Terminated F/A's

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Does anyone know if there is any truth to the word that 18 flight attendants from PIT were terminated for trying to commute to PHL and not being able to? I could wait until next month to see if my seniority number creeps up 18 numbers but I'm wondering if anyone knows details about this information.
I also heard the company gave 21 crew members space positive seats to PHL on Sunday because they were short crews.
I also heard the company gave 21 crew members space positive seats to PHL on Sunday because they were short crews.

Maybe there were 39 trying to get on. They only needed 21 so they gave them positive space and fired the rest.... :lol:
Well let me just say that the majority of flight attendants based in PHL are commuters. Many people from Pittsburgh commute and it certainly is tough to say the least. The ability to get into base for trips though is OUT OF CONTROL. The company knows it as well as those from Pittsburgh who try to commute in. Just look at the hub/wings and check loads for any day. For a better laugh though check the day of departure. Pittsburgh is NOT the first base to close and it's been tough for commuters at US for YEARS. Those employees from the west coast, Florida, prior closed bases etc. know how hard it is. I commuted and know just how hard it can be. If you know the flights are extremely tight and you cannot make it to base then you need to do like many others do and commute extremely early or if need be the day before. I'm just so SICK AND TIRED of covering trips by those that try last minute to make their check in. It's pure BS and I hope they fire every last one of them. Don't defend these people either. Save it before ya even go there. Ya get no preferential treatment and need to follow the rules accordingly. MANY commuters out there including the "pit gals" know how to plan accordingly and these f/a's that don't are giving everyone at US who commute a bad rap. Reserves have to be in base and a b/h should be sure to make it for check in. PERIOD.
Gee I am glad I dont work with you, people like you give union members a bad name.
And self entitled employees that have no regard for their coworkers who get screwed by their actions make great coworkers too. Get real. Play by the rules or your out.
A union member doesnt wish or want a fellow union member to be terminated and the union not defend them.

Guess they dont realize USAPA lost a DFR case last month.
I also heard the company gave 21 crew members space positive seats to PHL on Sunday because they were short crews.

Not 21but at least 13 or so and I was one of them.....
Flights were canceled left and right and those that weren't were delayed several hours. The T/A flights were already going out understaffed (some) and pos space was given the day before to flight attendants.... It was NOT a PIT only issue....

It would cost more money to cancel the flight than bump passengers........
Well let me just say that the majority of flight attendants based in PHL are commuters. Many people from Pittsburgh commute and it certainly is tough to say the least. The ability to get into base for trips though is OUT OF CONTROL. The company knows it as well as those from Pittsburgh who try to commute in. Just look at the hub/wings and check loads for any day. For a better laugh though check the day of departure. Pittsburgh is NOT the first base to close and it's been tough for commuters at US for YEARS. Those employees from the west coast, Florida, prior closed bases etc. know how hard it is. I commuted and know just how hard it can be. If you know the flights are extremely tight and you cannot make it to base then you need to do like many others do and commute extremely early or if need be the day before. I'm just so SICK AND TIRED of covering trips by those that try last minute to make their check in. It's pure BS and I hope they fire every last one of them. Don't defend these people either. Save it before ya even go there. Ya get no preferential treatment and need to follow the rules accordingly. MANY commuters out there including the "pit gals" know how to plan accordingly and these f/a's that don't are giving everyone at US who commute a bad rap. Reserves have to be in base and a b/h should be sure to make it for check in. PERIOD.

Actually Trav.. most of the flight attendants that day started at 8:30 am (me included). I got to Philly at 5:10 pm.... over 8 1/2 hours later!!! 8 1/2 hours for a 45 min flight????

Don't ya think we all tried very hard to get to work???? lol
That's what RESERVE'S are for!!

You really went there???????

Reserves are NOT there to cover for block holder ignorance
Reserves are NOT there to work every holiday because the block holders don't feel like working. They hog trips any other day..
Reserves are NOT there to take the sh^% that is left over because block holders feel they are "too good" to work THAT trip..
Reserves are there for irreg ops and sick calls!!!

So since you opened that up.........
Be a bit more responsible, or YOU SHOULD BE FIRED!!!!
I'm a bit unclear on things, perhaps someone can clarify for me?

Did trips go uncovered the day before so SKD had to call people offering S/P to get to work - if they agreed to work?

So the others were just nonreving and got caught up in the whole mess?
Begs the question why is the company negotiating with you directly outside of the current contract. we don't get those space pos seats out of the good of their heart, it's because they need something. Top that off we are in negotiations so Flores and Boswell should be telling the company to cease bypassing AFA or get a side letter extending everyone positive space in all bad weather situations ect. Two way street US Airways.
Really no one should be helping them out your only hurting yourselves. When I was reserve I learned real quick they have no memory of you doing anything for them.
They called me the other day asking if I wanted to go on the AIL. I informed her usually I call them when I want to go on the AIL and no thank you.
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