Bird Doctor
So, who is the surviving incumbent organization, IBT or IAM?
Wow That should Be A Easy Question.WHO BOUGHTand Oraganized the Merger? AWA. MWWSo, who is the surviving incumbent organization, IBT or IAM?
amfa made an attempt awhile back and it got favorable guys are coming across like a magnitude 2.0.been there done shouldn't get those expectations up too high,that way the fall won't be so bad.700 - it was a merger neither side bought the other - it was put together by outside finacing because your carrier was bankrupt and ours was not far from it. That is the facts - you always seem to leave out half of the truth on anything - it shows you are a hardcore IAM
Dell - Don't count your chickens yet - the fat lady is still in the dressing room
Got A Few Questions? Can or are you able to answer? 1. Do You remotely LOOK like the RED Neck in your Picture post? 2. What Does your TEE shirts Look like Since you have stated that you have been there done that. I would hope that it does not resemble your post picture.If I have Offended you I So Do Appologize. I Want to say I Do Like Your Post's they bring some kind of Humor to the Forum's. Keep up the Post's.amfa made an attempt awhile back and it got favorable guys are coming across like a magnitude 2.0.been there done shouldn't get those expectations up too high,that way the fall won't be so bad.
So, who is the surviving incumbent organization, IBT or IAM?
john john
Today, 07:44 AM Post #143
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Posts: 37
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I LOVE THIS CRUD!.... HIGH ON UNION CRUD!The 2002 Restructuring Agreement between US Airways and CWA contains a “change of control†provision, which states, in relevant part:
Upon a change of control defined as the sale of all or substantially all of the assets or common stock of the Company or US Airways Group in a single transaction (or in multi-step related transactions) to a single purchaser (or group of purchasers acting in concert), the hourly rates of pay under this agreement shall be increased to the rates which would have been effective following the Pay Parity Adjustment in June 2002 under the Letter of Agreement on pages 96-100 in the basic agreement
You say your the serviving airlines in this deal
This was a MERGER of America West and US Airways you where not bought out. I don't see how this effects you.
Just wishfull thinking.
LABOR/EMPLOYEE RELATIONSamfa made an attempt awhile back and it got favorable guys are coming across like a magnitude 2.0.been there done shouldn't get those expectations up too high,that way the fall won't be so bad.
yep...Got A Few Questions? Can or are you able to answer?
perrdee driver lisense foto...1. Do You remotely LOOK like the RED Neck in your Picture post?
gotz lotsa nice tee shurts down the goodwill store....2. What Does your TEE shirts Look like Since you have stated that you have been there done that. I would hope that it does not resemble your post picture.
no 'fence taken there neighbor....If I have Offended you I So Do Appologize.
You Are such A Character I Hope To Some Day Meet you In Person and Chew on some Thoughts. MWWyep...
perrdee driver lisense foto...
gotz lotsa nice tee shurts down the goodwill store....
no 'fence taken there neighbor....
yall have a nice day....
like see a picksure of the famlee??
From The NMB Book.Wrong,
It is a merger funded by outside investors and US's money.
Show me where AWA bought US.
IAM will be declared single carrier status.
Why else is the IBT raiding for cards and not filed for single carrier status with the NMB?
Don't let the facts get in your way.