There comes a point where enough is enough when it comes to paycuts. I'm not going to say what the USAirways pilots should or should not give up. But the question for them is 'when is enough'. There is a point where I, and thousands of others in this industry will say no more. At that point and with 25+ years, I personally will be willing to walk away, as I will not give away my services. There is an old addage, you get what you pay for, and if you want to pay a young kid with minimal experience a minimal wage to fly you, the general public, then so be it. You might not then get what you'd wished you'd payed for.
Continually accepting wage cuts to just have a job defeats self worth, and drags down labor. In the macroscopic sense, preserving a quality wage might be better in the long run, as reemployment in the future would probably be at a higher wage level. Many on this board seem to feel that keeping a company going at all costs is worth it. Well, it isnt. I'm glad its not my decision. The collective wisdom of multi member labor councils will generally always yield a better decision than an individuals. We at UAL had one guy, P.W., negotiate our last concessionary contract. Bad news. I trust the results of a group effort alot more.
Denver, CO