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Storm worsens plight of US Airways - Crowd of pilots expected at Virginia courthouse

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On 2/21/2003 12:28:18 PM PSA1979 wrote:

OK. as long as we can trade salaries for the next 5 years so I can save enough for my retirement!

Excellent point!
On 2/21/2003 1:32:26 PM chipmunn wrote:

The difference between terminating the pilot pension and other employee group pensions is that ALPA has taken three cuts to fund its pension whereas every other group has taken just one retirement cut to solve their underfunding problem. ALPA took a 26 to 33 percent pay cut in August, another 8 percent pay cut in December, and executed a third cut with LOA 83. The LOA eliminated future lump sum payments, reduced the multiplier from 2.4 to 1.8 percent, and capped FAE at 50 percent, resulting in an additional $77 million savings earmarked for the pilot pension restoration funding.

How many other employee groups have taken three retirement cuts and have been asked for a fourth?

I'll naswer that question. None.

The pilot group has stepped up to the plate for three cuts to fund its pension, but the other employee groups have each taken just one cut.

In fact, the February 7 ALPA code-a-phone said, “The MEC today issued a joint 12-page letter that discusses the status of the pilots’ pension plan and the reasons for the MEC’s opposition of the termination of the pilots’ defined benefit plan. The letter includes detailed reasons why management’s alternative proposed defined contribution pension plan is unacceptable, an explanation of the impact of the plan termination and how it would affect your benefits, graphs that show how the Company plans to transfer funding from the pilots’ pension plan to cover the other employee pension plans’ cost increases, and charts that demonstrate how the pilots will lose substantial accrued benefits that have already been earned.â€

The pilot group has taken its fair share of cuts and according to the MEC is in no mood to fund other employee pensions.



I'm sorry Chip, but get for real...

that 26% to 33% wage cut was the pariety increases the pilots received over 13 month time frame from 2001 to 2002. Infact, the 16% raise you guys got in May of 2002 you held for only one month. Keeping in all our minds, that the 33% wage cut bought you guys a 19.4 stake in U; Four times higher than the IAM and 10 times higher than CWA and AFA. AFA's pay cut in the summer took us to 1995 and with now a soon loss of 5%, will take us back to 1989. I can not even conceptualize what that 5% will do to CWA. This management told us in the summer, that with the wage decreases, that our pension liability was not an issue. And as greedy as this management is, you know damn well, that it must be unbelievably "benign", as they would have snatched it in a minute. May of 2000 agreement was where we changed our multiplier, and KEEP IN MIND WE STILL HAVE A SOCIAL SECURITY OFFSET!

With all due respect, the IAM and AFA, took cuts deep within our agreements because we didn't have enough "cash" to buy our way out. AFA, for example, gave up the "no furlough" language for fear of bankruptcy abrogation, and GOT NO CREDIT FOR THAT. As you know, that piece of language was the impedus to the 4,800 f/as who are off our property. You speak of your 1800 pilots job losses...ours is 2 1/2 times your furlough, and again, none of the labor groups got credit for that. The company takes that savings and "pockets" it.

Your aim here should be to put aside the "arrogance", and attempt to win support from the other groups. Not to walk around like a "know it all". I am trying to maintain my support for the pilots, but you make it difficult when you speak in the "plural", and when you make statements that "siegel has changed". Siegel has always been a man with a "vision" and that is to use this company to satisfy his own greedy appetite. We all saw this in the summer, and your just "seeing" for the first time.
On 2/21/2003 3:27:56 PM chipmunn wrote:

However, if you have the ability to insult someone behind the computer screen, do you have the courage to publicly identify yourself like Tim Nelson, Jim Root, and Chris Chiames, or are you going to hide behind the PC?


Chip - Here are some sobering statistics for you:

Consumer groups estimate that as many as 750,000 people a year may be victimized by identity theft.

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission says that identity theft is its number one source of consumer complaints - 42 percent of all complaints, in 2001.

" Every 79 seconds, a thief steals someone's identity, opens accounts in the victim's name and goes on a buying spree."

-CBSnews.com, 1/25/2001

Further, please go to the link I've pasted below and read the article, then read your private message. Thank you!

Piney has posted his full name, address and probably a lot more information than I would ever recommend placing on the internet in full view for all to see. If you do a quick search of his posts, I'm certain you will be able to find it.

Piney and I differ greatly on what a pilot is worth, and what pilots deserve from a pension promised to them.

I don't always agree with Piney but I like him. I don't always agree with Chip (mostly due to credibility issues and tone of delivery styles). I don't think that attacking the few loyal US customers because they hold strong opinions is a great idea. IIRC, the last time someone decided to do that it created the Cockroach Club.

Unlike Chip's gentlemans response to your repeated digs, I will not follow suit. YOU act as if you are Usairs most valued pax and we should all just kiss your ***. I have been reading your garbage for months now. You and your motives @ posting on this board are sooo benevolent....yea right? YOU are nothing but an outsider sticking YOUR nose into employee matters when YOU do not know what you are talking about ( if indeed you are this loyal flyer who just loves the frontline so much that you cannot resist fighting for their cause).

