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The Honest Truth

PineyBob said:
Very nice post! Cynical but alas accurate as can be. Media Bias depends on where YOU sit on the political fence.

That's why I listen/watch CNN, FOX, Networks, Rush, Howard Stern & then draw my OWN conclusions as to what really happened. To do less IMO is to be somebodys political pawn.
:lol: Howard Stern??????
diogenes said:
I think more in terms of a corporate, as opposed to political, media.

A reporter at NBC is not going far by flipping overs rocks at GE to see what comes slithering out.

Plus, it's human nature to go with the flow, and trend towards the easy way out. Easier to accept the corporate breast-feeding than to actually think for one's self.

And it could be the old fogey in me, but most schools have quit teaching skills that lead to critical thinking; they are too busy boosting self-esteem in the little darlings, even though there is no concomitant accomplishment.

One would have thought that when U made the initial slander, at least ONE reporter would have wondered, "is U spinning, or truthtelling?" It would have been simple to dig a bit deeper; the truth was close to the surface.It speaks volumes that the whole of the media went unquestioningly with the spin, and piled onto labor.

Why would they go with the flow, when it would have been sooooo easy to have 'gotcha'd' U?

Because it played into the larger agenda of dismantling labor.

Absolutely, 100 percent on target, and a perfect example of why media consolidation is an anathema to the concept of free speech.

Thanks for an excellent post.

And thanks to Joe Brancatelli for writing the article in the first place.

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