Texas is about to be invaded by the Federal Government.


Oct 20, 2007

Dear America,

I write to you from behind the lines in the last free state of Texas as we prepare to resist the invasion of Jade Helm 15.
While Gen. Travis laid in a supply of extra "beeves" in advance of the Mexican assault from Gen. Santa Anna at the Alamo, we are fearful of running low on Slim Jims and Moon Pies as the Walmarts are turned into detention centers for citizens robbed of their constitutional rights. As POWs (Prisoners of Walmart), we expect to be put to work in the sporting goods department against our will while earning below minimum wage.
But be not afraid, America. We are Texans. We will resist logic and intelligence to the very end. And we will keep up our traditions. From the Alamo to the Battle of Goliad, the Confederacy, LBJ's Vietnam, George W. Bush's Iraq War, and even Jerry Jones' Dallas Cowboys, we have a long legacy of losing. And the odds are also against us in the coming Battle of Jade Helm, but we expect to prevail against the invaders, and we will not give up our rights.
Or our air conditioning, cold beer, and Slim Jims.
A Patriotic Texan

Guess if the Feds invaded a Libtards town or state, they'd have coffee and doughnuts waiting on all the citizens front porches, while on their knees, bowing and praying to their false idol..........Government!
southwind said:
Guess if the Feds invaded a Libtards town or state, they'd have coffee and doughnuts waiting on all the citizens front porches, while on their knees, bowing and praying to their false idol..........Government!
You fugging idiot.

They are the U.S. Armed forces...special forces at that. Your damn right I welcome them with open arms. I guess the state you live in has no troops? Wait. Maybe They have already "invaded" your state of Georgia since there are 13 bases located there.
Glenn Quagmire said:
You fugging idiot.

They are the U.S. Armed forces...special forces at that. Your damn right I welcome them with open arms. I guess the state you live in has no troops? Wait. Maybe They have already "invaded" your state of Georgia since there are 13 bases located there.
We all know what this is about.  It's about Obama.  Southwind will wrap himself in the flag but as soon as some crackpot conspiracy theory comes along he jumps on board.  Because in the end his hatred of the president is greater than his respect for the troops.  
Notice how he had to include Obama in the post.  Which shows what he was really getting at.
Love the troops, hate the mission.
Some people can't make the distinction.
Kent State.
I'm calling BS. Let's see some proof with something other than two unnamed sources. This does not pass the smell test.
traderjake said:
Love the troops, hate the mission.
Some people can't make the distinction.
Kent State.
You don't get to do that.  You don't get to say you love the troops yet you think they might be on a mission to take away your guns and your freedom.  Please explain to me how you can love someone who you think is going to do that to you.
traderjake said:
Does Army consider Christians, Tea Party, a terror threat?
“The American public should be outraged that the U.S. Army is teaching our troops that evangelical Christians and Tea Party members are enemies of America, and that they can be punished for supporting or participating in those groups,” said Berry, a former Marine Corps JAG officer. 
Fox News?  The only worse source for this kind of information would be WND and/or Infowars.
You want to be an uninformed patsy stuck in the false left right paradigm your whole life that's up to you.
Fox News is the right side (vs the left) of the false paradigm.
777 fixer said:
You don't get to do that.  You don't get to say you love the troops yet you think they might be on a mission to take away your guns and your freedom.  Please explain to me how you can love someone who you think is going to do that to you.
Iraq War.
Did you love the mission or hate the troops?
traderjake said:
You want to be an uninformed patsy stuck in the false left right paradigm your whole life that's up to you.
Fox News is the right side (vs the left) side of the false paradigm.
Funny how people like you call the rest of us patsy's yet will believe anything and everything that comes out of Alex Jones big mouth.
Now care to explain how you can love the troops yet at the same time think they are there to take away your guns and freedom?
traderjake said:
Iraq War.
Did you love the mission or hate the troops?
He is not saying that the troops in Iraq were coming to take away his freedom here in the US.