"The (Republican) Times they are A-Changin' "

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Southwind made something up. Bet a month's pay on it.

Kev proved him wrong and is still waiting on Southwind to be a man of his word.

" 10-4 "...on the bet(s) he made !

And for the life of me, I can't understand WHY he refuses to (so far) comment on HIS Senator's, (Saxby Chambliss -R-GA.) 'Change of Heart' of the ..NO-NEW-TAXES..Pledge that 'Chambliss, and EVERY current REPUG Senator(except Lindsey Graham-R-SC) gave thier WORD and SIGNATURE on.

Jesus. This is starting to sound Very Much Like the Famous.."READ my LIPS, NO new TAXES" BS that papa Bush was SLINGING !

Ah, the REPUBLICAN PARTY. You gotta' Love them. Truly the......."GIFT that Keeps on GIVING"
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Well,we've got to be honest. This is NOT an easy time to be a REPUG.(Lost elections/Broken promises)
I'm guessing that if the 'shoe was on the other foot', us non-REPUGS would be 'laying-low'.

But is UNUSUAL not to see eolesen 'Chiming in here' on a steady basis !
1) Some of us do have lives outside the internet
2) Everyone who posted on this thread except for Kev, Southwind, and Sparrow are on my ignore list.
3) What's the point of interrupting your circular vellication?

Oh, and it's never a bad time to be self-sufficient and not reliant on government handouts, Bears. I wish I could say the same for those dependent on others...

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