Let's get one thing straight right off the bat, it does not pertain to
THEIR body.
THEIR body is not the one being aborted (see diagram below). Now that we got that out of the way let's move on.
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I keep hearing about equality. Where are the baby's rights? Where are the father's rights? Last time I checked it takes 2 to make a baby.
Basically what you are telling me is that the female has the sole privilege (let's use a fashionable word....
entitlement) of making a decision that is going to impact 3 lives. You say they want the GOVERNMENT out of the decision making process but the truth is they want EVERYBODY out of the decision making process except them. They want absolute power over the situation.
My issue specifically is I don't want
MY tax dollars going toward someone else's abortion. If
YOU (the female) want an abortion
YOU pay for it. Don't make
YOUR problem
MY problem and sit on the throne of personal freedom and choice (that my body my choice BS mantra), doing that makes
YOU (the female) a hypocrite.
Also Bears I have told you many times I do not put any value on surveys. The outcome is too easy to manipulate or fabricate. For instance if you target churches during the survey you will get a much different answer than if you target a feminist rally. If you put the survey on BabiesRUS.com you are going to get a different result then putting it on KillRBabies.com. You show me a survey and I can most likely find one that says the exact opposite. Surveys are BS. I think you knew that before you even asked.