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Bush planned and signd the withdrawal strategy and failed to secure a SOFA that would have allowed US Forces to stay beyond that, and you blame Obama for the withdrawal that Bush engineered, along with the rest of the terrible results of W's misadventure in nation-building, and I lost the argument?

I said W planned the withdrawal and signed the agreemen with Maliki.

He did. That is the plain factual truth.

Blame that on Obama.

I thought you were kidding when you said you had brain damage.
Ifly2 said:

Bush planned and signd the withdrawal strategy and failed to secure a SOFA that would have allowed US Forces to stay beyond that, and you blame Obama for the withdrawal that Bush engineered, along with the rest of the terrible results of W's misadventure in nation-building, and I lost the argument?

I said W planned the withdrawal and signed the agreemen with Maliki.

He did. That is the plain factual truth.

Blame that on Obama.

I thought you were kidding when you said you had brain damage.
You lost the argument, Dude.
In some alternate reality, Dude...

Bush broke it, and Bush ran off with his tail between his legs when Maliki told him git.
Who signed the withdrawal agreement and who failed to secure a SOFA allowing US forces to stay, and when?

Simple, really it is...
southwind said:
Hey! It's BaRacks alter-ego!

   Really! Dude! You've got serious issues and should seek immediate help with your fixation on protecting your Anointed One by always, ALWAYS bringing Bush into the conversation .

That's OK though because come 2016 when a Republican is sitting in the WH , everything and I mean EVERYTHING that goes wrong will be blamed on BaRack!
delldude said:
But who's foreign policy adventures chased all the muslims to europe?
Barack and Hillary.
Seriously Dude?

Are you really that ignorant?

All the Muslims aren't in Europe

The ones that are there started arriving decades ago, France and England particularly have had massive influxes since well before 9/11, and that only accelerated after 2001 through the last decade.
"So actually Obama contributed to the rise of ISIS in three ways: (1) by not arming more moderate Syrian opposition groups early; (2) by not securing the Iraqi-Syrian border to guard against ISIS expansion; and (3) by withdrawing from Iraq too soon, leaving much of Iraq defenseless and Iraq’s Sunnis caught in a cross-fire. "

So some nameless Times writer is The Expert on Foreign Relations?

1. Which "more moderate" Syrian groups were we to arm up sooner? The AQ figures and known terrorists McCain was posing for pictures with?

2. The U.S. Is now supposed to defend or secure the world's borders? Or even Iraq's borders. If so, why didn't we do that in 2007/8 when we " won the war "? (That right there is some funny funny stuff...)

3. Who was it that planned, agreed to and signed the withdrawal agreement, and was unable to negotiate or otherwise secure a SOFA allowing troops to stay in Iraq? When was that done? Who was POTUS when Maliki said "git out", ?
Ifly2 said:
Seriously Dude?
Are you really that ignorant?
All the Muslims aren't in Europe
The ones that are there started arriving decades ago, France and England particularly have had massive influxes since well before 9/11, and that only accelerated after 2001 through the last decade.
Common sense tells you that he's talking about the massive waves of migrants fleeing Syria into Europe.

Try to keep up.

It's not that hard.
Ifly2 said:
"So actually Obama contributed to the rise of ISIS in three ways: (1) by not arming more moderate Syrian opposition groups early; (2) by not securing the Iraqi-Syrian border to guard against ISIS expansion; and (3) by withdrawing from Iraq too soon, leaving much of Iraq defenseless and Iraq’s Sunnis caught in a cross-fire. "
So some nameless Times writer is The Expert on Foreign Relations?
1. Which "more moderate" Syrian groups were we to arm up sooner? The AQ figures and known terrorists McCain was posing for pictures with?
2. The U.S. Is now supposed to defend or secure the world's borders? Or even Iraq's borders. If so, why didn't we do that in 2007/8 when we " won the war "? (That right there is some funny funny stuff...)
3. Who was it that planned, agreed to and signed the withdrawal agreement, and was unable to negotiate or otherwise secure a SOFA allowing troops to stay in Iraq? When was that done? Who was POTUS when Maliki said "git out", ?
There you go again, twisting yourself into knots trying to defend dear leader.

Such an obidient drone.

Common sense would tell one to say what one means

And to remember that the people of the US were overwhelmingly in favor of ending our military involvement in Iraq
Common sense would tell one to say what one means

Some of us aren't so "in tune" with Mr. Ailes' daily "talking points".

One mit also remember that the Syrian refugees are fleeing Syria, and events there, which include their own brutal dictator and a civil war that Syrians started, neither of which any US President is responsible for. Nor are we responsible to fix it, and Syria itself is just not that high up the pecking order of US interests in the Middle East.

IS is "our" baby, thanks to "our" colossally failed experiment in nation-building in Iraq, and I personally think that when IS began its expansion into Iraq we should have responded quicker and more forcefully. Very much so. Particularly since there apparently were warnings and intelligence and Iraq did ask for help. We broke it, we should have done more to fix it.

That's my opinion. Already stated that.

Y'all just like to use Obama as whipping boy, without any regard for history, fact or reality. Wait until 2016? Ha!!! You have been doing it since 2008, blaming him for stuff that happened before his inaguration that was done by other presidents. Some of it going back nearly a century. He ain't perfect, and has erred on the side of caution and too much "study" and too much "listening" more than once, but he is not personally responsible for a tenth of what you and yours like to blame him for.

In this case, he didn't start the ~1,300 year old conflict amongst Muslims at the heart of the present day teouble in the ME, and no US president could have prevented it.

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