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SWA AMFA Mechanics asking for 12 yrs?

Heard the same 12 yr crap AMFA wants too. Heard no meetings until pilot vote is over. Also heard AMFA reps said they didn't care about the integration and the merger in front of SWA management.
Class Act these people are..
Heard the same 12 yr crap AMFA wants too. Heard no meetings until pilot vote is over. Also heard AMFA reps said they didn't care about the integration and the merger in front of SWA management.
Class Act these people are..

Delta merged with Western Air in 1986 - AMTs went with DOH
Delta purchased PIECES of Pan AM - AMTs from Pan Am had to INTERVIEW for positions and got credit for 1/3 of time 1 year at a time.
Delta merged with Northwest Air - AMT's went with DOH.

Whether the WN guys want to admit it or not you are merging with AT. You did not buy bits of them nor was AT in financial distress when you closed this agreement. I fear that if you, the WN guys, push this to arbitration you will end up closer to DOH then staple. Just my two cents buy the arbitrator will look at the past to forge a new list.

Good luck, remember you will need everyone pulling in the same direction. No divided over a bitter integration battle.
You are hilarious. SWA owns AT. Period. Common stock owned by SWA , planes owned by SWA, equipment, gates, routes, owned by SWA. Let me tell you something, I worked at AT, then moved on. In 98/99 at my AT station there was a mass exodus of every quality tech who could walk and make the cut to SWA. And others tried and failed, and went crawling back to AT. AT had no probation, you're hired come on in. SWA, has a highly monitored probation period and people get fired, there is a huge difference. I know I did both. Don't try to sell me you're happy horse s!#t that's not even to mention the huge economic windfall they are gonna experience.
You are hilarious. SWA owns AT. Period. Common stock owned by SWA , planes owned by SWA, equipment, gates, routes, owned by SWA. Let me tell you something, I worked at AT, then moved on. In 98/99 at my AT station there was a mass exodus of every quality tech who could walk and make the cut to SWA. And others tried and failed, and went crawling back to AT. AT had no probation, you're hired come on in. SWA, has a highly monitored probation period and people get fired, there is a huge difference. I know I did both. Don't try to sell me you're happy horse s!#t that's not even to mention the huge economic windfall they are gonna experience.
Great post...love the brutal honesty. not that the AT people will like your brutal honestybecause they seem to like playing the poor me victim role

Is kinda funny, like AT employees had a secret meeting and agreed .. OK everyone if we keep screaming how we are victims
In this deal, those Swa'people will forget how fantastic the deal is going to be for only one side..AT side

SHH don't tell anyone,,and if they push or start using to many facts simply shout one of the pre planned quotes like
AT is a great company,, or U now get Mexico ,, or the favorite SWA needed AT more then AT neededSWA...that will keep them confused until we all get to cash in our SWAlottery tickets.. meeting adjourned now get out there and scream louder,,lets pull wool over their eyes,, sell sell sell
I find all this fact hard to believe. AMFA would love a staple job, southwest mechanics believe that WOULD be fair. But few actually believe that will happen. But after sitting thru the majority of negotiations 12 years was brought up as a starting point to be negotiated down and to see the reaction of the AirTran side. Especially after some of the rediculious offers comming from at, (I'd like to say IBT but they've played almost no role in this process. You've gotten more advice from your outside councile than the IBT)
Maybe I can help clarify why the "negitiations" are not going smooth. In the old days the reamsters, ahem pardon me .. the teamsters were the elected representation for SWA. Then one day during contract negotiations they decided that it would be a good idea to agree with the company to "closed door negotiations" without first asking the membership if they wanted or approved of this. Now as we all know the members pay the billls, sooo needles to say this didnt go over well with the consumers. At any rate this was the begining of the end of the IBT at SWA MX. At this point , obviously SWA MX needed representaion that would be transparent with its membership and picked AMFA. So now lets come full circle , SWA MX kicks IBT to the curb for less than democratic process, brings in AMFA, and now AMFA has to "negotiate" with the ticked off IBT who will do anything to undermine AMFA. The IBT wouldnt even let SWA MX members in good standing file withdrawl paperwork.... Anyway a quick history lesson about AMFA and the IBT.... Incidentally, the "big" contract the IBT "negotiated" with SWA was on the coat tails of the AMFA NWA contract, as far as industry average ect......Oh yeah and SWA didnt merge with AT , they bought AT, or should I say guadalupe holdings...... This has to be one of the funniest parts of the teamster rhetoric, putting "merger" in every piece of print they can like it will change the fact that AT was BOUGHT LOCK STOCK AND BARREL. Go ahead teamsters cut your nose off in spite of your face , in the end YOU LOSE. For anyone that doesnt know, with the IBT , if you dont wear a brown uniform , YOU DONT MATTER. Chew on that.
So, after all the deliberation and negotiations, AMFA's committee that represents the SWA mechanics, throws all the negociations out the window and comes with the most rediculous proposal of all time! Final offer from AMFA committee,, SWA mechanics gain 12 yrs seniority!!! Wow! Talk about a slap in the face! If the SWA guys were never serious about any of this then they should've said so from the get go! The arbitrator would've made a decision by now... Shameful is what it is... Gives the word pre-Madonna a whole new meaning.

