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The Great President Donald John Trump 1 week=8 Obama Years!

Your money goes to Planned Parenthood in the form of Title X family planning services. They provide women who dont' want to get pregnant and don't want to have an abortion with contraceptives. Not a dime of that money goes to provide abortion services. Not a dime of that money goes to even pay the light bill...it goes for family planning services. Now...there is a miniscule amount of your money that goes to pay for abortions services in the form of Medicaid. But you pro fetus people literally want to throw the baby out with the bathwater by "defunding" planned parenthood.

What's your plan for all the new babies that are born from women who didn't want to get pregnant and didn't want (and if you have your way - can't) get an abortion since they not have access to birth control? It's horrible to suck a baby out in a tube (and sell it's body parts, not)....it is MUCH more humane to give birth to the blessed child and watch it starve as you smugly tell the mother "you shoulda kept your legs together". FWIW...I have a gut feeling that our dear leader, being the womanizer that he was, has paid for at least one abortion for at least one of his mistresses. You don't want your money to pay for an abortion. But you also don't want that evil organization to get any of your money to PREVENT abortions (and pregnancies). How much are you willing to spend on a child that is born to someone who can't afford it?
Let the local state clinics pay for it. It's not a federal issue.
Safe Sex refers to STD's. Should pass a law demanding that men produce a net worth and income and expense statment before they produce their penis? And people will be people...Stuff happens. So if someone doesn't practice "safe sex" and the result is a baby....is it still better to watch it die and lecture the mother on "safe sex". I'll bet our dear president has had a shot Doxycylene before too.
It's extremely unusual but you are actually half right in this post. I see no reason why a woman shouldn't exercise her rights and demand a resume before spreading her legs.
I'm having a real issue with all the times this past week Trump has been laying the blame back on Obama.

I mean WTF? Did we vote for this guy to keep passing the buck back on Obama?
I'm getting there myself but Obama did leave a lot of land mines just before he left. Hopefully they will all be exposed soon and we can get beyond this. Go Trump.
Let the local state clinics pay for it. It's not a federal issue.
Where do you think the states have been getting their money? Here's the thing...you guys hate taxes. You vote for the federal candidate who promises to cut your taxes. You vote for the state candidate who promises to cut your state taxes, and you vote for city and county candidates who vow not to rais the mil levy on your property tax. So where exactly do we get this money...not just for birth control, but for police, fire, roads, highways and other things?
Where do you think the states have been getting their money? Here's the thing...you guys hate taxes. You vote for the federal candidate who promises to cut your taxes. You vote for the state candidate who promises to cut your state taxes, and you vote for city and county candidates who vow not to rais the mil levy on your property tax. So where exactly do we get this money...not just for birth control, but for police, fire, roads, highways and other things?
First off they quit squandering the money they get. Then let the private sector work out the needs for charity people. I shouldn't be paying no more than twenty percent in taxes. Welfare is not an entitlement. Quit viewing it as it should be. My grandfather immigrated her from Greece and my grandmother immigrated her from Italy before WWll. They never received a single dime from the government. They came here, got jobs, opened their own business, built a home for themselves and payed taxes the whole time. Immigrants now? Need a home? Sure we'll give you one. Free medical too while we're at it. You're hungry? Sure we can feed you, have some foodstamps. Education? Sure why not. You want to open a business and not pay taxes for seven years? I don't see a problem with that. There is a big difference between the immigrants this country was built on and the ones we are receiving today. The fact you cannot see that is a testament to a liberals absolute stupidity.
First off they quit squandering the money they get. Then let the private sector work out the needs for charity people. I shouldn't be paying no more than twenty percent in taxes. Welfare is not an entitlement. Quit viewing it as it should be. My grandfather immigrated her from Greece and my grandmother immigrated her from Italy before WWll. They never received a single dime from the government. They came here, got jobs, opened their own business, built a home for themselves and payed taxes the whole time. Immigrants now? Need a home? Sure we'll give you one. Free medical too while we're at it. You're hungry? Sure we can feed you, have some foodstamps. Education? Sure why not. You want to open a business and not pay taxes for seven years? I don't see a problem with that. There is a big difference between the immigrants this country was built on and the ones we are receiving today. The fact you cannot see that is a testament to a liberals absolute stupidity.

I live in Kansas...the petri dish for the grand Laugher experiment. The private sector hasn't been jumping in to create jobs since their taxes were cut to zero. The state can't meet it's obligations, and they have cut spending to the bone. We want to implement this on a national scale, but instead "squandering money" on housing and food stamps, they want to squander money on building up the military, building a wall and putting a trillion or so into infrastructure. so that tax cut won't generate enough new jobs to create all this new revenue to pay for this increased (well - shifted and increased) spending.

