So the right were willing to pay to save the lives of the unborn...... those bastards.Insp69.
Try this on for size.
The very person, in the R v W case, just made a DEATH BED Confession, that the Religious Right, PAID HER to say, in 1995(I believe), to SAY she had an Awakening, and was at that time, PRO LIFE !
I believe it 'airs' tonite on TV.
Check your local times and listings.
It's a joke!...... If black lives really mattered, you should be picketing "Planned Parenthood"! "At a ratio of 474 abortions per 1,000 live births, black women have the highest ratio of any group in the country."The SUPREME COURT Said " DON'T EVEN Think of trying some off-the-wall-Shite", to the state of Louisiana.
5/4 decision, with the Chief Justice John Roberts siding with the Good Guys and Girls.
How you like " THEM APPLES ", Insp69 !!!!!!!!! ?????????
It's a joke!...... If black lives really mattered, you should be picketing "Planned Parenthood"! "At a ratio of 474 abortions per 1,000 live births, black women have the highest ratio of any group in the country."
Abortion: The overlooked tragedy for black Americans
Hey! That's O.K. with the KKK also Bears! ........Stop the black kids from being born at one end, and with all the Black on Black killings on the other end, eventually, the problem will solve itself!......... Makes perfect sense to me!ALL you phony LAW and Order RE-Plugs, pick and choose WHICH LAWS you like, and condem the rest.
Probably N O T..being a 'history Major', allow me to T R inform you about some History, Insp69.
Abortion is LEGAL in this country, because ROE/WADE was made CONSTITUTIONAL via a tie-breaking vote in the SCOTUS, by REPUBLICAN appointee Sandra Day O'Conner joining forces with the 4 liberal justices, in the 70s', and it has been, and will continue to be the LAW of the LAND, long after YOU Croak, Insp69.
How do you Like Those Apples, Insp69 ?????????????
Hey! That's O.K. with the KKK also Bears! ........Stop the black kids from being born at one end, and with all the Black on Black killings on the other end, eventually, the problem will solve itself!......... Makes perfect sense to me!