Teamsters at the GOP Convention

You simply are 1000% wrong. It is totally illegal to take union dues and donate them a political candidate or a party.

The only thing they are allowed to is Get Out To Vote Programs.

You do know under the Landrum-Griffith Act. Every penny a union spends is documented and file on the LM-2 with the Department of Labor.

Federal Elections Act of 1971 made it illegal for union dues to be donated to political parties, candidates, and campaigns

Political action committees​

Main article: Political action committee
The Federal Election Campaign Act also "provided the basic legislative framework for separate segregated funds," more commonly known as political action committees. Although the law prohibits corporations and unions from making direct contributions to federal candidates, it allows a group to "establish, operate and solicit voluntary contributions for the organization's" political action committee. These funds can then in turn be used in federal elections“

You are either very naive or a special kind of stupid. I am sure corrupt politicians would NEVER break laws to receive funding. Just because it is not SUPPOSED to happen does not mean it DOES not happen.

You are either very naive or a special kind of stupid. I am sure corrupt politicians would NEVER break laws to receive funding. Just because it is not SUPPOSED to happen does not mean it DOES not happen.

It’s quite apparent you didn’t read the article and you didn’t comprehend my post

PAC money ISNT Union dues. Like I stated it’s against the law for a union to give dues money to a party or candidate.

PAC money is voluntary contributions from members which is perfectly legal.
You are either very naive or a special kind of stupid. I am sure corrupt politicians would NEVER break laws to receive funding. Just because it is not SUPPOSED to happen does not mean it DOES not happen.

Can't you make your point without all the links? Who has time to read them?
Can't you make your point without all the links? Who has time to read them?
And he doesn’t probably even read what he posts.

As one of his posts clearly states PAC Money, which aren’t even union dues money, it’s voluntary contributions from members.


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