" Can't Beat Em' " ....... JOIN EM'... ! !

So you are like McCain now, for the plan after you were against it?

Amnesty is ok if it is Republican plan.

One of the Dudes I work with, why is trying to attain citizenship for his wife, through existing laws and has paid over $10,000 so far, isn't happy about amnesty.......................wonder why ?
So, the Illegal Alien, who's been in this country for 10 years, should get a free ride, right ?
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One of the Dudes I work with, why is trying to attain citizenship for his wife, through existing laws and has paid over $10,000 so far, isn't happy about amnesty.......................wonder why ?

Are YOUR 'DUDE' friend, and his ol' Lady....Left over from the ...' C S A ' ? ?
(They might have missed the deadline for ' Reconstruction ' !
When an Illegal Alien, who received amnesty takes you job for half pay, will you tell us how you really feel about postage,Kev !

You can peruse the document above and see exactly what will be cut, and how much. I can pick out much that should, and quite a bit that should not be cut.

The latest ten-year projection, according to CBO, current services baseline calls for the federal government to spend $44.8 trillion between now and 2022.

These automatic spending cuts, would reduce the increases to the baseline budget by $1.16 trillion, we would spend $43.7 trillion over ten years if sequestration happens.
Devastating???? Sounds like an amount over 10 years that would be a rounding error.
Looks like a reduction of around 100 billion a year and that's devastating?
When the GREAT GOD of LYRICS...Bob Dylan..penned.."The times they are a-changin' ", I'm thinking he had the Fast Evaporating..REPUG Party in Mind.
NOW,....we have Marco Rubio...and Bobby Jindal touting Immigration reform


The GOP.
The Party..that Keeps on.. G I V I N G !!

Lean Forward !

Added a little flavor for you old Buddy.
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  • #27
Added a little flavor for you old Buddy.

ANOTHER REPUG...who will Knock the UNIONS, Support overturning R v W, Not support Gay Rights, support Tax Breaks for the BIG-BOYS, while NOT giving a Shite about the Middle Class.

He's gonna' have to do MUCH More than make a LITTLE nice talk about Legal Immigration,........A LOT MORE !
75 % of Latino's Don't like him already, while the LUNATICS from GA/AL/MS/LA/NC/SC/TX/KY/TN..can't Stand the guy.
dell, your Party has a 'Terminal DISEASE'. Enjoy it's last remaining days !

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