Troops are taken care of by the VA (FED), not the county/state.
Ever been to a VA hospital?
Try it some time.
Real eye opener...
Meant Country not county. Sorry about the typo.
As for it being W’s fault that I am not sure of. Congress and the POTUS should have had better oversight of the VA. Apparently this has been going on for quite some time.
One would think though that if one is going to launch a war that by current accounts will last a long long time, you would make sure that you have the support structure in place prior to the onset of the conflict. But then again, this is government we are referring to and we all know they don’t give a rats ass about the people who they supposedly represent or the troops they send into harms way. You can be damn sure if one of W’s kids, Clintons kid, Bush I kids, Reagan, Carter …. (you get the point) were injured in the line of duty they would never have received sub-par treatment like the soldiers have been getting from the VA.
So you tell me how that is supporting our troops. I know the government supports them going off to combat with inadequate materials (you go to war with what you have, not with what you want) but when they get injured we just hang them out to dry.
You little sanctimonious SOB. You dare accuse me of not supporting the troops because I think the war is a failure and a mistake from the get go.
You accuse Clinton of letting OBL go, yet W has been in office for 6 years and it takes a news paper story to get W and Congress of their ass to help the vets who have sacrificed everything to go fight a war that never needed to be fought.
Flame bait my ass, you just don’t have an answer. I can’t stand unions but I have friends who are in unions. I don’t agree with republicans but I have friends who are republicans. I DO NOT SUPPORT THE WAR BUT I HAVE TE UTMOST RESPECT FOR THOSE WHO CHOOSE TO ENLIST AND ENTER COMBAT. I pay them the utmost respect when my path crosses a man or woman in uniform. So unless you have proof showing other wise, go take 12 steps on an 11 step pier and bite me.
And yes I have been to VA, I would not let my dog stay there. It embarassed the hell out of me to know our country does not give a crap.