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The ' A U T O P S Y '

Aug 20, 2002
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A postmortem examination of the cause of DEATH.

Among the long term and famous newspaper journalists, Charles Krauthammer, and George Will (with 2 weeks before election day) are 'setting up' to write their famously read columns . Except This Time, they'll write ( probably ) their Most profound columns of their long distinguished careers, The AUTOPSY of the GOP !
The Republican Party, has TERMINAL CANCER, and if they are not in HOSPICE care yet, they'll be 'coming thru the door' any day now. HOW, in Gods name, was a very old party able to be Hi Jacked by one individual, who (in recent history) most resembles Adolph Hitler ? Is 40 % of voting America just as gullible as were the late 1930/early 1940 German people ? Even IF the GOP BARELY retains control of the Senate and control of the U S House, the CANCER has already spread among themselves.
Boys and Girls, WE are about to witness political History, the likes that has NEVER been seen before in this country ! Thank GOD that myself, and a few others on here are NOT on the side of those who are about to get a ride to the Morgue. !!

The Republican Party.
The GIFT, that ALWAYS kept on GIVING !!
Does ANYONE, ANYONE at all have a Clue how the following are going to Deal with their HUGE ANGER Issues after the GOP Strikes OUT for the third time in a row in their quest for P O T U S ? ( citrat , Zom JFK, signals, 'HACKJOB' , and best of all Insp 4). Because these dudes are Loaded, L O A D E D with ANGER, Anger that sooner or later MUST be dealt with. Case in point. Insp 4 contructs rambling Posts, some that are as looooooong as the 'Federalist Papers'. You think that after Donald (the) D - BAG loses exactly 2 weeks from today, that Insp. 4 will merely, quietly turn off Fox News and switch to a repeat documentary of ENRON and Ken Lay ? Though I doubt it, maybe one of them will 'chime - in ' and give us a 'sneak peek' of COMING ATTRACTIONS !
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Does ANYONE, ANYONE at all have a Clue how the following are going to Deal with their HUGE ANGER Issues after the GOP Strikes OUT for the third time in a row in their quest for P O T U S ? ( citrat , Zom JFK, signals, 'HACKJOB' , and best of all Insp 4). Because these dudes are Loaded, L O A D E D with ANGER, Anger that sooner or later MUST be dealt with. Case in point. Insp 4 contructs rambling Posts, some that are as looooooong as the 'Federalist Papers'. You think that after Donald (the) D - BAG loses exactly 2 weeks from today, that Insp. 4 will merely, quietly turn off Fox News and switch to a repeat documentary of ENRON and Ken Lay ? Though I doubt it, maybe one of them will 'chime - in ' and give us a 'sneak peek' of COMING ATTRACTIONS !

I believe that the people that are angry today will still be angry tomorrow.
Love You Man!
it says volumes about your character that you are so gleeful about the possibility of putting such a corrupt piece of chit in the white house.

on the other hand if she loses we'll think they threw you in the cornfield again because we won't see your a$$ around
it says volumes about your character that you are so gleeful about the possibility of putting such a corrupt piece of chit in the white house.

on the other hand if she loses we'll think they threw you in the cornfield again because we won't see your a$$ around

Cornfield ??? For sure I won't wind up in a straight jacket in a NUT House like YOU, Insp 4, 'HACKJOB', etc.
Look citrat, Change is Hard, and everyone knows it. Your A N G E R is the same that you directed at our first BLACK President, and here you are right back, aiming it at the FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT in US HISTORY ! I know it's difficult for a Sexist, Whitey, but consider this.

" Come Senators, Congressmen please heed the call. Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall.........................................................For he that gets hurt, will be he who has STALLED,

There's a battle outside and it's Ragin',.......It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls,


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" x ", that was a cute cartoon. (seriously). So after I watched it, I asked myself, what was the first thing that came to mind ?
Well, it was that, in the last (say) 15 years, Cooperation(s) Profits have Climbed a Steady Line skyward, many to record historical $$ levels, while unfortunately, workers wages have stagnated along an 'west to east' line, often times not keeping up with yearly cost of living conditions. In other words, "Something is Seriously F'd up here". Wouldn't you agree ?
" x ", that was a cute cartoon. (seriously). So after I watched it, I asked myself, what was the first thing that came to mind ?
Well, it was that, in the last (say) 15 years, Cooperation(s) Profits have Climbed a Steady Line skyward, many to record historical $$ levels, while unfortunately, workers wages have stagnated along an 'west to east' line, often times not keeping up with yearly cost of living conditions. In other words, "Something is Seriously F'd up here". Wouldn't you agree ?

Yes I agree.
That's why we need a change. Bill Clinton couldn't do it and he was/is an embarrassment to this country.
NoBama didn't do squat.
DemoRats can't do it or don't want to to protect their ass.
RepubliRats can't/didn't do anything either.

The 'MACHINE' is broken.
Trump is certainly not 'status quo'.
Time to throw in a wrench to get people trying to fix it rather than the status quo.
Da Pepple have spoken.
Billery and NoBama are just too smug to get it.

I could go on but at least I didn't call you a 'tard' and (as always) I respect your opinion, more-so if it agrees with mine...😛

Take Care U ole Pole Smoker...😱
Well bears, this pretty much says it all.

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