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Taxpayer-funded sex change granted for convicted murderer


Mar 12, 2012
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Murder victim's family speaks out against husband's taxpayer-funded sex change
BOSTON (FOX 25 / MyFoxBoston.com) The family of murder victim Cheryl Kosilek is speaking out against the taxpayer-funded sex change operation recently awarded to the man who killed her by a Massachusetts judge.
Cheryl met her husband, Robert Kosilek, at a rehabilitation facility where she volunteered. Family members say Cheryl thoguth she could help Robert conquer his demons.
In May 1990, Cheryl arrived home to find Robert dressed in her clothes and a fight ensued.
Marlee Gomes, cheryl's cousin, tells FOX 25 that Robert strangled Cheryl with a wire and attacked her until she was almost decapitated. He then drove her body to the Emerald Square Mall and left her in the car, naked. Robert reported her missing shortly after.
Robert is currently serving a life sentence and recently won a long battle to get a sex change paid for by the state.
"You don't know what's it's like to know that your cousin was murdered like that and now he's being treated like a God," says Marlee Gomes.
For Marlee, her biggest problem with the verdict isn't that taxpayers will be footing the estimated $200,000 bill for the surgery. She says it is more about the message the verdict sends to Kosilek and other people who want such a surgery or need a life saving surgery, but cannot afford it.
"What do they have to do? Go out and commit a crime to get the surgery that they absolutely need to have," says Marlee.
Cheryl's family has started an online petition (http://www.change.or...icted-murderer) asking for the judge in the case to reconsider his verdict and think about Cheryl Nash http://tinyurl.com/cdd32th

[Timothy McCaul] said Kosilek cooked him a steak dinner and that the two of them talked about commonplace things. After dinner, he said, Kosilek became worried about his wife's absence and began calling hospitals and police stations, McCaul said.
Later, he said, Kosilek told him that [Cheryl Kosilek] had gotten into an accident. Then, he said, Kosilek left to talk with detectives at the North Attleboro police station.
McCaul also testified that Kosilek had shaved off his beard on the day of the killing - the first time he had done so in a year. He said Kosilek had last shaved his beard when he entered a treatment program after Cheryl kicked him out of the house for drinking. http://tinyurl.com/bn6cq29
.....the estimated $200,000 bill for the surgery.

Well...I don't know about others, but I'm suddenly, intensly proud of yet another enlightened government agency properly using taxpayer monies to make safe western civilization, and of course; ensure a brighter tomorrow for everyone......Unbelievable...but sadly; not-so-much-so anymore, and more's the pity.
Look at it this way. If it gets its sex changed, come execution time it can complain they ain't who did the crime.
And which state was this?....

Never mind. The decision makes total sense. Wouldn't happen in at least 30 other states.
Another example of a Liberal activist judge ruining our country no doubt........Say What???? He was appointed to the bench by Ronald Reagan in 1985? The Liberal press surely got this wrong. Say What ??? It was reported on FAUX News?? Oh my !!!!
Sadly why am I not surprised at this?

We've lost our way on the issue of "Rights"

You have a right to live as you choose. So if a sex change is your desire then so be it. However along with that right comes responsibility and part of that responsibility is being held accountable for your actions. No place in the COTUS does it mention the government paying for elective surgery regardless of whether you're incarcerated or otherwise.
Would this be the state Mitt Romney was Governor of?

Yep. And the state that John Kerry, Michael "No Supersize For You!" Bloomberg, Barney Frank, Tip O'Neil, Elizabeth Fauxahantas Warren, Matt Damon, Mike Dukakis, Ben Afleck, and Louis Farrakhan are from or still call home.

And guess who else? Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Pres. George H.W. Bush.

Just goes to show you can't paint all people from Massachusetts as being lemmings when it comes to their politics...
Three women that had undergone sex change surgery to become women were stiing around chatting one day. The topic turned to what they had to endure during surgery to fulfill their dream of becoming a woman.
The first one complained that the pain of having implants placed in her chest was the worst for her.
For the second woman it was when they turned her penis into a vagina (cut the tree and split the stump is the medical term)
The last woman agreed that those were both painful but the worst part of her transformation from male to female was when the doctors drilled a hole in her head and sucked out half of her brains.