Nice story about your grandparents. Did they get a social security check when they retired? Did they use Medicare when they retired? Because don't look now, but the savings by cutting THESE "entitlement" programs (and the conservatives most certainly do view these programs as entitlements) will be where they will find the bulk of their money. It's just hard to use "entitlement" when showing a picture of a white grandma and grandpa beaming as they hold the cute grandbaby....It's much easier to get the support of "the base" by showing a black woman with 5 kids on food stamps. And they want to cut that....but make no mistake, they also want to kick grandma and grandpa to the curb as well.

Here's some advice for you....if your house needs a new roof and you put the job out for bid...if one comes back for $15,000 and the other comes back at $10,000 because they are using illegal labor, can I have your word that you'll go with the higher bid in order to make America great again?
I live in Kansas...the petri dish for the grand Laugher experiment. The private sector hasn't been jumping in to create jobs since their taxes were cut to zero. The state can't meet it's obligations, and they have cut spending to the bone. We want to implement this on a national scale, but instead "squandering money" on housing and food stamps, they want to squander money on building up the military, building a wall and putting a trillion or so into infrastructure. so that tax cut won't generate enough new jobs to create all this new revenue to pay for this increased (well - shifted and increased) spending.

Nice story about your grandparents. Did they get a social security check when they retired? Did they use Medicare when they retired? Because don't look now, but the savings by cutting THESE "entitlement" programs (and the conservatives most certainly do view these programs as entitlements) will be where they will find the bulk of their money. It's just hard to use "entitlement" when showing a picture of a white grandma and grandpa beaming as they hold the cute grandbaby....It's much easier to get the support of "the base" by showing a black woman with 5 kids on food stamps. And they want to cut that....but make no mistake, they also want to kick grandma and grandpa to the curb as well.

Here's some advice for you....if your house needs a new roof and you put the job out for bid...if one comes back for $15,000 and the other comes back at $10,000 because they are using illegal labor, can I have your word that you'll go with the higher bid in order to make America great again?
In the event you didn't know, Medicare and social security are entitlements. They are paid for through payroll withdrawals, not taxes. The people paying into them are the only ones that should have access to those services. Liberals think everyone should be able to use them. That's why they are running out of money. Welfare, Section 8 and foodstamps are not entitlements. Though the Libtards have made them a way of life. Receiving these benefits provided by the taxpayer should not be a career.

Had the roof replaced on my house about two years ago. The insurance company handled everything. Guy showed up with a bunch of meth-heads. The bastards stole my motorcycle. After checking into the ones that stole it they had several felony arrests but still out running the streets. You're right, we don't need a wall. We need a prison. A two-thousand mile long prison. We would have plenty of room to keep our criminals for their full terms. No excuses to let them continue roaming the streets. The guards could make sure the prisoners stayed behind bars and the wanna be illegal immigrants stayed on the south side of the prison. What do you think about that idea?
In the event you didn't know, Medicare and social security are entitlements. They are paid for through payroll withdrawals, not taxes. The people paying into them are the only ones that should have access to those services. Liberals think everyone should be able to use them. That's why they are running out of money. Welfare, Section 8 and foodstamps are not entitlements. Though the Libtards have made them a way of life. Receiving these benefits provided by the taxpayer should not be a career.

Had the roof replaced on my house about two years ago. The insurance company handled everything. Guy showed up with a bunch of meth-heads. The bastards stole my motorcycle. After checking into the ones that stole it they had several felony arrests but still out running the streets. You're right, we don't need a wall. We need a prison. A two-thousand mile long prison. We would have plenty of room to keep our criminals for their full terms. No excuses to let them continue roaming the streets. The guards could make sure the prisoners stayed behind bars and the wanna be illegal immigrants stayed on the south side of the prison. What do you think about that idea?

Wow...you seem to really hate Mexicans. What about the white Eastern European whose work visa has expired and he/she is here...illegally? Bet you didn't include them in your count of illegals, although they are the fastest growing group.

And you still don't get it...you BET I feel "entitled" to my Social Security and Medicare, but YOUR conservatives in Congress view them as "entitlements"...and lump them in with the food stamp and housing "entitlements". Take a look at your W2...look specifically at boxes 4 and 6. Tell me what word you see in those boxes. Hint...it AIN'T "withdrawal" They just wrap it in a nice picture of a black woman (well today, a Hispanic man) and get you all riled up. So you'll let them take your "withdrawals" along with those food stamps. And you stand by like a sheep and let them.

I shouldn't be paying no more than twenty percent in taxes.

