Customers must clear security AGAIN since they've had access to their checked luggage while clearing customs. If they didnt have to do this, they could stash something in their checked bags and then use it on the domestic portion of the flight. I do agree though that there needs to be a bigger screening area at A in PHL, but that needs to be addressed with the airport and not just US. I've just gone down to B in the past to avoid the long lines. Only problem is, you have to go outside to do this. If they could add an inside walkway down to B in front of the terminal to spread out the screening load, it would help.
Why are the crews using napkins to screen off the cabins? This is tackier than not having a curtain in the first place. I thought the curtains were a new security issue. Is this not the case?
I agree that the headsets (Domestic and INTL) for $5 are a joke. I do like the fact that you can now use your own or resue ones from previous flights. I just wish that domestically we offered more flights with video/audio programming. Even if we have to add comercials to get sponsorship to reduce our costs to offer it, I'd much rather listen/watch something (and sit thru a commercial) than not have anything at all.
I just had two international flights in the past month and can say that it has changed. However, I would note that some of this has to do with the crew staffing the flight. The most recent trip over was outstanding in Envoy and the crew was CHEERFUL and ATTENTIVE and that made all the difference to cover some of the things that I know are lacking. We had meal issues on several flights leaving Europe (SNN and LGW, not enough for nonrevs so we got a makeshift setup of this and that) but it was handled nicely. I know we're all heartbroken about what the company has given us to work with on a daily basis and the direction our service appears to have gone, but those of us on the front line have to remember that even if we are lacking in material things to enhance the service, it is still US, the front line employees, that must continue to go above and beyond to keep our passengers happy if possible. We can apologize for the cuts and lack of material things if asked about something and give consumer affairs address (they have those little cards in the magazine now so use them!) but dont take it personally. Give the people the correct avenue to vent their frustrations about the lack of service and make it easy for them to do so. Maybe eventually someone will catch on.