Suppose The Ceo Gets What He Wants...

The future of U looks very poor...There is no creative leadership here with a vision...We are a follower.....No longer a leader in the industry...

In almost one breath, Mr S says we want to be like Southwest...then in another..We don't want to be like Southwest.....

To try to blame Southwest on our woes is misguided.....
They are not to blame for our inefficiencies....

They had a vision of putting a good product out a low price...with good service...A uniformity all around...And with respect for their employees...

Our vision was that we are not a low cost carrier, because we offered superior service, while at the same time we were cutting back on our service, eliminating meals, shrinking first class, and going to 1 class cabin regional jets...And then we wonder where have our preferred members gone to...

We have pretty much given up on competing with Southwest in the past, like in the West and Baltimore.... and ran like a dog with his tail behind his legs....What good did buying PSA do.... we pretty much have given up West Coast service, unless you call code-sharing with United keeping service...And a few flights to LAX, SFO & LAS....Will we turn Philadelphia into a Mesa hub, and only fly Internationl flights from there....

Our East Coast service is mainly Express now, except for International flights, or the Shuttle.....Its a wonder the shuttle hasn't gone to express yet....

Seems like U has alot of management with the company, ......while short staffing in all other departments....Do the complaints of aweful long lines at the ticket counter, long phone waits to reservations, lack of help for weather delays, etc fall on deaf ears?....

While comments are made how efficient Southwest is utilizing one plane type, we continue to think that we can compete with them with a 50-70 seat aircraft, while they offer 120 seats in roomer comfort....

CRJ's, ERJ's, Dash 8's, Saabs, 737's, 319, 757, 320, 330, etc .....

The U web site is a problem....Even when it is operating ok, pax still want to call in to reverify everything with Rez, after buying online....

The CWA members have already given concessions of less pay, from 10 holidays to 8 holidays, higher premimums for health insurance, and get only 75% of a week's pay, when your bills come in at 100%.....
I don't believe the CWA members will vote to give up any more..That is my opinion....Seems like everyone is getting tired of the continuting threats of bankrupcy, going out of business, layoffs, doom and gloom.....

And Mgt was getting bonuses almost simutaneously going bankrupt, and saying ..."Oh...ah the bonuses...well...they were....promised in the past..."...Ah..yes...That's it..."...They were promised before we lost money"....We can't afford to lose those people now"......GULP...
And now...."We want concessions to survive, but we can afford raises for the mgt...."

And The Pittsburgh hub....The reason the new airport was built was at the urging of USAIRWAYS....U agreeing to help pay the debt load and expenses to have a world class airport for USAIRWAYS to grow and prosper......The taxpayers didn't ask for it....

Mechanics put out of work and laidoff, so a Singapore owned company in Mobil could do non-union work on sophiscated aircraft...rather than putting seasoned mechanics on the job,...mechanics with families and small children to feed....

We are being asked a third time for concessions....I believe if the big plan is to try to make a profit, by squeezing he employees more...the plan is a failure...

Will another plea come in another 6 months for another concession?..And another in 6 months?...And another?....

And what guarantees come with any concessions..... no more layoffs?....NONE...

Turn out the lights....
if it ever gets to the point where he gets more concessions(i'm doubtful).
i'd expect those highly overpaid unskilled career type positions that should be filled part time by college students or soccer moms to get hit heavily.
figure out what WN pays for your job position and look in the mirror....its the grand plan.....
all those cushy IAM gse/plant maint jobs too.
this guys got it all in his sights. :(
Air conditioned said:
Just interested...if Siegel does indeed get what he wants, what then? What would U look like? I know he wants us to be a LCC, but how big? How many jobs would this cost? What exactly are we looking at here? :angry:
You could begin by eliminating all scheduled US Airways and US Airways Express service at markets where US Airways enplanes few than 50,000 passengers per year.
delldude said:
if it ever gets to the point where he gets more concessions(i'm doubtful).
i'd expect those highly overpaid unskilled career type positions that should be filled part time by college students or soccer moms to get hit heavily.
figure out what WN pays for your job position and look in the mirror....its the grand plan.....
all those cushy IAM gse/plant maint jobs too.
this guys got it all in his sights. :(
This is ALL correct!!! These positions will be wiped clean, Unfotunately, this should have occured some time ago. GOOD DAY.....MORE LATER

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