NewHampshire Black Bears
- Aug 20, 2002
- 10,154
- 681
- Thread Starter
- Thread starter
- #16
Southwind made something up. Bet a month's pay on it.
Kev proved him wrong and is still waiting on Southwind to be a man of his word.
" 10-4 "...on the bet(s) he made !
And for the life of me, I can't understand WHY he refuses to (so far) comment on HIS Senator's, (Saxby Chambliss -R-GA.) 'Change of Heart' of the ..NO-NEW-TAXES..Pledge that 'Chambliss, and EVERY current REPUG Senator(except Lindsey Graham-R-SC) gave thier WORD and SIGNATURE on.
Jesus. This is starting to sound Very Much Like the Famous.."READ my LIPS, NO new TAXES" BS that papa Bush was SLINGING !
Ah, the REPUBLICAN PARTY. You gotta' Love them. Truly the......."GIFT that Keeps on GIVING"