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Thanks AWA


Dec 19, 2005
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I posted this on another site but it got no attention for the people involved. I flew my old girlfriend rdu/phx, on a retiree guest pass, she got shot down in phx due to a weather delay, but by the fact she has never been a non-rev traveler before she didnt have a clue, but she did say everyone in phx was very nice. THANKS!
I've been through PHX twice in the past two months as a non-rev and I found everyone to be very helpful and friendly too. I wish I could say the same about LAS...
The never-ending issue in LAS is that there is high turn-over, and so many gate agents are inexperienced.
Couple that with a very strict mgmnt style there.
Newbies are easily brainwashed and it seems there is never a msg of "Take Care of Your Fellow Employees".
More like, Don't Take a Delay for Non-Revs or Non-Revs Are More Trouble Than They are Worth.
LAS employees generally don't think for themselves, or think outside the box.
But I blame it on local mgmnt.
Keep in mind, I'm generalizing and talking mostly about newbies.
I started in LAS, and have many friends still there.
The senior group knows how to work around mgmnt.
Although there have been bad experiences non reving, its nice to know that there are good ones too! I have had both and really appreciate the agents that go above and beyond for their fellow employees, whether at the ato, on the a/c or on this board.(Thanx, HULA!) CSR, Lisa A in PHX was just a sweetheart when non reving. I wish we had an internal Above and Beyond Program. Too many employees go unnoticed when helping and only those that interact with our customers are recognized.(usually)
I've non-reved quite a bit and I've only had one sour face. I kinda brought it upon myself. I fell asleep during a two hour lay over after a redeye (I was waiting for a connecting flight). When I woke up I saw the door closing. Thankfully an attendant at another gate called someone and they opened the door for me and I got on. She gave me a sour face, but I probably deserved it! Non-Reving has been a very enjoyable experience and a super benefit.
That is good to hear...... Good customer service starts from within. Take care of your own employees equally like you would take care of customers......
The never-ending issue in LAS is that there is high turn-over, and so many gate agents are inexperienced.
Couple that with a very strict mgmnt style there.
Newbies are easily brainwashed and it seems there is never a msg of "Take Care of Your Fellow Employees".
More like, Don't Take a Delay for Non-Revs or Non-Revs Are More Trouble Than They are Worth.
LAS employees generally don't think for themselves, or think outside the box.
But I blame it on local mgmnt.
Keep in mind, I'm generalizing and talking mostly about newbies.
I started in LAS, and have many friends still there.
The senior group knows how to work around mgmnt.
And the guy who formally ran LAS is now running Philly ?
I posted this on another site but it got no attention for the people involved. I flew my old girlfriend rdu/phx, on a retiree guest pass, she got shot down in phx due to a weather delay, but by the fact she has never been a non-rev traveler before she didnt have a clue, but she did say everyone in phx was very nice. THANKS!
There was gunfire at PHX, recently? How come it didn't make the AZRebumblic? 😱 😉
There was gunfire at PHX, recently? How come it didn't make the AZRebumblic? 😱 😉
ROFL. Last night there was a mini-mircroburst at PHX! I was at work, and then all of a sudden our power went off! It was kinda weird, actually.. I knew the monsoon season is starting early in Phx according to the news station here, but.. wow.. such storms lately.