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Survey shows Delta lags behind on "brand respect"

What makes you unpopular (your term) is you delightful ability to mix a martyr complex with a wicked case of narcissism.

Seriously; get the f**k over yourself.

Airlines have a bad rap? Gosh, really? I'd venture that most people on this site feel that goes without saying...

Back to the topic...
no we'll finish it, thank you. You started it.

What was your point in taking the discussion personal anyway? You and 700 did it, not me.

Fighter, yes. Martyr, no. Seriously where did you get that idea?

I was back on the topic along time ago....

Did you know that research shows that 16% of the average workforce works AGAINST their employer? There is an equally sized group of people at the top who are intensely loyal to their employer regardless. The rest of the world is in the middle 60 +/-. Research also shows that the 16% can do incredible damage to a company's brand and the best course of action is to focus on the middle 60% because they can go either way. The 16% should be just cut away since they won't ever get onboard.

THAT's what brand research says about employees.

I couldn't help but notice a comment on another site from a PMNW employee who commented that the vast majority of PMNW employees are quite happy with DL and are pleased with what the company is doing. He's squarely in the middle 60%.

The labor representation votes and DL's performance metrics would seem to bear that out.
no we'll finish it, thank you. You started it.

The topic? That's right; I did start it. That's why I can say with some authority what the intent was.

Fighter, yes. Martyr, no. Seriously where did you get that idea?

It's a recurrent theme.

Did you know that research shows that 16% of the average workforce works AGAINST their employer? There is an equally sized group of people at the top who are intensely loyal to their employer regardless. The rest of the world is in the middle 60 +/-. Research also shows that the 16% can do incredible damage to a company's brand and the best course of action is to focus on the middle 60% because they can go either way. The 16% should be just cut away since they won't ever get onboard.

THAT's what brand research says about employees.

I couldn't help but notice a comment on another site from a PMNW employee who commented that the vast majority of PMNW employees are quite happy with DL and are pleased with what the company is doing. He's squarely in the middle 60%.

The labor representation votes and DL's performance metrics would seem to bear that out.

Throwing multiple topics into the mixer? Another recurrent theme.

All well and good, but this one is about the DL "brand," and not labor relations per se.
You are the one that is touting how much effort DL is throwing into improving its brand.

I am simply adding some of those data points that are very much factual... the best companies recognize that you can't just leave the 16% to languish in the corner and sabotage the company's efforts. You can't pretend that things will get better.

You have to fire them and bring in another group of people... find the 84%, toss out the 16%,....

that's how the companies that have the best brands manage their enterprises.
Use performance appraisals, counseling, and then push them out the door when the evidence is sufficient that they can't get the job done and can't be turned around.

that's what the best run companies do to ensure their brand is strong and continues to grow.

I would be certain if they know what it takes to run an airline that has done as much as they have done, they are aware of these principles.
How is it making it personal when I just posted links to people that arent happy with Delta, which shows why their brand has issues.

Never mentioned you.
How is it making it personal when I just posted links to people that arent happy with Delta, which shows why their brand has issues.

Never mentioned you.
you are correct, 700, and I apologize for saying that you made it personal, which you didn't.
Dismiss if it you want. Our employer is taking it pretty seriously. Improving the Delta "brand" was the main theme at the recent leadership conference, and they are pushing that idea pretty hard in ACS.

Not dismissing anything. I was serious about commercials. When's the last time you saw a commercial for Delta? Now, when's the last time you saw a commercial for Coke.

Not saying a commercial will solve it all, but getting your brand , out to the public, in a positive way, whether online or on tv, is a start !
Use performance appraisals, counseling, and then push them out the door when the evidence is sufficient that they can't get the job done and can't be turned around.

that's what the best run companies do to ensure their brand is strong and continues to grow.


So what's the problem with letting someone go, if they are not doing their job, Kev?

If you hired someone to mow your yard and come home, grass is a foot tall and your employee was sitting in a lounge chair, drinking Daiguiri's, would you still pay him?

I guess you might have to, if he belonged to a union !
Not dismissing anything. I was serious about commercials. When's the last time you saw a commercial for Delta? Now, when's the last time you saw a commercial for Coke.

Not that long ago, to be honest. For awhile, it seemed like I couldn't turn a TV on w/o hearing Donald Sutherland's voice.

Coke? That's a good question.

So what's the problem with letting someone go, if they are not doing their job, Kev?

Not a thing. Never've said otherwise.

If you hired someone to mow your yard and come home, grass is a foot tall and your employee was sitting in a lounge chair, drinking Daiguiri's, would you still pay him?

I guess you might have to, if he belonged to a union !

But remind us again what labor/unions has to do with the topic.

Surely, you're not saying that being unionized--> automatically a bad employee--> needs to go?

Or worse, buying into the myth that being pro-labor by default means you are anti-company?

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