time and money. Apparently you deem yourself an expert on such matters.

So either you're an open borders zealot or anti Trump sky screamer...or both im guessing.

So you ARE having trouble finding my "open the borders and let them all in " posts.

When Trump shut the government down over "the wall", it seemed like "those in the know" felt that he was talking about the entire border. He wasn't. It was 250 miles. And some of that was to repair an EXISTING wall.

The costs to build a wall that would close that great big gap would be at least $25 billion, and a wall by itself will not stop anything. It might deter someone for about an hour and a half, but it's not going to stop them. Many on your side like to point to the wall along Syria. Great. Aside from it being a much shorter distance, you all seem to overlook that there are guard towers every 5 miles, and there are patrols along those spaces. If we did the same thing along our border, the costs would be significantly MORE than $25 billion.

We could toss money at that "wall" all day and all night for the next 20 years, and the impact it might have on stopping rapists and murderers from coming across the border would be minimal.

I have said that I would prefer that any money we devote to "border security" go to the enforcement of the laws we already have. I have said that as far as illegals taking jobs from Americans that we should fine the hell out of businesses that hire them, and if there are repeated offenses, the owners/management should face jail time. If you take away the demand for illegal labor, you'd see the number of illegals drastically drop.

Contrary to what Trump is telling you, the vast majority of illegals don't come here to rape and kill. They come here to work.

If you want to stop "chain migration" and change the laws that will prevent automatic citizenship to a child born here, great...let's talk about that. But when that is SECONDARY to a cockamamie wall, then you really aren't addressing the immigration issue.[/QUOTE]
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Actually when you consider the cost of illegal immigration it's cheap.

How much do you think illegals send out of the country every year?

How much do you think it cost to process and deport them?

How much do you think it cost in welfare?

How much do you think it cost when they drive down wages?

How much do you think it costs when they go to the emergency room with no insurance and no intention of paying?

How much do you think it cost when they don't pay their fair share of taxes?

How much do you think it costs to educate their anchor babies?

The wall is a bargain.

YOu are right on every point. Why don't we try something new. That chicken plan? Fine them. Fine them BAD. If they are publicly traded, fine them so bad that shareholders feel it and DEMAND that management not use illegal labor. If it happens a second time, then put the owners and managers of that chicken plant in jail. Right now we round up and deport over and over and over again. Instead of going after the supply of illegal labor, why don't we try something to address the demand for illegal labor.

As far as the tax thing goes....you do realize that every one of those illegals at the chicken plant was having federal, state, FICA and Medicare taxes withheld from their paychecks...right? How many of them do you think are going to file a tax return to get a refund of any of that money?
So you ARE having trouble finding my "open the borders and let them all in " posts.

When Trump shut the government down over "the wall", it seemed like "those in the know" felt that he was talking about the entire border. He wasn't. It was 250 miles. And some of that was to repair an EXISTING wall.

The costs to build a wall that would close that great big gap would be at least $25 billion, and a wall by itself will not stop anything. It might deter someone for about an hour and a half, but it's not going to stop them. Many on your side like to point to the wall along Syria. Great. Aside from it being a much shorter distance, you all seem to overlook that there are guard towers every 5 miles, and there are patrols along those spaces. If we did the same thing along our border, the costs would be significantly MORE than $25 billion.

We could toss money at that "wall" all day and all night for the next 20 years, and the impact it might have on stopping rapists and murderers from coming across the border would be minimal.

I have said that I would prefer that any money we devote to "border security" go to the enforcement of the laws we already have. I have said that as far as illegals taking jobs from Americans that we should fine the hell out of businesses that hire them, and if there are repeated offenses, the owners/management should face jail time. If you take away the demand for illegal labor, you'd see the number of illegals drastically drop.

Contrary to what Trump is telling you, the vast majority of illegals don't come here to rape and kill. They come here to work.

