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Talks Break Down Between Us Airways And Its Pilots

totobird said:
USA320 Pilot I read all your posts and respect your insight into these complicated matters. Thankyou for the information you pass along to us.

Question for you.........do you think the proposal will be sent out to the membership or are we headed into Bankruptcy Court ?
totobird are you mgt or just stupid? DELETED BY MODERATOR insight? :shock:
To all those who actually thought the gang at the Crystal Palace was going to negotiate.......

Respectfully...NOT !!!!!!

Game, Set, and Match

Respectfully.....Sorry to be so negative, it just comes with the job(company)...
It sounds to me that the SANE men and women of ALPA are tired of getting the shaft just like everyone else. ALPA negotiated in good faith and was willing to take to their membership an agreement that would have saved the company millions, but the company doesn't know the meaning of the word negotiation. They want what they want with no compromise and that is the bottom line.

Other labor groups were in the midst of talks and experienced the same thing. IAM won't waste their time and I don't blame them.

BTW, I know at least one pilot who has been with the company for 20+ years and has had enough. If he feels that way, I know most of his coworkers feel the same way. He is making a little over half of what he was three years ago and has adjusted. But he is tired of giving, just like the rest of us.

It is coming to the end and I feel sorry for those who haven't seen the "reality" of it all over the past two years. Fact is, those of us who are the naysayers are at least preparing for the worst and some have already jumped ship. Those of you who were willing to hold onto the last thread of hope - sorry your hindsight wasn't 20/20. History is repeating itself - you should have seen it coming.
USA320Pilot said:
The reason there was no TA is the the RC4/5 did not begin active negotiations until this week and the creditors pulled the plug because they had enough. The financial community said to ALPA either become an LCC or vanish. The RC4/5 did not believe them, so the company gave the union its last best offer, which is an America West type of contract.


An AWA type contract? Are you kidding. The pilots offer is below an AWA type contract. The companies offer would put the U pilots below everyone except maybe JB. Sorry, the pilots are offering enough, and the rest of us are done giving.
320 Guy, You are totally off the mark. Add up the numbers..we have given enough with the proposals of 22Aug....We would instantly be profitable if our managers knew how to run this place and took our proposal. Bus Flt321
my question to usa320pilot is this: how would you survive with the amw or jb type contract? it'd sure be like the rest of us and even some of us in the mainline express cities where we live on welfare as a result of this inept mgmt who cant get what they want and they go crying ch11 or ch7 whichever they choose! so before you post another pro mgmt thing, why dont you take a look at how mgmt treats the employees--including you--like liabilities you know just like what dr bonehead i mean bronner said we the employees of usair are nothing but liabilites
USA320Pilot said:
The reason there was no TA is the the RC4/5 did not begin active negotiations until this week

Man, you are in serious need of a drug test. I can't believe USAirways actually lets you operate their airplanes after what you must be smoking.
totobird said:
USA320 Pilot I read all your posts and respect your insight into these complicated matters. Thankyou for the information you pass along to us.

Question for you.........do you think the proposal will be sent out to the membership or are we headed into Bankruptcy Court ?

Dodobird -

The company is praying that it goes out for a vote. They know the fear-mongers and their lemming followers will likely approve it. A bankruptcy judge, on the other hand, may be a bit more reasonable.

It's time for the PIT, PHL and BOS Capt reps to call the roll, keep the NC at the table indefinitely for a better deal (even though it is not forthcoming,) and run the clock out until we're in Chapter 11. Let's take our chances with the judge. It can't be any worse than what the company is proposing. And if we don't like it, we still preserve the right to strike. If we give these B****rds what they want by voting for it, we lose the self-help option.
youngblood said:
It is coming to the end and I feel sorry for those who haven't seen the "reality" of it all over the past two years. Fact is, those of us who are the naysayers are at least preparing for the worst and some have already jumped ship. Those of you who were willing to hold onto the last thread of hope - sorry your hindsight wasn't 20/20. History is repeating itself - you should have seen it coming.

Well said. It's sad but it's the painful reality that some employees will be forced to accept, and some will have a very difficult time. Working at U was truly the best job I ever had, good money, easy work, like a dream, and like a dream I knew it would end one day, and for me it has, now back to true reality.
Please don't disclose the identities of our posters. Thanks.

The MEC has called a special meeting to discuss the issue. Then later today the "hardliners" have given required notice that they want to hold a second meeting, early Wednesday morning, to discuss "negotiating strategy". It appears the RC4 are having a change of heart.


Hope777 said:
Well it looks like we can now THANK ALPA for Chapter 7.........


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