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Surviving Incumbent Organization


It is merger funded by outside investors and US's money.

Show me where AWA bought US.

IAM will be declared single carrier status.

Why else is the IBT raiding for cards and not filed for single carrier status with the NMB?

Don't let the facts get in your way.
at the end of the day....all things considered,rationale will prevail with the IAM membership staying with the status quo,strength in numbers.
IBT will not have the numbers to acheive their goal especially in the big base stations.
problems? 😉
700 - it was a merger neither side bought the other - it was put together by outside finacing because your carrier was bankrupt and ours was not far from it. That is the facts - you always seem to leave out half of the truth on anything - it shows you are a hardcore IAM

Dell - Don't count your chickens yet - the fat lady is still in the dressing room
700 - it was a merger neither side bought the other - it was put together by outside finacing because your carrier was bankrupt and ours was not far from it. That is the facts - you always seem to leave out half of the truth on anything - it shows you are a hardcore IAM
Dell - Don't count your chickens yet - the fat lady is still in the dressing room
amfa made an attempt awhile back and it got favorable attention.......you guys are coming across like a magnitude 2.0.been there done that...you shouldn't get those expectations up too high,that way the fall won't be so bad.
Well everybody received a real taste of the IAM Representation that I remembered - AWA MECHANICS refused entry to the meeting that was held today for Mechanics and related crafts -- No representation is better than IAM Representation. Your TEMPE MEETING is a real success - FOR the TEAMSTERS and the TWU.
amfa made an attempt awhile back and it got favorable attention.......you guys are coming across like a magnitude 2.0.been there done that...you shouldn't get those expectations up too high,that way the fall won't be so bad.
Got A Few Questions? Can or are you able to answer? 1. Do You remotely LOOK like the RED Neck in your Picture post? 2. What Does your TEE shirts Look like Since you have stated that you have been there done that. I would hope that it does not resemble your post picture.If I have Offended you I So Do Appologize. I Want to say I Do Like Your Post's they bring some kind of Humor to the Forum's. Keep up the Post's.
MWW Work Smart Guys and Keep the Post's Flying They are woking to Bring US AIRWAYS together.

Thank you All For Starting the PlaneDoctor Years Ago it is Helping the industry. MWW
So, who is the surviving incumbent organization, IBT or IAM?
john john
Today, 07:44 AM Post #143
Rank: Member
Group: Bronze Sponsor
Posts: 37
Joined: 12-September 04
Member No.: 5,266

I LOVE THIS CRUD!.... HIGH ON UNION CRUD!The 2002 Restructuring Agreement between US Airways and CWA contains a “change of controlâ€￾ provision, which states, in relevant part:

Upon a change of control defined as the sale of all or substantially all of the assets or common stock of the Company or US Airways Group in a single transaction (or in multi-step related transactions) to a single purchaser (or group of purchasers acting in concert), the hourly rates of pay under this agreement shall be increased to the rates which would have been effective following the Pay Parity Adjustment in June 2002 under the Letter of Agreement on pages 96-100 in the basic agreement

You say your the serviving airlines in this deal
This was a MERGER of America West and US Airways you where not bought out. I don't see how this effects you.
Just wishfull thinking.
amfa made an attempt awhile back and it got favorable attention.......you guys are coming across like a magnitude 2.0.been there done that...you shouldn't get those expectations up too high,that way the fall won't be so bad.

I would like to know what happens if we do not vote the IBT-CWA union alliance. Does this mean we are no longer represented by anyone?
A: It's hard for us to answer your question with any certainty because all representation issues in our industry are determined by the National Mediation Board (NMB). While we know that IBT and CWA have announced their intention to form a new Airline Customer Service Employee Association, we don't have any specific details other than what the two unions have stated publicly. It's our understanding that the two unions will conduct an employee vote regarding interest in the new Association and, if that vote passes, they will approach the NMB and seek to exchange the current IBT and CWA certifications for a new single Association certification.

Only the NMB can certify a union as the exclusive representative for a group of airline employees. Our understanding of NMB policies is that any new certification for the Association would require a NMB-conducted representation election among the passenger service employees. Before conducting an election, the NMB would first have to determine America West and US Airways are a "single carrier" and resolve any craft or class issues. If a majority of eligible employees voted for the Association, the Association would be certified as the exclusive representative for the passenger service employees. If a majority of eligible employees do not vote in that election, passenger service employees would not be represented.

This From US Airways Compass Employee Web site. FAQ's
Is it a misunderstanding? Management memo regarding union representation raises questions about their intentions...seamless service discussions on hold...
CWA and IBT local officers and staff met in Washington Tuesday morning to discuss strategies for the new joint Association of Airline Passenger Service Employees IBT+CWA, and also to discuss management’s October 18 memo on the joint CWA and IBT representation of US Airways and America West passenger service employees. That memo seemed to say management is not prepared to accept the October 13 employee vote ratifying the new CWA-IBT Passenger Service Association.
The CWA’ers and IBT’ers contacted management by phone Tuesday to say that the meeting with management scheduled for later that day to discuss the seamless service agreement should logically be postponed until the management memo is cleared up. It’s hard to see how a seamless service agreement between the two unions on one side, and management on the other side, can be negotiated if management doesn’t recognize the association of the two unions.
Management indicated that this might be a misunderstanding or a misinterpretation of their memo. It was agreed that a discussion would be held next Tuesday between representatives and attorneys of CWA and IBT and management representatives and attorneys to determine if this issue can be resolved. Meanwhile, CWA and IBT have already filed with the National Mediation Board to transfer their certifications to the new joint Association. We’ll keep you posted as these discussions continue.

