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The Problem Is Not Their Business Model,

700UW said:
Hate to burst your bubble but WN, DL, AA, NW and UAL employees ALL make more then US employees.
Unfortunately, while the payscales at the other airlines might be higher, the fact that US has a much larger percentage of people "topping out" makes US' labor costs HIGHER than the competition's.
deltawatch said:
Quote "The move is to move away from health care and pensions, the two most costliest factors for an employer. Costs that you and i cannot even begin to fathom!!"

CWA lost / gave their pension years ago ... we have nothing left and Dave's back for more, you better think about that before you give up yours. He now wants to cut our pay another $7.00 an hour (MAA) to $13.05 an hour. I will be on welfare when I retire.
Just a little FYI. I left the wonderful world of US on 1/5/04 for a new job and school. I started with PI in 1987. I do miss my friends and the travel, but I DO NOT MISS THE JOB or the bi ching.

It has not been easy on the wallet. I make decent money, but it is less (about $5000 per year) than I made as a flight attendant. My new company is paying for school, so I think it may be a wash. Where the problem comes in is medical. I, like most every other American, pay a SUBSTANTIAL amount per month for health care. And it's not even a good plan. Y'all simply don't know how good you have it. As a single man in good health, I pay $160.00 a month for a basic Blue Cross plan...tha's more than double what I paid at US with far better coverage. There is no dental. There is no retirement plan, but my employer does contribute to my 401k. I have 10 vacation/sick days per year and 8 government holidays. What I have discovered by working in a large office building with lots of other companies, is that I am doing well compared to most in the labor pool of corporate America. When I tell folks what my benefits were at the airline, they are amazed (or pissed)!

I don't regret my decision. I think I got out at a good time...before the labor market of a medium-sized city is flooded (6,800 people out of work at one time will play hell in finding work when the doors close here in Charlotte).

Best of luck to all. It was a fun ride, but the carnival is closing and moving to another town.
CLTBWIDAYSYR, I just hate that for you! Your'e "bi ching" about health coverage when your new employer is paying for your schooling? Clearly, this is a vast right-leaf daffodil conspiracy. You better hope 7,000 employees don't flood the confines of Mayberry. You'll be paying for that in higher taxes in some shape or form.
Eye, go back and read that post again. No "bi ching" (is that related to I-ching? or ka-ching?) at all. "Y'all simply don't know how good you have it," sounds like the antithesis of bi ching.
mweiss said:
Eye, go back and read that post again. No "bi ching" (is that related to I-ching? or ka-ching?) at all. "Y'all simply don't know how good you have it," sounds like the antithesis of bi ching.
mweiss, I read it. It is "bi ching", and the grass is always greener..blah, blah, blah :blink: . I give CLTDAYSYRBWI (whatever) credit for taking personal responsibility and leaving this company on his own terms. THAT I think is the key for a lot of smart employees at this company who need to take that leap of faith in themselves. There are other options besides US Airways. It's up to you.
700UW said:
Hate to burst your bubble but WN, DL, AA, NW and UAL employees ALL make more then US employees.
I usually agree with what you say, but just for the record... after browsing the US pilot payscale, certain fleets and seats are slightly higher than UA's. Plus we still have many pilots on 5th to 12th year pay. If I'm not mistaken, all US pilots are now over 12th year pay.

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