I'm a CHQ pilot. I don't fly the 170. I don't fly US Airways Express. I'm happy still flying the 145 for Delta Connection. And I'm definately not a kid! Age is over 35 with 15000+ hours.
We don't take kindly to being called scabs. We are union pilots and take anything like that very seriously.
But what would you have the 'kids' who do fly the 170 (it went very junior) do? They have their contract that states that they must fly any and all aircraft flown by Republic. Until one of our union guys comes forward and tells them to 'down tools, they are not crossing any picket line by simply going to work.
We do have many young'ns who agree 'mainline' airlines should be flying the 170 and the 190. Mainly because they want a job there someday. So they can sit on deep reserve for three years and then get furloughed because big airline management don't understand basic finance.
I'm sure the arbitration ruling will be a fair and just ruling. And I'll welcome any MDA pilot who chooses to come over to Republic. The old J4J agreement was very sucessful, and this one will be also.
I understand the 'Mainline' vs 'Express' attitude will be here for years to come. I know we aren't anywhere near as great as the avarage US Airways pilot. But remember we are not all 2000 hour kids who jumped out of a Cessna to fly the big iron. And please, no more scabs.