The FEW..........The PROUD,

tom barry

Aug 20, 2011
US Marines pissing on dead Muslim Bodies, And captured on camera !

Go ahead, I've got tons of time to listen to why it's unthinkable why radical Islam attacks us !

Those imbeciles wont have to worry about ever seeing/holding thier wives/girlfriends again, because by the time they see "daylight" they'll already have been "turned out" in the joint. Yes or no, on the K -Y, your choice.
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E A S Of course I DON'T think these arse holes are in anyway worthy of the 99% of the Honorable U S Marines !!!

To be honest, I'm a bit surprised You LOOKED..before You LEAPED (at the topic)

But you gotta' admit, this just infuriates radical Islam even more.
US Marines pissing on dead Muslim Bodies, And captured on camera !

Go ahead, I've got tons of time to listen to why it's unthinkable why radical Islam attacks us !

Those imbeciles wont have to worry about ever seeing/holding thier wives/girlfriends again, because by the time they see "daylight" they'll already have been "turned out" in the joint. Yes or no, on the K -Y, your choice.

Anyone ever tell you you're an asswhole?
My son is a Marine, Bears. Let's see you survive boot camp, much less a tour in country. Then let's talk. My guess is you and every other avid reader of the Fluffington Post would be pissing yourselves before you had a chance to piss on the enemy.

Until then, you have no right or even ability to judge them.

Fortunately, men who've been at both ends of a rifle will judge their actions accordingly.

Pissing on the bodies of guys who were trying to kill you a few hours earlier?

Hardly on the same level as the beheading someone and posting the video to the Al Queda News Network....
So we are no better than the Taliban who mutilate bodies? Sounds like the "he did it first" argument used by children.

We are a nation of laws. We are supposed to be better than those who we are fighting. The old 'you have not served so you cannot comment' is a old and tired argument. Give it a rest already.

Perhaps not the same action but the origins are the same. Do you think the fighters in the Taliban are angry?

Our armed forces are a all volunteer, civilian controlled military. They are supposed to be better than that. Putting aside the fact that they did piss on several corpses they were stupid enough to tape it. That idiocy alone ought to get them chit canned. This is the age of the internet. You do not do anything stupid on camera. Dumb asses.
Thank you all for pointing out the perils of an Imperial/Interventionist Foreign Policy.

How many Marines would have pissed on the Taliban if we weren't in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Oman and God know where we don't know about?

Why do active Military members contribute more to Ron Paul then all of the other Republicans combined and Obama as well. Do you think they might know something we don't?
Why dont you make your issue a new thread, your getting like WT and have to post about Ron Paul everywhere like he does to DL.

Cant we just keep one thread on topic?

Just sayin'

So try answering the question. If we weren't in Afghanistan, How many dead Taliban would have been pissed upon by US Marines?

Also keep in mind that the role of the Marines is to travel to far off and exotic lands, meet interesting people and KILL them. They completed their mission and celebrated their victory as only another soldier could understand.

I never served so I can't speak to their motivations.
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My son is a Marine, Bears. Let's see you survive boot camp, much less a tour in country. Then let's talk. My guess is you and every other avid reader of the Fluffington Post would be pissing yourselves before you had a chance to piss on the enemy.

Until then, you have no right or even ability to judge them.

Fortunately, men who've been at both ends of a rifle will judge their actions accordingly.

Pissing on the bodies of guys who were trying to kill you a few hours earlier?

Hardly on the same level as the beheading someone and posting the video to the Al Queda News Network....

With You of ALL people on here, I look for THE most Logic, Not emotion that you clearly evoked first.
With that said, You posted your post..."30" minutes After I said.."Of course those 4 bas-tards were NOT
examples of the other 99.9 % of US Marines !

Eric, ...I KNOW you read that !!

Now that (maybe) you have cooled down a bit, I'll ask you this question. What do you think is the appropriate punishment for these 4 jerk *ffs ? Logic please.
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Anyone ever tell you you're an asswhole?

dell,.........why because I broke the story on here thats ALL OVER the news, even FOX !

You KNOW since I spelled it out that no way I thought those 4 were representitive of the other 99.9% of the USMC !

Long time fellow "cooler",..............maybe a chill pill is in order !
With You of ALL people on here, I look for THE most Logic, Not emotion that you clearly evoked first.
With that said, You posted your post..."30" minutes After I said.."Of course those 4 bas-tards were NOT
examples of the other 99.9 % of US Marines !

Eric, ...I KNOW you read that !!

Now that (maybe) you have cooled down a bit, I'll ask you this question. What do you think is the appropriate punishment for these 4 jerk *ffs ? Logic please.

Sorry if your liberal mind can't comprehend it, Bears, but it's not emotion speaking. I stand by my statement.

You've never been in battle. Neither have I. They have. And they'll be judged accordingly by men who have also been in those conditions. And only by those men.

Tree, the Pentagon could make it a requirement to piss on the bodies of the dead, and still we'd be better than they are. Try applying your ideas of military conduct on the Taliban before criticizing our military. Then we can talk.

We give the Taliban we capture food, clothing, shelter, and access to clerics. They simply kill who they capture out on the battlefield.

There was more uproar over "flushing a Quran down a toilet" (which turned out to be a manufactured story, no?) than there was the videotaped murder of Nick Berg at the hands of the Taliban.

Looks like this will be no different. Wringing of hands over perceived bad behavior by our military, yet silence from the lambs over the reality of the enemy someone else's boys are fighting.
Now that (maybe) you have cooled down a bit, I'll ask you this question. What do you think is the appropriate punishment for these 4 jerk *ffs ? Logic please.


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