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Teddy Blasts Management

USA320Pilot said:
I'm not going to continue with "mud slinging", emotional comments, or to try and discredit the messenger.


USA320Pilot said:
How did I know you would post the same old rhetoric?

Seems to be a lot of this going on the board on several threads right now by ALL of the same people. Can we get back to discussing the Teddy letter in this one please? :cop: :cop:
USA320Pilot said:

There have been enough mistakes to go around for year’s to come, both by management and labor. I do not like the unilateral change to the profit sharing plan and what upsets me the most is that the unions were not even notified that the Board was even thinking about the change.

In my opinion, that lacks character.




Lord knows everyone has made mistakes. The problem many of us have is that people always say the often heard line " in the past". The problem is that at every start of a new day also starts a new past. A saying I have been told many times in my life haunts me " People that forget to remember the past are doomed to repeat it".
Some people are willing to make each new day the bench mark and everything proir is the past. At what point will the line be drawn.


This group will run rough shod over any and all. Then give themselfs a fat bonus. Just how many of these men and women have put their own dollars it this company? I am not talking about the stock options but the true invested dollar.

This group of people are EMPLOYEES and not entrepreneurs. They receive a paycheck just like you. They are paid by the company to do their job well, just like you. What on God's green earth gives you the idea that they deserve a BONUS.

One more thing, you have crossed the line by telling a customer to go away. Then to add to the insult you made reference to get them barred because of a difference of veiws. Dude, stop and think. If you had said this to your boss you could have been fired for insubordination. An apology is in order... do the right thing.
To the few suckups that post here:
The past is the past. I am more that willing to forget the past and move forward, but, it involves change of treatment by management. When "Dave" came to town I told my manager that if he was really "with" us and wanted to work as a team then He would get my full support. We now know that due to whatever that management is NOT part of the team and continues on with the same attitude. And, as human nature goes, the rank and file continue on with our attitude till we get the HP management. You can blame it on internet and variables and 911 and whatever you want but, our leaders have a shitty track record. Do you know what a track record is? Amazingly you defend it vigorously. Every move they make SHOULD be scrutinized to the max. Either you stand to gain somehow from the moves or you are not bright enough to figure it out.
Zeus said:
Come on...your commentary is not accurate. You make it appear that the employees hate coming to work each day. On the contrary, I have the opportunity to speak with many employees that enjoy their jobs. Your view on the inside is skew.

Morale is improving and the negativity on this chat board doesn't accurately represent the entire labor force.


I know that morale is improving just before the greivance is filed.

I know that morale is improving just before the pink slip is delivered.

I known that morale is improving with the BONUS anouncement.

I know morale is improving when the retired can't get their checks.

I know morale is improving when frustrated customers complain on deaf ears.

I know morale is improving when their profit sharing is stolen.

I know morale is improving the company steps over a dollar to screw a employee out of a dime.

If you really want the morale to improve... clean out CCY and the party will begin!

A fresh start... lets hope Mr Parker is as smart as they say...it won't be long

USA320Pilot said: “If you do not like it around US Airways, nobody is telling you have to fly on the company. In fact, management has bared passengers from flying on US Airways before for public comments made and it would not surprise me if that happens to you.â€￾

PineyBob said: “Well it seems I am unable to print my boarding pass via the web page this morning so it could be that your little threat is turning into action. Let's hope it's just another example of all of that "Business Acumen" Hawk refers to. Messing with a PNR deliberately has got to be illegal and since I have your threat posted here for all to see thing should get interesting. Seems that ONE of my colleagues has 2 meetings with the media this week so I must e-mail him about my "Situation", Let's see what happens, shall we? Gotta go and e-mail him and get to the airport earlier now.â€￾

USA320Pilot comments: PineyBob, if I do not like the service I receive from a company my action is simple – I go to another company and let them have my business. I do not become vindictive and I do not publicly blast the company on the Internet or through the media. However, you have elected another approach.

In regard to US Airways banning passengers from flying on the airline, the company has banned people who have publicly blasted management before, and it could happen again – thus the reason for my comments. My comment was not a threat but simply a statement of fact.

Scot is right, this topic should be about the Profit Sharing Plan change.


USA320Pilot said:
In regard to US airways banning passengers from flying on the airline, the company has banned people who have publicly blasted management before, and it could happen again – thus the reason for my comments. My comment was not a threat but simply a statement of fact.

It goes without saying that US needs Bob's revenue a whole lot more than Bob needs US. Start banning folks like Bob, and there will be no need at all for profit sharing--there won't be any profit.
USA320Pilot said:
Scot is right, this topic should be about the Profit Sharing Plan change.

:huh: So we should do as you say and not as you do?

The Profit Sharing situation chomps. <_<
Lark, yes we should stay on topic, but if the topic drifts should a comment not be made.

For example, if an aircraft drifts off course should a pilot make a comment and correction? When events change so do decisions, which is exactly what a good pilot does in-flight. If events change, so does the decision(s).


USA320Pilot said:
Lark, yes we should stay on topic, but if the topic drifts should a comment not be made.

For example, if an aircraft drifts off course should a pilot make a comment and correction? When events change so do decisions, which is exactly what a good pilot does in-flight. If events change, so does the decision(s).



You're drifting.....off topic, again...
It still comes down to the unions unable or unwilling to hold the line against management's plans. According to some sources on this site, there were plenty of people falling over each other to fund this merger; why not bring in new blood that allows management to upheld the agreements they signed with the unions? They were bragging about the funding they had going forward, but yet, the employees will see none of it.
It never ceases to amaze me the depths these characters in CCY will go. It's not a matter of if its right or wrong, it's a matter of they can get away with anything and will try anything. It's turned into a total money grab to line their pockets. This has the stench of J. Glass all over it. Beyond belief. HP is doing the right thing by moving everything to Tempe. CCY is beyond fumigation, it's up to the exterminators now to rid the rodents and vermin.
USA320Pilot said:
USA320Pilot comments: PineyBob, if I do not like the service I receive from a company my action is simple – I go to another company and let them have my business. I do not become vindictive and I do not publicly blast the company on the Internet or through the media. However, you have elected another approach.
I actually agree with USA320Pilot on something. Amazing.
June 27, 2005

US Airways Special Bulletin

I receive information today by way of a newspaper article, wherein it states that US Airways Board of Directors unilaterally decided to reduce a profit-sharing program its unions ratified six months ago.

The Union is totally opposed to this action which we believe is illegal. We have turned the matter over to our attorneys to take appropriate action.

We will keep you advised of future developments as they occur.

Sincerely and fraternally,
William O’Driscoll
President and Directing General Chairman
IAM District 142

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