Terrorist Holds Congress Hostage and Demands Legislation

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The non-Islamic nations have to get their acts together and totally conquer the Middle East; guarantee the world will be at peace thereafter. :shock:

Germany's plan of conquering Europe and Russia sure panned out. AND it was just as an "intelligent" decision as your idea on nuking the ME.

Looking at the ME, did you know that their reliance on oil is becoming less and less? Qatar is a wealthy country in its own right but according to National Geographic, only something like 4 or 5% of its non-tax revenue comes from oil. But all that you see is a turban and somebody that doesn't think just like you. So yeah...nuke 'em all. Worked for nazi Germany.
Some peopel are starting to realize that the people who were behind September 11, 2001 are still out there and they are not in Iraq. They are in Afghanistan and possibly Saudi Arabia. What the people are starting to realize is that the war in Iraq was and is a waste of US lives and has done nothing to make the US or the rest of the world safer.
Conquer the ME? Yea, that's a plan that has a future. Good grief.

Thank you for qualifing my point on denial and yes they are still out there; that is another point which appears to have gone over your head......they are all MUSLIMS! As far as the waste of time I am sure the WTC victims and survivors can give you some insight on that statement. <_<
Germany's plan of conquering Europe and Russia sure panned out. AND it was just as an "intelligent" decision as your idea on nuking the ME.

Looking at the ME, did you know that their reliance on oil is becoming less and less? Qatar is a wealthy country in its own right but according to National Geographic, only something like 4 or 5% of its non-tax revenue comes from oil. But all that you see is a turban and somebody that doesn't think just like you. So yeah...nuke 'em all. Worked for nazi Germany.

What you forgot was the fact that Germany's plan would have panned out if the US did not enter the war. The same denial mindset that you and Garfield1966 espouse was present when Germany was on the march; it wasn't until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor that we fell out of bed. We indeed could have confronted a Nazi Europe with more than meets the eye.....don't think for one moment that the so called "Aryan" super-race was your white/blonde sterotype. The tendrils of Islam are far greater than us infidels can imagine. :ph34r:
Thank you for qualifing my point on denial and yes they are still out there; that is another point which appears to have gone over your head......they are all MUSLIMS! As far as the waste of time I am sure the WTC victims and survivors can give you some insight on that statement. <_<

watch your back JH, The libbers will start bombarding you with things such as the Christian crusades which ended some 800 years ago as if they are relevant today.

welcome aboard btw! :up:

Local 12 B)
; that is another point which appears to have gone over your head......they are all MUSLIMS!

Yep, can't fight that logic. I keep forgetting all muslims are bad and all muslim countries are bad even if the ones being attacked had nothing to do with 9/11 and the ones not being attacked did have something to do with the attack on 9/11. It's so confusing. I'll try to remember your wise words for next time.
Yep, can't fight that logic. I keep forgetting all muslims are bad and all muslim countries are bad even if the ones being attacked had nothing to do with 9/11 and the ones not being attacked did have something to do with the attack on 9/11. It's so confusing. I'll try to remember your wise words for next time.

Watch out for those Hindus before they ram a cow where the sun don't shine! :lol:
As I recall, 9 of the terrorist on the plane were Saudi and none were from Iraq. The US was all on board when W went after Afghanistan which is where the ring leader OBL (You remember him right, he is the guy that W is no longer worried about). Iraq never had any link to what happened on September 11, 2001. What you fail to realize is that not everyone can be lead around by the nose like you can. Some peopel are starting to realize that the people who were behind September 11, 2001 are still out there and they are not in Iraq. They are in Afghanistan and possibly Saudi Arabia. What the people are starting to realize is that the war in Iraq was and is a waste of US lives and has done nothing to make the US or the rest of the world safer. What people are starting to realize is that this is about money and power. Were it not about money and power, our troops would have been in Saudi Arabia where there were links to OBL. What people are starting to realize is that the instigated of this war were incompetent, bumbling fools who had no idea what they were doing. What people are starting to realize is that the reasons Cheney gave in 1994 for not invading Iraq still hold true today because he predicted to a 't' exactly what is happening in Iraq. What people are realizing is that people such as yourself who advocate the use of nuclear weapons are detached from reality. Come November 2008, the republican party will become aware of exactly what the American people realize.

Conquer the ME? Yea, that's a plan that has a future. Good grief.

I used to wonder why no one did anything when all those young Palestinian's were traipsing into crowded markets and detonating themselves and others.....funny,kind of pretty much stopped since we took Iraq down didn't it?
So there must be some good coming out of it after all?

As I recall, 9 of the terrorist on the plane were Saudi and none were from Iraq.

Eh,they were all arabs.....

Close enough.......only counts in horseshoes,hand grenades and terrorist attacks.
Local 12 proud we must respect the Hindus for they have suffered greatly under the Islamic onslaught as well. They will be our allies in the conquest of Islam. :ph34r:

I meant no disrespect to the Hindus JH, I was simply pointing out that no other Religion is waging a Jihad except Islam. It was not a slam on Hindus at all.

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