If you want to stop "chain migration" and change the laws that will prevent automatic citizenship to a child born here, great...let's talk about that. But when that is SECONDARY to a cockamamie wall, then you really aren't addressing the immigration issue.

You are completely comfortable with illegals pouring in unchecked. So yeah, you are an open borders zealot.
You are completely comfortable with illegals pouring in unchecked. So yeah, you are an open borders zealot.

Once more with feeling....find where I said that. Not what you are ASSuming...but where I said that. YOu won't hear Rush or Sean or even Trump talk about KCFlyers position on this. And I'm far more independent than you might think.

For extra credit, what do you propose we do to address this problem for the next 4 and a half years, while the rest of the wall is being built? Or do you believe that once Trump says it, the 'wall fairies' come out at night and the next morning - presto- a wall.
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Once more with feeling....find where I said that. Not what you are ASSuming...but where I said that. YOu won't hear Rush or Sean or even Trump talk about KCFlyers position on this. And I'm far more independent than you might think.

For extra credit, what do you propose we do to address this problem for the next 4 and a half years, while the rest of the wall is being built? Or do you believe that once Trump says it, the 'wall fairies' come out at night and the next morning - presto- a wall.

Please tell us your experience in anything remotely associated with security. You say what Trump is doing won’t work. Obviously only an idiot would say something like that without any experience. So you must have some experience.

Please enlighten us will you?
If it happens a second time, then put the owners and managers of that chicken plant in jail.
It's already happened twice at Koch Foods.

As far as the tax thing goes....you do realize that every one of those illegals at the chicken plant was having federal, state, FICA and Medicare taxes withheld from their paychecks...right? How many of them do you think are going to file a tax return to get a refund of any of that money?
Just keep telling yourself that.

By the way, not filing a tax return..... illegal.
It's already happened twice at Koch Foods.
And the managers are still walking free and profits have not been impacted by any fines. Where is the incentive for them to make sure it doesn't happen a third time? As long as Koch Foods has a demand for illegal labor, then they will have a supply of illegals. If they were subject to a fine for using illegals or jail time, they might tell the illegals thanks, but no thanks.

This is kind of how Koch Foods "vets" their applicants.

YOu are right on every point. Why don't we try something new. That chicken plan? Fine them. Fine them BAD. If they are publicly traded, fine them so bad that shareholders feel it and DEMAND that management not use illegal labor. If it happens a second time, then put the owners and managers of that chicken plant in jail. Right now we round up and deport over and over and over again. Instead of going after the supply of illegal labor, why don't we try something to address the demand for illegal labor.

As far as the tax thing goes....you do realize that every one of those illegals at the chicken plant was having federal, state, FICA and Medicare taxes withheld from their paychecks...right? How many of them do you think are going to file a tax return to get a refund of any of that money?
As far as the tax thing goes....you do realize that every one of those illegals at the chicken plant was having federal, state, FICA and Medicare taxes withheld from their paychecks...right? How many of them do you think are going to file a tax return to get a refund of any of that money?
Are you so sure, aside from breaking immigration law, that the owners of those factories weren't paying cash?
Are you so sure, aside from breaking immigration law, that the owners of those factories weren't paying cash?

Meat packing is big in rural Kansas, Oklahoma and Nebraska. They aren't paying cash. And if they WERE paying cash, then the owners, management and shareholders should be thrown in jail.
OH N O !
The Federal appeals court has said the M O R O N can't use Federal $$$ for his promised WALL !!

HEY Insp4, HOW's THE WALL COMING ALONG, Brother ?????

Ah hahahahahahahaha !!!!!!

Supreme Court: Trump can use Pentagon funds for border wall
July 27, 2019

Ah hahahahahahaha!!!!!
Meat packing is big in rural Kansas, Oklahoma and Nebraska. They aren't paying cash. And if they WERE paying cash, then the owners, management and shareholders should be thrown in jail.
Probably going to happen anyway......so you still aren't sure if there was payday hanky panky?

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