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Tentative last PMUS 767 Flights

700UW said:
So management pilots don't fly those ferry flights to retirement like they do with new deliveries?
:LOL:  :LOL:   :LOL:   :LOL:   :LOL:
Yeah, right.   Boeing is not wining and dining the pilots when they arrive at BFM, and, unless there is a cake and a photo op standing by, management pilots would never be seen in BFM, either.
Two PI 767s being prepped for delivery flights from Boeing.

It is probably because they are leased birds, but it is a shame they will all meet the scrapper and they can't find a way to save one to send the aviation museum in Charlotte.  That plane was a such a big deal to the history of Piedmont.  You'd think with the record profits someone would find a way to donate one as a tax write-off.

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