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The Problem Is Not Their Business Model,


You are absolutely on target. The airlines that will survive to see another decade will be the ones that recognize these facts.
mweiss said:

You are absolutely on target. The airlines that will survive to see another decade will be the ones that recognize these facts.
Just more of the same ole tired crystal ball statements. I believe I'll just wait and see how this mess plays out, if it's alright with all you soothsayers out there...
Doesn't really take a crystal ball to see where things are going.
Unfortunately, labor is one of the primary factors contributing to US' quagmire. Siegel & Co. simply cannot get labor costs down to competitive levels when a sizeable minority (if not MAJORITY) of the workforce will instantly top out under any reasonable compensation scheme. One result of this has been an overemphasis on service level/amenity reductions, placing US in the disastrous position of offering less than its mainline counterparts (and sometimes, even its LCC competitors) for more money.
avek00 said:
Unfortunately, labor is one of the primary factors contributing to US' quagmire. Siegel & Co. simply cannot get labor costs down to competitive levels when a sizeable minority (if not MAJORITY) of the workforce will instantly top out under any reasonable compensation scheme. One result of this has been an overemphasis on service level/amenity reductions, placing US in the disastrous position of offering less than its mainline counterparts (and sometimes, even its LCC competitors) for more money.

Hey genius, I have an idea....why not give a proposal for the labor force to come to work for free, than it should be pure profit, and our costs will surely be lower than any LCC around and even well into the future... and we can give Siegel even a bigger raise :lol: 🙄

PS: Wolf never made even close to $100 million a year, even in the greatest year...1998. Get your facts together. (In case your memory fails you....U net $900 million that year.) Presently U is bleeding $1m a month and The BOD is giving compensation packages to Officers in the millions!
:shock: According to JustPlaneNews.com Siegal just received an $11 million pay package! What say all you critics of Labor and LCC Lovers to that? Yeah .... take away the health benefits of emloyees that worked for 30 hard years and give the savings to the *@%*^$! CEO that is taking this company DOWN!! Hey .... this is the NEW ERA .... it's everyone for themselves, right?

The moderator cannot allow me to say what I am thinking right now!

mweiss said:
Doesn't really take a crystal ball to see where things are going.
You guys have got to come up with newer doomsday prophecies. This stuff is downright BORING.
avek00 said:
Unfortunately, labor is one of the primary factors contributing to US' quagmire. Siegel & Co. simply cannot get labor costs down to competitive levels when a sizeable minority (if not MAJORITY) of the workforce will instantly top out under any reasonable compensation scheme. One result of this has been an overemphasis on service level/amenity reductions, placing US in the disastrous position of offering less than its mainline counterparts (and sometimes, even its LCC competitors) for more money.
Hate to burst your bubble but WN, DL, AA, NW and UAL employees ALL make more then US employees.
Hate to burst your bubble but WN, DL, AA, NW and UAL employees ALL make more then US employees.

This may be true, but how many of those carriers are turning a profit??? 🙁
The problem at Usairways today and always has been miss-management, check out these numbers from 1988.

For the first 9 months of 1988, Piedmont posts a net profit of $117.5 million on operating revenue of $1.9 billion compared to USAir's net profit of $78.3 million on operating revenues of $2.1 billion
Problems, hmm, this reminds me of this:

As far back as Ed Colodny mistakes have been made that has probably cost this company millions if not billons if you add all the blunders.

Colodny’s Blunders:

· Mirror Image, imposing US Air’s business methods upon Piedmont and PSA, instead of looking at each respective airline and adapting their successful practices. Some examples would be dismantling of the Piedmont Shuttle which accounted for 32% of Piedmont’s Gross Revenue.

· Not furthering International Service and canceling the last three 767s on order from Boeing, then realizing how much money was made serving international destinations and paying Boeing a $30 million penalty to reorder the three planes.

Schofield’s Blunders:

· Business select, $50 million on wasted seats that never worked properly and we eventually removed from the 737-200 fleet. Operation Highground.

· The IAM Mechanic and Related Strike of 1992 in which US Air lost $35 million and agreeing to pay all the pilots during our strike regardless if they flew or not.

· The hiring of Joe Gorman from United Airlines. Gorman stayed a few months then went right back to United, then United started taking us on head to head in numerous markets where we did not compete before Gorman’s tenure.

· The alliance with British Airways to infuse quick cash, but not on favorable terms to US Air, BA got more out of the alliance then we did.

Wolf and Gangwal:

· Canceling all the Boeing orders and having to pay a substantial penalty to Boeing to this day the dollar amount is not known as it was a confidential out of court settlement after Boeing sued US Airways, but it is believed to be hundreds of millions of dollars.

· Closing of three maintenance bases and trying to accomplish all the work in just three bases, which caused a backlog of airplanes awaiting “Q†and “C†checks and Mod visits. At one point you could see numerous airplanes parked in Charlotte, Pittsburgh and Tampa awaiting maintenance.

· Buying back over $1.5 billon of US Airways stock instead of using the money as operating capital or paying down debt or just having it around for a downturn.

· Selling the company to United Airlines and then for the next 14 months having no direction and running the company into the ground.

· Overreacting to the September 11th tragedy and shrinking the airline by 23% and increasing costs by putting larger airplanes on shorter routes.

Siegel's Blunders

Pilots pension
Airbus Farmout
Shrinking the Airline and increasing costs
Violated every contract.
Leading by threats
Closing of TPA Hangar

And I don't think labor caused any of this or made the decision to do the above!
700UW said:
Problems, hmm, this reminds me of this:
WOW!!!!! 700, I'm impressed!!!!!! I think you should be the CEO of this airline. I think you would turn this ship upright, and move everything forward!!!! YOU have ALL the answers!!!!!!! You got my vote!!!! :up: I love you, man!!!!
You got issues, the things I posted are events that happened at this company, maybe if you stop with the politcal BS and post useful information, people would listen to what you have to say.

This is not a Republican political web page.

You can take the chip out now.
700UW said:
You got issues, the things I posted are events that happened at this company, maybe if you stop with the politcal BS and post useful information, people would listen to what you have to say.

This is not a Republican political web page.

You can take the chip out now.
OK,700, Your right, I'm sorry!!
700UW said:
You got issues, the things I posted are events that happened at this company, maybe if you stop with the politcal BS and post useful information, people would listen to what you have to say.

This is not a Republican political web page.

You can take the chip out now.
When did i ever, ONCE utter the word "REPUBLICAN""???? Not once!!! Again 700,your posting falsehoods!!!!

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