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Teamster contempt for A&P's


Again its all about aircraft mechanics here at AA, NOT the IAM, If you care so much about what happens with the IAM why are you here on an AA site which is all about AMFA and the TWU, and ibt.

You just like to spout off all your IAM and industrial crap, which has nothing to do with AA. Have nothing else to do?

You do have a vast knowledge or so it would seem about unions but its about aircraft mechanics, facilities, and auto mechanics, what we want and which union we want to represent us. Not About what you think we should have. Your just trying to cause a distraction, like most guys need that at this time.

The USAir guys need to listen to your stuff about the IAM since they have now requested that the IBT replace them.

Or is it your IAM support does not fly over there (USAir) since very few give a crap anyways.

Another excellent post.

Does the IAM have a joint contact at UAL? At least the IBT has the decency not to bring such a disgrace of an agreement with the highest medical in the industry and scope for only seven stations. It's clear the IAM wanted to hastily reach an agreement so the dues can start flowing from the s-CO side.

Has the IBT ever called a POS agreement "monumental" and how they are "extremely proud of this agreement" like Ira Levy, GLR and Sito Pantoja GVP did?


I hate to say it ( no I don't ), the ibt did the same exact thing to the sub-CAL rampers. They got them a garbage contract, quick, so they can start collecting dues. I'm sure that is why the iam won the representational vote when they combined. The rampers were let down by the promises vs. the action of the ibt.
Does the IAM have a joint contact at UAL? At least the IBT has the decency not to bring such a disgrace of an agreement with the highest medical in the industry and scope for only seven stations. It's clear the IAM wanted to hastily reach an agreement so the dues can start flowing from the s-CO side.

Has the IBT ever called a POS agreement "monumental" and how they are "extremely proud of this agreement" like Ira Levy, GLR and Sito Pantoja GVP did?

Dues are all ready being collected from the CO folks, gee joshie, how can you be wrong again.

Its been three years at UA and CO and no joint cba for the ibt mechanics.

Glad to see you still cant stick to the topic, and still try to deflect, hey josh, there is a car at the drive up teller window, they need to make a deposit, get to it!
Dues are all ready being collected from the CO folks, gee joshie, how can you be wrong again.

Its been three years at UA and CO and no joint cba for the ibt mechanics.

Glad to see you still cant stick to the topic, and still try to deflect, hey josh, there is a car at the drive up teller window, they need to make a deposit, get to it!

Enlighten us on the joint agreement from the IAM and how many stations will be transitioned to ZW.

You will have to ask United's Finance and Operations department, they choose the vendors at stations where there isnt ramp.

And cant you stick to the topic?

Show me where in the IAM contract at UA that is says stations where its a vendor it as to be Air Wisconsin employees.
You know ZW is the vendor of choice for the IAM, they are happy to have stations like MIA and MHT transitioned from m/l to Express provided ZW handles the work and dues keep flowing to the GL and DL. The IAM wouldn't put this in the CBA, its a back door deal they reach with the co. And the even the current CBA from 2005 is so weak to allow seasonal m/l to be handled by Express. Go to ORD or IAD, most of the UA operation is UAX.

How many times do you have to be told, the IAM doesnt tell UA who to choose as a vendor, an RFP is put out and companies bid on it.

The IAM represents Hudson General and other ramp service companies, yet you dont see them being pushed as vendors, now do you?

Keep spreading lies joshie.

Guess you dont realize, no airline and its unions have ramp workers at every station they fly into, those are the facts their joshie.
The IAM has a cozy relationship with UA and the other airlines they represent members at. I mean seriously, it was through their collaboration with NWA that AMFA got defeated, worked with Hawaiian to add ready reserve language, worked with UA to produce the POS sell out agreement, was happy to kick the can down the road at US. It doesn't need to be written anywhere, and apparently the grand lodge reached agreements with UA to keep m/l staff at Express stations in the past.

Look at the leadership the IAM has, people like Randy Canale, Bobby Depace, Robert Roach, etc they are most interested in giving the co exactly what they want.

Not to defend the IBT, but it was some of the US A&Ps that asked them for permission to start a card drive. They were so tired of the IAM bs that they wanted to try someone new. It was before the merger took place. I personally hope AA votes AMFA in so we can get rid of the lying industrial unions.
Joshie, full of lies again huh?

And Canale and Depace are no longer in leadership positions and havent been in years.

Keep trying.
What do the industrial unions representing today's Aircraft Maintenance Technicians feel about fighting for and protecting our skilled and proud craft & profession? This picture says it all! The teamsters, twu and iam are all interested in collecting dues over giving their membership controll over their unions.

The ONLY true union to represent AMTs is the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA)!


Sign an AMFA Authorization Card today!


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No IAM member overhauled an aircraft nor did line maintenance on the planes joshie.

Guess you cant realize parking and pushing of airplanes and doing an air start didnt break AMFA.

Lets see ALPA, PFAA(AMFA's sister union), the IBT and TWU all came to work.
Are A&P the ones who could do the overhauls and are there different types of overhauls or is it just one overhaul for the entire plane
No picketing huh Bob?

Guess you didnt see this now have you?


Or this?


And it happened in PHL, CLT and PHX that I know of.

And no union files for a release after just one year, they werent even in mediation in the first year.

The IAM filed for a release and is still waiting for the NMB to respond one way or another.

The IAM has sat on their hands Bob.


Guess that thr picket line in high visability charlotte didn't make national headlines. Whats wrong with setting up pickets in New York or DCA where somebody might actuslly see them? Somebody might see them?