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SWAPA chimes in on TR use and Performance

LGW= London Gatwick. Sorry we fly to LHR(london Heathrow) The real London airport. Got any more lies and misinformation you care to throw out?

WTF are you doing the TED reference for. I could care less what the airline is called or the color it is painted as long as it survives. I believe SWA has done a good job of proving that god awful paint jobs still make money. It is all the same KC (mainline and TED) ,the only difference is we had to shorten the name to attract the customers of the likes that SWA flies around. Could not have too many letters or words. Three was about as many letters as the average SWA pax could comprehend. Seems to be working 🙂

You should run along and get busy on that $50 bbl claim you made. Hate to see you made out to be a LIAR in front of your fans. But you made a claim now how about backing it up? Waiting patiently while you try to avoic the facts.
YOu are pretty adept at avoiding facts and making up lies yourself. FWIW, at least I have fans....I recall a fellow UAL employee who used the word "pathetic" to describe you. Sorry you're so bitter.
YOu are pretty adept at avoiding facts and making up lies yourself. FWIW, at least I have fans....I recall a fellow UAL employee who used the word "pathetic" to describe you. Sorry you're so bitter.

I used the term "fans" as a bit of a farce. But if it stokes your ego then go ahead and slef gratify yourself. Again, where is the $50bbl source you are going to bring to the table.

As far as LHR is concerned I should have cut you some slack. Did not give you the KC MO grading curve for knowledge of the world outside your neck of the woods.
KCFlyer and magsau,

What exactly does this personal banter between the two of you have to do with the reports posted for this topic?

Discuss the topic at hand, and not each other.

Page 39 of the 8-K filed 1/17/06 says;

Fuel assumptions
United’s long-term fuel forecast is based on a combination of information sources. The primary sources of information include a monthly forecast prepared by PIRA energy consulting group, the forward curve for NYMEX oil and heating oil futures and United’s read on the overall market performance and direction. United assumes a long-term crude oil price of $50 per barrel for 2006 to 2010, or an equivalent of jet fuel price of $1.48 per gallon (before hedging expenses).

Now in the 8-K filed yesterday they revised the forecast:

The company expects mainline fuel price for the first quarter to average $1.92 per gallon, and for the full-year to average $1.81 per gallon (including taxes). Currently the company has no hedges in place for 2006. For the full-year 2006, the company anticipates fuel expense for mainline and the company's regional affiliates' operations will increase by approximately $885 million over its previous assumption, which was based on a mainline fuel price of $1.48 per gallon (including taxes). The previous assumptions were more fully described in the company's Updated G6 financial projections contained in Exhibit 99.1 to the Form 8-K filed with the SEC on January 17, 2006.

HR Diva
Page 39 of the 8-K filed 1/17/06 says;

Fuel assumptions
United’s long-term fuel forecast is based on a combination of information sources. United assumes a long-term crude oil price of $50 per barrel for 2006 to 2010, or an equivalent of jet fuel price of $1.48 per gallon (before hedging expenses).

Now in the 8-K filed yesterday they revised the forecast:

The company expects mainline fuel price for the first quarter to average $1.92 per gallon, and for the full-year to average $1.81 per gallon (including taxes). .

An average over 4 years of $50 is different than saying the plan was based on $50. An average is just that. It can be more and it can be less just the average is hoped to be $50. With the revision, there is 42 gallons per bbl at 1.81 that number is 76.02 per bbl. The 1.48 number is 62.16 per bbl.

One thing many seem to forget is that banks had to approve this plan and the loan. Do you people really think the banks would not do due diligence in approving the POR? If they did not due their homework they would be liable to many many people. If you reference the WSJ article from Friday January 13th you will find Brace mentions oil at $67 delivering a Break Even year. I don't have WSJ online or I would link it.

Also, what are the oil assumptions at NWA and DL? You guys want to chime in on the demise of those two carriers? Who has a good handle on where oil is going?

By the way SWA stil slid off the runway at MDW killing a child because they took into account bad data for landing. Does not matter how much they paid for gas on the trip from BWI they still waited 17 seconds after touchdown to activate the TR's. With only 30feet of margin to begin the approach they had to do it exactly right or things would go terribly wrong. Well we all know what happened. Gas price or not they still muffed it.
You don't need to quote when you are directly replying to the previous post. (Moderators will love me for saying this!).

