The FBI lying leaker McCabe is fired

OK, time for a fact check here, guys....

McCabe didn't lose his pension. He just didn't get to do an early retirement at age 50. He's still fully vested in pension, but just has to wait until he's 57 or 62 to do an early/normal retirement.

Also, to be eligible for the Age 50 retirement, he'd have to be in a law enforcement capacity. Going to work for a Congressman or Senator isn't going to qualify for that, and because he was fired for cause, that may also invalidate the Age 50 retirement altogether.
OK, time for a fact check here, guys....

McCabe didn't lose his pension. He just didn't get to do an early retirement at age 50. He's still fully vested in pension, but just has to wait until he's 57 or 62 to do an early/normal retirement.

Also, to be eligible for the Age 50 retirement, he'd have to be in a law enforcement capacity. Going to work for a Congressman or Senator isn't going to qualify for that, and because he was fired for cause, that may also invalidate the Age 50 retirement altogether.
I won't shed any tears for gooberment employees loosing their pension.
These asswipes sure didn't shed a,tear when I was raped.
OK, time for a fact check here, guys....

McCabe didn't lose his pension. He just didn't get to do an early retirement at age 50. He's still fully vested in pension, but just has to wait until he's 57 or 62 to do an early/normal retirement.

Also, to be eligible for the Age 50 retirement, he'd have to be in a law enforcement capacity. Going to work for a Congressman or Senator isn't going to qualify for that, and because he was fired for cause, that may also invalidate the Age 50 retirement altogether.

He gonna earn it the hard way......

Having been a public employee...YES you lose your pension if you are fired. The cherry is it happened a couple of days before his date, which is like wiping your ACHIEVEMENT drool off your face. But relax, McCabe will be taken care of in GITMO.
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Dog's first real contribution to the debate and its only a link.......
Wonder Mutt counted it as two lines, and that's a lot for a flea infested libtarded sack licker.
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Still hating yourself?

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