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AMFA, not really.


Dec 26, 2011
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Does anyone remember why we at SWA voted AMFA in? To get away from the Teamster thugs and start fresh with a mechanic's union. Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, the keyword being "mechanics". O. V. Delle-Femine's hard work is going down the drain. The upcoming vote or votes is crucial to our work group at SWA. Does any aircraft mechanic think that faciltity mech's should be in our current CBA? How bout training Instructors? I've never heard of an instructor or facility mech getting an LOI. Why do I want MX control (30 controllers or so) either? The controllers have always been able to come back to their toolbox and get union protection. To place them in our CBA but still allow mgmt to control their pay and hiring practices is absurd. If mgmt controls the money they will control the controller. They will never be my union brother and will not benefit our membership. I know what your thinking the NMB or NLRB said they are in our craft. This is correct, but they Do Not Have Be In Our CBA!! Place the Mx controllers, trainers, and facilities under their own CBA and leave us aircraft mechanics alone. Stop diluting my craft. Who is to blame? From what I've heard and read :AMFA national and our ALR's. National does not want to spend the money and the ALR's do not want to negotiate another contract and spend their time. Shame on you. We are the UNION!!! Not you!! None of the LOA's should have even been brought to us. I'm proud of DAL, and making an ALR change. I hope the rest of the ALR's are paying attention and national too. Just vote NO! Please let National and your local ALR's know how upset you are. Once again VOTE NO !!!
Does anyone remember why we at SWA voted AMFA in? To get away from the Teamster thugs and start fresh with a mechanic's union. Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, the keyword being "mechanics". O. V. Delle-Femine's hard work is going down the drain. The upcoming vote or votes is crucial to our work group at SWA. Does any aircraft mechanic think that faciltity mech's should be in our current CBA? How bout training Instructors? I've never heard of an instructor or facility mech getting an LOI. Why do I want MX control (30 controllers or so) either? The controllers have always been able to come back to their toolbox and get union protection. To place them in our CBA but still allow mgmt to control their pay and hiring practices is absurd. If mgmt controls the money they will control the controller. They will never be my union brother and will not benefit our membership. I know what your thinking the NMB or NLRB said they are in our craft. This is correct, but they Do Not Have Be In Our CBA!! Place the Mx controllers, trainers, and facilities under their own CBA and leave us aircraft mechanics alone. Stop diluting my craft. Who is to blame? From what I've heard and read :AMFA national and our ALR's. National does not want to spend the money and the ALR's do not want to negotiate another contract and spend their time. Shame on you. We are the UNION!!! Not you!! None of the LOA's should have even been brought to us. I'm proud of DAL, and making an ALR change. I hope the rest of the ALR's are paying attention and national too. Just vote NO! Please let National and your local ALR's know how upset you are. Once again VOTE NO !!!
You couldn't have said it better. Most of us feel the same way. A lot of people are thinking just to put this on the back burner and negotiate our contract first. Let's see how that goes!
You might see about gettin rid of that Koonrod feller too while your at it. He seems mighty management friendly to me.
Does anyone remember why we at SWA voted AMFA in? To get away from the Teamster thugs and start fresh with a mechanic's union. Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, the keyword being "mechanics". O. V. Delle-Femine's hard work is going down the drain. The upcoming vote or votes is crucial to our work group at SWA. Does any aircraft mechanic think that faciltity mech's should be in our current CBA? How bout training Instructors? I've never heard of an instructor or facility mech getting an LOI. Why do I want MX control (30 controllers or so) either? The controllers have always been able to come back to their toolbox and get union protection. To place them in our CBA but still allow mgmt to control their pay and hiring practices is absurd. If mgmt controls the money they will control the controller. They will never be my union brother and will not benefit our membership. I know what your thinking the NMB or NLRB said they are in our craft. This is correct, but they Do Not Have Be In Our CBA!! Place the Mx controllers, trainers, and facilities under their own CBA and leave us aircraft mechanics alone. Stop diluting my craft. Who is to blame? From what I've heard and read :AMFA national and our ALR's. National does not want to spend the money and the ALR's do not want to negotiate another contract and spend their time. Shame on you. We are the UNION!!! Not you!! None of the LOA's should have even been brought to us. I'm proud of DAL, and making an ALR change. I hope the rest of the ALR's are paying attention and national too. Just vote NO! Please let National and your local ALR's know how upset you are. Once again VOTE NO !!!
Nice rant.

It is filled with all the things that under the AMFA you control. You sound like one of these guys who will shout from the sidelines, yet never attend a meeting or a negotiating session. Why don't you run for office? You can do that you know. You can also vote in the IAM or Teamsters. Be careful what you wish for.
Nice rant.

It is filled with all the things that under the AMFA you control. You sound like one of these guys who will shout from the sidelines, yet never attend a meeting or a negotiating session. Why don't you run for office? You can do that you know. You can also vote in the IAM or Teamsters. Be careful what you wish for.

I can vouch for that, a former AMFA member at UAL. GT
I think if he gets voted out next year he will retire or go behind the wall to management! He is afraid to go back to his box and work!
Nice rant.

It is filled with all the things that under the AMFA you control. You sound like one of these guys who will shout from the sidelines, yet never attend a meeting or a negotiating session. Why don't you run for office? You can do that you know. You can also vote in the IAM or Teamsters. Be careful what you wish for.
Wow, you are exactly right. These issues are under our AMFA control, that is what stated. If I don't like what my union elected reps are presenting, I will just exercise my right to vote and elect a different rep who will listen to the membership. This is what is good about AMFA, that we can have a voice. If you disagree with what I posted, then present your side on why facilities mx is beneficial to our membership, along with mx control, tech foremans, training, and the DFW mech's. Also never did I say I wanted a different union just different elected reps at national and at the local level.
I can vouch for that, a former AMFA member at UAL. GT
A former AMFA member. Wow you genius's voted out AMFA and went right back to Hoffa. There is no better union for all its growing pains than AMFA. That is why I don't want my craft being diluted by non aircraft mechanics. All those other work groups will just ride our coat tails. Also , one more note, as great as SWA is to work, do you really think our salary would be what it is today without union representation, especially what AMFA did at Northwest? I don't think so. I never stated in my earlier post I wanted another union especially like those thugs at the Teamsters.
Wow, you are exactly right. These issues are under our AMFA control, that is what stated. If I don't like what my union elected reps are presenting, I will just exercise my right to vote and elect a different rep who will listen to the membership. This is what is good about AMFA, that we can have a voice. If you disagree with what I posted, then present your side on why facilities mx is beneficial to our membership, along with mx control, tech foremans, training, and the DFW mech's. Also never did I say I wanted a different union just different elected reps at national and at the local level.
You need to lobby the NMB to get the class and craft re-defined. You are barking up the wrong tree. You can not have different agreement for people within one class and craft (Mechanic and Related).