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Thank You "captain" Ike

Art at ISP

Aug 20, 2002
Reaction score
Dix Hills NY
This morning I had the pleasure of flying with one of the most memorable flight attendants I have ever met--"Captain" Ike. The day started off badly, with me discovering that my travel agent booked my return to ISP for yesterday rather than today, although she emailed me a confirmation which had today's date. That being fixed cheerfully by a great ticket agent I proceeded to my flight.

During early boarding this gentleman was cheerful, said a personal good morning to ALL passengers, while distributing water bottles to those of us up front, and then personally introduced himself to all of us and said he'd be taking care of us for the flight as he took drink orders and offered us the fruit plate.

After the "snack" service, and between attending to normal duties, he took the time to chat with each passenger in F, and made sure he let us know that our business was appreciated--by him and by his colleagues.

He also took the trouble to memorize our names, and addressed everyone by name as he checked up on us offering additional refreshments.

I was the one offering thanks as I deplaned--despite all you guys are going through, you continue to shine--brightly I might add.

So thanks "Captain" Ike (nickname)....you make me proud to be a loyal US customer.

I thought you all might appreciate hearing something nice for a change around here.

My best to you all......
Captain "Ike" is one of those "senior" f/a's. He's been around over 20+ years and I can tell you he hasn't changed one bit.I had the pleasure of meeting him when he was brand new at PSA. He has been giving great service since he was a new hire and making everyone feel special. Kudos to a "Great Flight Attendant"!! We could all learn a lesson from him!!
But. . . I'm sorry, I have to ask the question. . . But, was he a "looker?" Or was he "dumpy" with his stomach hanging over his belt. did he have "messy gray hair", was he over the dreaded age of 40? Should we write a letter stating we need to get rid of the over the hill flight attendants. . . Or, does it really matter. Which is more important style or substance? Just inquiring.
I could care less what an F/A looks like--if they are physically able to do the job, fine. And if they have the attitude and performance of "Captain" Ike even better.

For the record, 4mer, he appeared very young to me---and in shape...not that I am an expert. I think he's into parasailing or something similar.

My best to you all...
I just flew a trip 4-day with a 25 year f/a. Younger than me and a great personality.He was super great with boarding, deplaning and service. I felt in awe of him. Twenty five years and he had the greatest attitude. He did have a little paunch, which I thought made him kinda sexy. He had a girlfriend, loved wine and was very personable. I was proud to have flown with him. He often went beyond the call to assist passengers and make everyone feel welcome. I have high regards for him ....25 years later and still doing the right thing. 🙂 :up:
i know ike and i have had the pleasure of flying with him many times . he has web site . i beleive its captainike.com. he is planning to fly a glider to raise charity for literacy i beleive. i moght be wrong but check it out.
This man deserves support. Like Bill Cosby, he is promoting education as the antidote to poverty. :up:
actually he already did it from san diego to the write brothers memorial . it was done in may. go ike 😉
Art at ISP said:
I was the one offering thanks as I deplaned--despite all you guys are going through, you continue to shine--brightly I might add.

I thought you all might appreciate hearing something nice for a change around here.
Art, this is slightly off topic so I hope you don't mind.

I haven't flown US much this summer for reasons that do not matter here, but since April I have made it a point of saying thanks to the F/A's as I get off the plane. In my best smart a** voice, I always say soimething to the effect of "You folks are the best regardless of what Jerry Glass thinks. Thank you for a great ride and for all you do" It always brings a smile, a laugh and sometimes a look on the face of how in the heck does this guy know who Jerry Glass is. And once in a while I get this look of "who is Jerry Glass". I often wonder how many of the F/A's go back and look at the manifest so see who the nut cake was. But I mean it from the heart and I have missed the fine folks of US this summer.

So if a tall, very good looking, sexy salt and pepper haired guy has said that to you, you've meet l4pi. 😉