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The Obama administration supports discrimination when it comes to college admissions

Your story was BS.

Either you or your 'acquaintance' made it up to justify some other failing.

Guess again. My "acquaintance" is closer to me than you will ever know. Now fill me in on more of your delusional lies! Want me to name names?
Well in today's Libtard, Wussified Amerika, we can have no losers............... everyone gets a trophy, even those with 1.8 gpa's !

The only ones who lose are those who apply themselves and want to actually make something of themselves and achieve academic skills, rather than being good at basketball!
Smetimes I don't know which is worse, Liberal Arrogance that only they have the answers and anyone who disagrees is somehow inferior or Liberal Hypocrisy which has to many examples to post.

When you base admissions standards strictly on merit WITHOUT regard to any other criteria and make it public knowledge then it's the students that the college is serving and since they are the customers with $100,000 in student loans and no real job prospects should they not be first priority?
Define merit.

Merit to me would be a combination of things such as

High School GPA
SAT or ACT scores
After School activities such as a job or volunteer work
Clubs and school related activities.

If Little brown Billy was a 3.9 GPA, plus a top SAT 10% score, is in Band and works part time at McDonalds, he's in.
If little Susie whitebread has a 3.9 GPA, tp 15% SAT, No activities or job then she's OUT

Pretty simple. Weight the criteria, make it widely known. offer aid based on financial need and there you have it. Fairness.
Variables abound.

Should a naturally smart slacker who never takes a book home be chosen over an average student who diligently studies two hours a night?

Who earned it more?
No one left behind, what a load of crap. Push them through the system regardless of how well they did should be the name of it.

When my kid was in K-5th grade you saw it everyday. Teach to the level of the lowest performer in k thru about 3rd grade.

4th and 5th grade was sliding standards. I kid you not there were 3 different word lists for each weekly test. My kid got the hardest set of words each week (fine with me) but other kids got words from another list depending on their ability. And I am not talking about slight differences. In 5th grade if my kid had 7 letter words the lowest ability test was 4 letter words. But guess what, when the grade went in the grade book they all had the same value for determining if the kid passed or not.

During science fair week my kid put in lots of time working on his project and came up with a nice display etc. Another one that got the same credit and A+ on it looked like it was slapped together in 3 minutes the morning it was due. The teacher actually said to my wife at the fair "well they have no support at home like your kid does"

All we are doing with this crap is teaching kids that its ok to be a lazy turd.
Variables abound.

Should a naturally smart slacker who never takes a book home be chosen over an average student who diligently studies two hours a night?

Who earned it more?

There will be variables if we drift from hard and fast standards. The same criteria for all regardless of residence in slackerville or overachievement Lane.
Which brings us back to merit.

How do you decide who earned it, as opposed to who had it already.
No one left behind, what a load of crap. Push them through the system regardless of how well they did should be the name of it.

When my kid was in K-5th grade you saw it everyday. Teach to the level of the lowest performer in k thru about 3rd grade.

4th and 5th grade was sliding standards. I kid you not there were 3 different word lists for each weekly test. My kid got the hardest set of words each week (fine with me) but other kids got words from another list depending on their ability. And I am not talking about slight differences. In 5th grade if my kid had 7 letter words the lowest ability test was 4 letter words. But guess what, when the grade went in the grade book they all had the same value for determining if the kid passed or not.

During science fair week my kid put in lots of time working on his project and came up with a nice display etc. Another one that got the same credit and A+ on it looked like it was slapped together in 3 minutes the morning it was due. The teacher actually said to my wife at the fair "well they have no support at home like your kid does"

All we are doing with this crap is teaching kids that its ok to be a lazy turd.

Blame the above on the Teachers union and making sure kids pass, no matter what, so that it seems they're doing they're jobs !
No one left behind, what a load of crap. Push them through the system regardless of how well they did should be the name of it.

When my kid was in K-5th grade you saw it everyday. Teach to the level of the lowest performer in k thru about 3rd grade.

4th and 5th grade was sliding standards. I kid you not there were 3 different word lists for each weekly test. My kid got the hardest set of words each week (fine with me) but other kids got words from another list depending on their ability. And I am not talking about slight differences. In 5th grade if my kid had 7 letter words the lowest ability test was 4 letter words. But guess what, when the grade went in the grade book they all had the same value for determining if the kid passed or not.

During science fair week my kid put in lots of time working on his project and came up with a nice display etc. Another one that got the same credit and A+ on it looked like it was slapped together in 3 minutes the morning it was due. The teacher actually said to my wife at the fair "well they have no support at home like your kid does"

All we are doing with this crap is teaching kids that its ok to be a lazy turd.

I agree. You provided an example of how the hard work of one kid could be overshadowed by the one who did not put in an equal effort. The result is the kid who spends all that time and trying hard to make a good grade may not put in the effort next time.

Politicians and their views on no child left behind, starting wih President Obama..

Which brings us back to merit.

How do you decide who earned it, as opposed to who had it already.

Skin color or ethnicity should not play a part in who does and doesn't get accepted to any school...................period !