Yeah shameful , you see who voted yes.....
You AT guys are better off going to arbitration you prob will get doh

Yea, we know that it's more in our favor to get closer to DOH through an arbitrator, at least definitly better than what's been or being offered thus far. I was hoping on getting this done amongst ourselves but I highly doubt it's going to happen at this point. I think we may all be to far gone to come back and agree. You should see all the PM's I get from other outsiders looking in and reading these forums are telling we should do... 90% are telling me to shut up and go straight to arbitration, while the other 10% tell me that what I'm trying to accomplish on here seems fair but the AMFA side is playing to many games and it's not going to work. As a matter of fact, I'm going to start a new thread to thank those who have silently given advise on here and supported AT during this transition.
Oh yeah and SWA didnt merge with AT , they bought AT, or should I say guadalupe holdings......
As a 22 year AMT at AA, I would like to say it would be an honor to be acquired by WN and I would gratefully accept an exorbitant increase in pay and benefits without any expectation of being placed on a seniority list above those who were previously hired at WN. 😀
As a 22 year AMT at AA, I would like to say it would be an honor to be acquired by WN and I would gratefully accept an exorbitant increase in pay and benefits without any expectation of being placed on a seniority list above those who were previously hired at WN. 😀

Please take on offense to this because I really do wish you guys the best luck during these times, but I AirTran would've been in AA's current situation, I would probably be saying the exact same thing. Only reason there is any "resistance" is because Airtran wasn't in financial distress and was actually a profitable company when this all went down. But, like I said, if I were an AA mech right now, I would probably be just as forth coming. And I really wish you guys the best of luck, I hope not too many of you are affected by this bankruptcy.
Please take on offense to this because I really do wish you guys the best luck during these times, but I AirTran would've been in AA's current situation, I would probably be saying the exact same thing. Only reason there is any "resistance" is because Airtran wasn't in financial distress and was actually a profitable company when this all went down. But, like I said, if I were an AA mech right now, I would probably be just as forth coming. And I really wish you guys the best of luck, I hope not too many of you are affected by this bankruptcy.
Airtran's profits were all from bag fees. Hardly anything to be proud of.
Never said i was proud of the method, and yes a majority of profit came from bag fees, but still a profit was a profit.
If I wasn't proud of it then I would hardly be posting about it on an internet forum but that's just me I guess.
Please take no offense
None taken and thanks for the gesture of good will. I'm not sure what the AT guys are fearing by being at the bottom of the seniority list. To my knowledge, WN has never had a layoff and is hiring as we speak, further securing your position. Is it bidding? The whole thing just seems like a divisive issue not worth creating ill will over.