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The Liberals hero Ms. CORTEZ, wants to spend trillions, turning the United States , into a banana republic, with hyper inflation, that would make Carter's 1970 s look like a walk in the park. We would basically end up like Germany after World War 1. She supposedly had an economics degree from an Ivy league University, more like a degree from a Cracker Jack box! 🙂

Trump and the Republican house and senate inherited a $20 trillion debt in 2017. By 2019, THEY, not Ms Cortez increased that by 10%. If spending will make us look like Germany after WW1, then don't you think Republicans would have done something to address it and then ***** about what Democrats want to do?
I am
Trump and the Republican house and senate inherited a $20 trillion debt in 2017. By 2019, THEY, not Ms Cortez increased that by 10%. If spending will make us look like Germany after WW1, then don't you think Republicans would have done something to address it and then ***** about what Democrats want to do?
I am talking about if this ultra liberal side of the Democrats controlled the government both the Presidency and Legislative branches.
You know...democrats have only controlled the house for 2 months. Prior to that, Republicans did. And we increased the debt by 10%. And remember...the budget that didn't have the money was back in December...It was a REPUBLICAN budget. Trump shut the government down over it. So that foreign aid came from REPUBLICANS. Nice try to blame it on the democrats.

Try this for fun....get on I-10 in Houston. Drive to 50 miles west of San Antonio. This represents Trumps wall, that will "pay for itself almost on a monthly basis". Now get in a car and drive from Houston to Tuscon Arizona. THAT is the length of border that will still remain without a wall in sight. Nowhere. Here's a visual. Hope this makes you feel safer:

View attachment 14054
O.K. Trump wants 5.4 Billion for 24 miles of wall in a "critical area". And the Democrats won't give him the money for that, even though they have voted for even more in the past. So how much more money do you feel they are welling to give him to complete that extra distance?........ Because if they did, believe me, he would build it!!!
I am
I am talking about if this ultra liberal side of the Democrats controlled the government both the Presidency and Legislative branches.
Republicans controlled both houses of Congress for the past 2 years. In that time they took a $20 trillion debt and turned into a $22 trillion debt (I wish my investments returned 10% over 2 years). And you're worried about democrats and spending.

You all had best take a look at your own house. You all didn't seem to care when the debt started rising under Bush. Indeed, Darth Cheney said "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter". The debt rose to $10 trillion...but that was okay....all it took was a Lee Greenwood song and "be afraid...be very afraid". Then Obama got elected and suddenly we were aware of all this detbt. And damned if that socialist liberal didn't double it. The future for out grandkids was at stake. Then Trump got elected with a Republican House AND Senate...and then spent $2 trillion more.

Oh yeah...the promise about "repealing and replacing Obamacare with something really terrific? Didn't happen. Just a Republican majority in both houses whining about 60 votes and doing NOTHING to try to get the votes they needed. Introduce a bill, then throw your hands up in desperation and whine. Making America Great Again. But should Trump get reelected (God help us all), he's on a pact to increase the debt as much, if not more, than Obama did. But no worry....we just need to worry about what a democrat might do.
O.K. Trump wants 5.4 Billion for 24 miles of wall in a "critical area". And the Democrats won't give him the money for that, even though they have voted for even more in the past. So how much more money do you feel they are welling to give him to complete that extra distance?........ Because if they did, believe me, he would build it!!!
Wow...the price of that wall just went up.. The $5 billion USED to be for 250 miles of wall. Now it's just for 24 miles "in critical areas". Great...let's finish the wall..that should be around $30 billion over the next decade (walls take a while to build you know...just ask the Chinese). But all those nice "walls that work" you cited had guard tower damn near within shouting distance of one another....will ours have those? They have constant patrols along them. Will ours have any?
The problem with this bicker of who spent what between Democrats and Republicans is about useless because they are one in the same. The conservatives that don’t like Republicans is because Republicans are turn coats. They so easily roll over for the Democrats. On the flip side they don’t like Democrats because they are just flat out stupid especially with their liberal policies.
Wow...the price of that wall just went up.. The $5 billion USED to be for 250 miles of wall. Now it's just for 24 miles "in critical areas". Great...let's finish the wall..that should be around $30 billion over the next decade (walls take a while to build you know...just ask the Chinese). But all those nice "walls that work" you cited had guard tower damn near within shouting distance of one another....will ours have those? They have constant patrols along them. Will ours have any?

There’s already a wall around your head. It keeps common sense from getting in and stupidly from getting out.
There’s already a wall around your head. It keeps common sense from getting in and stupidly from getting out.

Common sense quiz - If a country had 1250 miles of unwalled border and that country builds a 250 mile long wall, with 1,000 miles still open...Are we safer?
Wow...the price of that wall just went up.. The $5 billion USED to be for 250 miles of wall. Now it's just for 24 miles "in critical areas". Great...let's finish the wall..that should be around $30 billion over the next decade (walls take a while to build you know...just ask the Chinese). But all those nice "walls that work" you cited had guard tower damn near within shouting distance of one another....will ours have those? They have constant patrols along them. Will ours have any?
Thanks for pointing that out K.C!.......... Actually, the $5.4 Billion would only pay for 214 miles of wall. But what Trump ended up with was $1.3 Billion, which would only pay for 24 miles.
Common sense quiz - If a country had 1250 miles of unwalled border and that country builds a 250 mile long wall, with 1,000 miles still open...Are we safer?
"Common sense"? Who ever implied the Demcrat's had any "Common sense"?....... I believe I've answered that! If the
left would fund it, Trump would build it!
Uh, plz. let me know when " The WALL " gets built from SAN to Brownsville, TX. THEN, let me know when the M O R O N, gets the $5.7B !!!!!!!!!!!!

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