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The Great President Donald John Trump 1 week=8 Obama Years!

No no no. They aren't talking about social security and medicare "non taxes" (remember, you just said that they were "withdrawals". Now...they are talking about INCOME tax cuts. Is that under your 20% guideline. It's typical though. When called out and you find that your INCOME tax is under 20%, then come the "yeah but I include medicare and social security", which you said this:

Then you add in state and local taxes. Do you realize how much your state, county and city rely on Federal money? If that money is cut, to increase the shortfall, they will need to INCREASE those taxes. Just like they will increase sales and gas taxes. It all happened in the Kansas experiment"....the middle class ended up paying more in income tax AND they get to pay higher taxes on cigarettes, booze, gas and sales tax (even on groceries). The money has to come from somewhere. The only difference is - the fat cats DID get a tax cut/elimination so they only have to pay the sales and sin taxes.

But I know just the place for you...no taxes at all...Somalia. It's just waiting for private business to jump right in and start creating some jobs. Of course, you have to ive like this:


Me....I'll take my 60% tax rate and stay here:

that really your home? nice crib........
Am I beginning to see a pattern here? Mexico - darker skin. Central and South American....darker skin. Arabic....darker skin...Polish, Slovenian (think Melania Trump) Czech and other eastern Europeans on expired work visas (illegals). They are white and a lot of them are pretty hot (think Melania Trump)...We'll let them slide.
What color is your skin? I'm guessing whiter than a klansman's sheet!
No no no. They aren't talking about social security and medicare "non taxes" (remember, you just said that they were "withdrawals". Now...they are talking about INCOME tax cuts. Is that under your 20% guideline. It's typical though. When called out and you find that your INCOME tax is under 20%, then come the "yeah but I include medicare and social security", which you said this:

Then you add in state and local taxes. Do you realize how much your state, county and city rely on Federal money? If that money is cut, to increase the shortfall, they will need to INCREASE those taxes. Just like they will increase sales and gas taxes. It all happened in the Kansas experiment"....the middle class ended up paying more in income tax AND they get to pay higher taxes on cigarettes, booze, gas and sales tax (even on groceries). The money has to come from somewhere. The only difference is - the fat cats DID get a tax cut/elimination so they only have to pay the sales and sin taxes.

But I know just the place for you...no taxes at all...Somalia. It's just waiting for private business to jump right in and start creating some jobs. Of course, you have to ive like this:


Me....I'll take my 60% tax rate and stay here:

See. You live in a well-to-do area but have no trouble that the rest of us take in the vermin you don't want. PROOF YOU ARE A DELUSIONAL HYPOCRITE! Now go live in the urban environment and stop insulting me with your WHITE PRIVILEGE!
Do I sense the smell of envy in the air?
No. I smell a hypocrite that hides behind a picket fence that lectures on what's wrong with America while living the American dream. Nothing more than a hypocritical scumbag as far as I'm concerned. Now please, Mr. Privilege, lecture us even more on your views of hypocrisy.
So how was the Super Bowl?

I chose to boycott the whole ordeal since the half time shows have been nothing but libtard dribble that started with Janet Jackson. So Lady Gaga declared it would be political which we all knew what she stood for. Also I didn't care for the teams. And I heard their would be libtard commercials to soil the event. Also the NFL has been anti-American lately with their kneeling-for-stupidity stance. So yada yada yada I didn't watch that Super Bowl last night.

Imagine my surprise when every conservative site was praising Gaga's performance! I was shocked. But the real PSEUDO-shock came when she was body shamed and bullied by guess who??? Libtards! She didn't trash Trump or follow their insane George Soros' agenda. So now she is their enemy.

Seriously, you all who are having a meltdown should seek professional help. Donald Trump IS your President! Hillary didn't win...WAKE THE F#C$ UP!

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