17.5% Paycut for some
34% Paycut for others
5 Lost Holidays
5 Lost Vacation Days
7 Lost Sick Days
50% pay loss on sick days
Longevity Pay Lost
Shift Premiuim Lost
$25 Incentive Pay
Short Term Labor Loans
Labor Loans without regard for seniority
License Premium for Shop Work GONE
$3.1 Million Company Union man Payroll
Those who support the TWU because of the strength of the AFL-CIO, should take the time to become informed about the constitution of the AFL-CIO.
Article II: Objects and Principles
The objects and principles of this Federation are:
1. To aid workers in securing improved wages, hours and working conditions with due regard for the autonomy, integrity and jurisdiction of affiliated unions.
Then there are those who do not back the AFL-CIO politically. They are hypocrites in that they finance the AFL-CIO through their dues and then vote in the opposite of the socialistic plank that the AFL-CIO provides. I do not have a problem with the way anyone exercises their right to vote, but if you stand for a certain set of morals, you should not finance the opposition.