The bottom line is that United based it's plan initially on $50 and revised it upward. You're spinning. End of discussion.

Secondly, I don't know you, I don't work for an airline--but your comments about SWA are disgusting. If it makes you feel any better, you should know that I personally experienced the worst flight of my life on United. I will never fly them again because of it. I tell everyone about it. Just this week I spoke before an audience of over 1,000 and used it as an example of beyond horrible service.

HR Diva
Now that's a hoot Lost. Was your experience as bad as the folks I saw on airline this week who spent over ten hours on an airplane with nothing but peanuts? I think that story was between the one about the drunk stripper who just got out of rehab and the story about the other woman who had just got out of rehab and was traveling with he son. SWA got them stuck in Nashville. Nuthin like a strung out junkie spending the night in an airport. But hey, they are flexible with your travel plans.... Oh wait, then there was the story about the lady with her two boys who got to the airport 3 hours early (in the dark) wanting to standby for an earlier flight. The agent said "Sure, that'll be $125 EACH" Sounds to me like an airline that is ripping it's passengers off and taking advantage of them. She said no, and the flight left with several open seats while she waited three hours for her flight....which was overbook and was buying off passengers. INCREDIBLE. The truth? EVERY service organization has it's blunders. SWA has a bunch of great employees who day to day do there best to make all the customers happy. Same at UAL. Unfortunately, both encounter self important dolts who derive their value from the number of equally self important dolts (1000?) who aren't happy no matter what you do. Enjoy SWA, I doubt UAL wants you.
You presume a lot. I've only flown SWA once. It was fine. But the schedule usually does not suit my needs.

Yes, my experience on UAL was A LOT worse than what you describe. I don't care whether or not they want me--I'm never giving them a dime of my money again!

HR Diva
Enjoy SWA, I doubt UAL wants you.
Emerging from bankruptcy, I think UAL wants...no NEEDS every customer they can get. Yeah....load factors are 80+ percent...yada yada yada. In the same sentence I read that fares are lower than Southwests. What's the plan for profitablity again?
But, remember KC we customers are nothing more than "self important dolts" to some at other airlines. No wonder why problems exist--like bankruptcy instead of profits.

HR Diva
Emerging from bankruptcy, I think UAL wants...no NEEDS every customer they can get. Yeah....load factors are 80+ percent...yada yada yada. In the same sentence I read that fares are lower than Southwests. What's the plan for profitablity again?

Come on KC, surely someone like you who has "NUTZ" memorized like the Taliban memorizes the Koran would know that even Herb says that the customer ISN'T always right. There are customers out there who are such royal jacka$$ that it's better to tell them that you don't want their business. I'd rather some folks who make a business out of "consulting" on "HR" by libeling companies that actually do something, find someone else to libel.
Please look up the definition of "libel" before you imply that someone is committing it! Restating a factual story is not libel. It's not even slander!

Who makes a business out of "consulting on HR"?

Again, assumptions...I sure hope you are better at your job than you are at analyzing information as demonstrated by your reliance on inaccurate assumptions and resorting to namecalling when all else fails.

HR Diva
Come on KC, surely someone like you who has "NUTZ" memorized like the Taliban memorizes the Koran would know that even Herb says that the customer ISN'T always right. There are customers out there who are such royal jacka$$ that it's better to tell them that you don't want their business. I'd rather some folks who make a business out of "consulting" on "HR" by libeling companies that actually do something, find someone else to libel.
Indeed he does say that. But he says that about people who disrespect his employees. I gather from several posts from others that there are people UAL would rather not have as customers only because of where they live. Can't be good for business.
By the way SWA stil slid off the runway at MDW killing a child because they took into account bad data for landing. Does not matter how much they paid for gas on the trip from BWI they still waited 17 seconds after touchdown to activate the TR's. With only 30feet of margin to begin the approach they had to do it exactly right or things would go terribly wrong. Well we all know what happened. Gas price or not they still muffed it.

"We all know what happened"? [sarcastic comment deleted by poster.] 🙄

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