“Change of Control†grievance has been filed...
CWA has filed the general grievance and also local grievances with signatures of a majority of employees at locations across the system invoking the clause in our contract (Article 2: Status of Agreement) which says:

Upon a change in control defined as the sale of all or substantially all of the assets or common stock of the Company or US Airways Group in a single transaction (or in multi-step related transactions) to a single purchaser (or a group of purchasers acting in concert), the hourly rates of pay under this agreement shall be increased to the rates which would have been effective following the Pay Parity Adjustment in June 2002 under the Letter of Agreement on pages 96-100 in the basic agreement. In addition to such hourly rates of pay, the CWA will have the right to extend the duration of the CWA Restructuring Agreement for one, two or three years at the CWA’s option, past the amendable date of the CWA Restructuring Agreement, with across the board wage increases of four and one half percent (4.5%) on the amendable date and on each of the three (3) annual anniversaries of the amendable date thereafter (i.e. 12/31/09, 12/31/10 and 12/31/11). For the purposes of this paragraph, “Common Stock†is the Common Stock of US Airways Group, which are then outstanding and the Common Stock issuable on exchange, exercise, and/or conversion of securities of the Company or US Airways Group which are then currently exchangeable into, exercisable for, or convertible into such Common stock.

Management's initial reaction is to say that they think this grievance is frivolous and without merit. We have responded that the opinion of our legal and financial advisors is that US Airways has undergone a change of control. The language above is an agreed upon article of our contract and we’re seeking to enforce it. We’ll keep you informed as further discussions occur.

Labor Advisory Meeting...

The contracts of all the US Airways unions contain a provision that executives of the company will meet with the unions prior to each quarterly board of directors meeting. The first of those meetings will take place next Wednesday with CEO Doug Parker. These meetings were agreed to by all the unions – under the threat of the 1113 bankruptcy process – as a replacement for the seats on the board of directors.
Got A Few Questions? Can or are you able to answer?
1. Do You remotely LOOK like the RED Neck in your Picture post?
perrdee mutch...my driver lisense foto...
2. What Does your TEE shirts Look like Since you have stated that you have been there done that. I would hope that it does not resemble your post picture.
gotz lotsa nice tee shurts down the goodwill store....
If I have Offended you I So Do Appologize.
no 'fence taken there neighbor....
yall have a nice day....
like see a picksure of the famlee??

perrdee mutch...my driver lisense foto...

gotz lotsa nice tee shurts down the goodwill store....

no 'fence taken there neighbor....
yall have a nice day....
like see a picksure of the famlee??
You Are such A Character I Hope To Some Day Meet you In Person and Chew on some Thoughts. MWW

It is a merger funded by outside investors and US's money.

Show me where AWA bought US.

IAM will be declared single carrier status.

Why else is the IBT raiding for cards and not filed for single carrier status with the NMB?

Don't let the facts get in your way.
From The NMB Book.
19.501 Factors Indicating a Single transportation System
The following are some indication of a single transportation system:
• Published combined schedules or combined routes;
• NO Us Airway And America West have not combined schedules at this time they still have two different web site's
• Standardized uniforms;
• NO
• Common marketing, markings or insignia;
• NO not all airplanes have be painted
• Integrated essential operations such has scheduling or dispatching;
• NO East US Airways/ West America West
• Centralized labor and personnel operations;
• NO
• Combined or common management, corporate officers and board of directors;
• NO
• Combined work force;
• NO
• Common or overlapping ownership;
• Unknown

At this point it’s clear that there is NO single Transportion system at AWA/US AIRWAYS. The point at which it becomes a single system (IMO) is when the techs fall under one system (such has who’s MX program will be used). The MX program has not been made as of this date. If US-Airways then the IAM/ if America West the IBT.

19.6 Procedures after Finding Single Transportation system
NMB File No. CR-6886

Eileen M. Hennessey investigator assigned to investigate this case.

In order for the Board to determine the appropriate system for representation purpose, the Carriers must provide responses to the questions set forth below along with affidavits and other documentary evidence, for the application, by October 17, 2005.

1. How and when will the management be integrated?

2. How will labor relations and personnel functions be administered?

3. How will the new entity created from US Airways and America West be held out to the public and marketed?

4. Will routes and schedules be combined? If so, how?

5. Will uniforms, if any, be standardized?

6. Will equipment have conformed markings? If so, when?

7. Will there be a change in corporate insignia and logos to make them uniform? If so, when?

8. Identify and existing or anticipated labor protection agreements arising out ot this transaction.

9. Please provide any other information and documentation which will assist the Board in its investigation.

The Carriers should serve copies of their submissions to the Board and the Organizations. The IAM's, the TWU's and the IBT's response will be due by October 24, 2005. 🙂

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