Once you get your 1040 form filled out, try this...take line 44 and divide it by line 43. That will give you the percentage that you are paying in taxes. Is that number more or less than .20? If it's less, then there is no need to cut your taxes. So they won't. Also is there something on line 76a or is there something on line 78? Because those illegals that are "not paying a dime" won't fill out one of these forms....and odds are REALLY good that they'd have a number on line 76a. But they won't see a penny of it, so they will let the government keep it.
Wow...you seem to really hate Mexicans. What about the white Eastern European whose work visa has expired and he/she is here...illegally? Bet you didn't include them in your count of illegals, although they are the fastest growing group.

And you still don't get it...you BET I feel "entitled" to my Social Security and Medicare, but YOUR conservatives in Congress view them as "entitlements"...and lump them in with the food stamp and housing "entitlements". Take a look at your W2...look specifically at boxes 4 and 6. Tell me what word you see in those boxes. Hint...it AIN'T "withdrawal" They just wrap it in a nice picture of a black woman (well today, a Hispanic man) and get you all riled up. So you'll let them take your "withdrawals" along with those food stamps. And you stand by like a sheep and let them.

Once you get your 1040 form filled out, try this...take line 44 and divide it by line 43. That will give you the percentage that you are paying in taxes. Is that number more or less than .20? If it's less, then there is no need to cut your taxes. So they won't. Also is there something on line 76a or is there something on line 78? Because those illegals that are "not paying a dime" won't fill out one of these forms....and odds are REALLY good that they'd have a number on line 76a. But they won't see a penny of it, so they will let the government keep it.
I did that once before but included Medicare and SS. It came out to thirty-three percent. Then you add state tax, sales tax and mil tax it was fifty-five percent. That's not counting taxes paid on every gallon of gas you buy either. That would have probably put me well over sixty percent. You might not but I find that extremely frustrating.
Wow...you seem to really hate Mexicans. What about the white Eastern European whose work visa has expired and he/she is here...illegally? Bet you didn't include them in your count of illegals, although they are the fastest growing group.

And you still don't get it...you BET I feel "entitled" to my Social Security and Medicare, but YOUR conservatives in Congress view them as "entitlements"...and lump them in with the food stamp and housing "entitlements". Take a look at your W2...look specifically at boxes 4 and 6. Tell me what word you see in those boxes. Hint...it AIN'T "withdrawal" They just wrap it in a nice picture of a black woman (well today, a Hispanic man) and get you all riled up. So you'll let them take your "withdrawals" along with those food stamps. And you stand by like a sheep and let them.

Once you get your 1040 form filled out, try this...take line 44 and divide it by line 43. That will give you the percentage that you are paying in taxes. Is that number more or less than .20? If it's less, then there is no need to cut your taxes. So they won't. Also is there something on line 76a or is there something on line 78? Because those illegals that are "not paying a dime" won't fill out one of these forms....and odds are REALLY good that they'd have a number on line 76a. But they won't see a penny of it, so they will let the government keep it.
It's not just the Mexicans its South America and the Arabic countries as well. It's illegal immigration period regardless of race.
It's not just the Mexicans its South America and the Arabic countries as well. It's illegal immigration period regardless of race.

Am I beginning to see a pattern here? Mexico - darker skin. Central and South American....darker skin. Arabic....darker skin...Polish, Slovenian (think Melania Trump) Czech and other eastern Europeans on expired work visas (illegals). They are white and a lot of them are pretty hot (think Melania Trump)...We'll let them slide.
I did that once before but included Medicare and SS. It came out to thirty-three percent. Then you add state tax, sales tax and mil tax it was fifty-five percent. That's not counting taxes paid on every gallon of gas you buy either. That would have probably put me well over sixty percent. You might not but I find that extremely frustrating.

No no no. They aren't talking about social security and medicare "non taxes" (remember, you just said that they were "withdrawals". Now...they are talking about INCOME tax cuts. Is that under your 20% guideline. It's typical though. When called out and you find that your INCOME tax is under 20%, then come the "yeah but I include medicare and social security", which you said this:

In the event you didn't know, Medicare and social security are entitlements. They are paid for through payroll withdrawals, not taxes.

Then you add in state and local taxes. Do you realize how much your state, county and city rely on Federal money? If that money is cut, to increase the shortfall, they will need to INCREASE those taxes. Just like they will increase sales and gas taxes. It all happened in the Kansas experiment"....the middle class ended up paying more in income tax AND they get to pay higher taxes on cigarettes, booze, gas and sales tax (even on groceries). The money has to come from somewhere. The only difference is - the fat cats DID get a tax cut/elimination so they only have to pay the sales and sin taxes.

But I know just the place for you...no taxes at all...Somalia. It's just waiting for private business to jump right in and start creating some jobs. Of course, you have to ive like this:


Me....I'll take my 60% tax rate and stay here:


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