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The State Of The Labor Unions

Do_it_for_Dave said:
Airlines in trouble today are the airlines that gave up on the employees. They never spent the money or effort required to keep the employees in the loop. Once out of the loop, the employees turned on management because they followed the lead of the union leaders - who got elected based on their
anti-management rhetoric.
I agree with everything here except the last. Employees turned on mismanagement; they were not lured to anti-establishment pastures by Pied Piper union organizers. Gross mismanagement creates a union-friendly environment. IAM-mechs were seriously contemplating AMFA. Then the Airbus farmout reared it's ugly head, and you haven't heard much about AMFA lately.

I never felt the need for a union at PI. AT U, the IAM, warts and all, is as necessary as a SIDA badge.

OK, now would be a good time for the Palace to loop us back in. Here's a few questions I'd like to pose.

How many current mainline stations will be converted to express? When? How many mainline agents will be left? Where?

When calculating the concessions, did agents get credit for those conversions? We got credit for giving up vacation, sick leave, etc. Or is this concession on top of the agreed upon bogey number?

I await blunt, honest and direct communications.

There are only 2 mainline out stations left in PA.
It is obvious that "Do it for Dave" is not subject to any random drug testing!!!!!
Do_it_for_Dave said:
Blunt, honest, and direct communications with the front-line employees is the only way to get them to understand the competitive realities of the marketplace. They need to understand the value of the paths the company can take.
This assumes two things:

That the communication in question is blunt and honest. Ask ALPA (after the second round of concessions), AFA (after the "interpretation" of the sick and reserve clauses, and the IAM (starring Chris Chiames as the designated shiller) about honest communication.

It also assumes that management understands the realities of the marketplace. Judging by the utter failure of a business plan crafted during the best possible window (Chapter 11) in under a year, it's safe to assume that such understanding does not exist (or the entire labor force, the market, and any analyst worth his/her salt certainly thinks so).

Math != business acumen. You guys prove it daily. What is exactly are the odds of my bag making it thru PHL to my connection, anyway?

"Trust me" only works if you have the performance and candor to back it up. The executive crop at CCY lacks both.
Lets get a petition going to oust management.

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't a group have to hold only 51% of the company stock to have controlling interest.
Dilligas you crack me up. It's a shame that sham of a post by I do for d wasn't as funny.

These dudes believe their own bs---very scary. Most con men don't go for their own scams these peeps are closing in on the hitler believeing he was doing his people a favor. Out to lunch! Clinical insanity!


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Do_it_for_Dave said:
Blunt, honest, and direct communications with the front-line employees is the only way to get them to understand the competitive realities of the marketplace.

It is management's job to articulate the value and consequences of the paths in language the employee can understand.
I could not have stated this in a more eloquent manner. Dave has been very honest and candid with the employees. The employees must understand that now is not the time to allow the competition to gain momentum. Lets fight together this battle against the LCCs. If you continue fighting management…every employee will end up losing at the end.
I disagree. It's time to replace this management team and not, “get them to understand“. We already understand this management team, and we also understand they must leave if we are to survive.
Siegel honest?

That has to be the most innaccurate statement I have ever heard.

Lets list a few, Airbus, Sick Policy for FA, jobs for everyone at MDA.

How can you tell when Siegel is not lying?


Apparently you are smoking something. There is no management here. How can you work with inept and dishonest people and call them management?

Articulate consequences? You mean threaten don't you? That isn't leadership. That isn't management. That is how you destroy an airline. And that is what he is doing. Yes, we need change. But the first change we need is for Siegel to be out of here. Along with Baldanza, Glass and the rest. The competition already has the momentum sparky. And they got it from the total ineptness of Siegel. We gave him the opportunity along with a few billion and our retirement. He squandered it. Big time. And now we are supposed to be on his team? What are you? Nuts?

Smoke & Mirrors,

Nuts you are.

A little late to ask the employees to start working with the "team". They blew it by torching their bridges" with labor. You see, you never know when management willreally need labor; a little too late to tell them now that you value and need them. Window of opportunity now "a miss".

I see all the CCY troops are out.

Don't see "real world" out of retirment yet? Where's that little short bugger , since this is a dedicated CCY topic. Haven't seen him since the winter concession votes out on here. Miss you.......where are you????? Come out, come out, where ever you are ? I know your iching to come out and play............

How'se another little game of Chess....can you stand it???
YOU fall on your sword this time. I fell on mine twice last year and I'm afraid all I have to show for it is a 1200 mile displacement.
Smoke and Mirrors said:
Dave has been very honest and candid with the employees.
He's as dishonest as you are a shill:


I guess dispatching your previous designated shiller to the media and internet forums to state that Airbus checks won't be farmed out was "honest," eh?

You know, you certainly don't fool your labor groups anymore, and you don't even fool your customers anymore. If you guys took the time to actually get on a plane now and again you would find that even your VFFs think your business plan sucks and the general consensus is that revenue growth is the correct path, not attempting to reduce already rock bottom costs.

Why don't you guys trying something innovative: derivative fuel hedging, for instance. Better yet, sack Baldanza and get somebody who knows something about marketing and/or planning.

Within the first couple of days of my future unemployment I think I'll start smokin what you've been smoking! It is obviously killer stuff!! 😀


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