You claim you are a business man. Well how about sharing with us all your PERSONAL business matters. Start with a business name so we can research your relations with any frontline folks you may employ or work along side. Would love to hear how they feel obout your compensation package.
Perhaps they would love to know how benevolent you are so they could share ( socialize ) with YOU.

Sorry, but after much patience with your posting on this board I felt the need to tell you I do not trust a word you type!

BTW, read his (Chip) post. By your own claim.... you are the spin artist!

I hope you go away soon

On 2/21/2003 6:05:51 PM PineyBob wrote:


Want some cheese with your whine? One thing that I can not stand is hypocracy and ALPA has it by the dump truck load. All those pilots on here ranting about how selfish and greedy the other work groups are and how Everyone has to sacrifice "For the Good of the company" and all that garbage.

Now we hear "It's not fair, we took 3 cuts instead of 2." Well I have a question or 2 for ya ALPA:

1. Did your cuts lower your salary to the point that your kids qualify for the school lunch program?

2. Did your cuts lower your income to the point where you are now eligible for food stamps?

If you can answer YES to either question and have a valid ALPA Membership and are still actively employeed at US, then you have my support. look no one wants to make less money or lose their pensions, but for an ALPA Member to come on this board and have the Ballz to suggest that the IAM and AFA terminate their plan to save the ALPA plan is beyond arrogance.

C'mon you guys are such good Democrats surely you must believe that those who make more must sacrifice more? So what's the problem? Al and Tipper would be very proud of you! Oh wait you guys in ALPA are the filthy rich that will benefit from the Bush tax cuts unfairly, so with that being the case, fairness would dictate that you would willingly give up your pensions since you are by Democratic Party Standards "Rich" and benefiting "unfairly". I guess fairness depends upon where you sit.
Right on the money!!!
I don't really have a dog in this fight, but Munn has brought this all on himself. He has badgered employees on this board, was kicked off the ALPA board, wrote newspaper articles critical of other emmployee groups and now he crys fowl. If any of what I have just posted is incorrect feel free to fire away. The guy has a way of getting under your skin after tons of negative posts followed by tons of crying and that is a fact if you have followed this board period. By the way I am happy with my socioeconomic status and will remain anonymous because it is my right to do so!
Pineybob, It's funny how Chip has changed his tune towards Dave.I remember when he was crying over the cwa and iam talks.I guess the shoe is on the other foot. He should quit his crying and leave.
On 2/21/2003 9:32:50 PM PineyBob wrote:

Don't know if I agree with your assesment of Mr. Siegel's intentions or not. But He has never changed his vision or mission just his target. And now that his guns are focused on ALPA we see just what kind of people we have in the cockpit.

Times of Crisis DO NOT build CHARACTER, they REVEAL it! Perhaps that's why ALPA is in such a foul temper, their character has been revealed and been found lacking.!


I thought you said that you are a “spinâ€￾ teacher and not a “spinnerâ€￾.

Ha ha ha.

The punch bowl is yellowed, and not one of the employee groups yellowfied it.

Fish still rot from the head. Always have. Always will. Enronitis (new name, same old sickness)

Not one employee group at US Air has any apologies of character to make. But they would graciously accept yours. But Austin Powers has told them to shag off one too many times.

You are correct. Crisis reveals character. And, me being on the inside, has seen that "character" in full-view; with this entire "new" mangement team. They say one thing, lead you to believe it, and then it turns out to "bite" you in the a_ _. You want to trust, cause you feel you have to, and then "let down" in major form. Each group here can tell you their story...it just so happens this month, it's the pilots.

Piney, in a year, you will have a story. What will make this company great is not the "vision" of Siegel, but the commitment of the employees here at U. United Labor is struggling with the realization of what is expected. Same will be for AA and the like. In the end, we will all be LCCarriers. What will make the difference is the commitment and continued loyalty of the employees. Not to this management, but to each other and our customers.

Am I an idealist? Hell no. It's from where I sit for 22 years and have watched this company go to "greatness" in the latter part of the 90s. In 1998 alone, U net almost $1 Billion; a little less than the $1.3 Billion net of AA, and AA is 2/3 bigger than U. Amazing!

Then you have Wolfe take the money and buy back stock betting on a an unannounced merger at the time.

I know you know our story, but hell, Siegel came from CO express and Avis for christ sake. He's no genius; just diabolical and brought the right folks in for this "mission". They studied the Labors groups weaknesses and knew when to "pounce" using "tight-time line-urgency" theory, and got us to give MAJOR concessions within months of each other. And it still not over.

How much does a company need? Our group is running to couselors and being treated for anxiety and depression over the gravity of these concessions. How productive can you be when your homelife starts falling apart cause you can't pay your bills on time? And we have another paycut coming around the bend on top of yet again HIGHER medical contributions. ALL ON A REDUCED WAGE. You say Siegel just changed his TARGET? Pilots were always his target. THEY just didn't know it or feel it til now.

Siegel a visionary....?

Piney, et al, It is time for the pilots to say, "Atlas Shrugged."

Savvy said: He has badgered employees on this board, was kicked off the ALPA board, wrote newspaper articles critical of other emmployee groups and now he crys fowl.

Chip comments: With all due respect, I disagree with your inaccurate comments. I have never not show respect or badgered employees, but instead have always pointed out facts.

I was suspended from the ALPA Message Board for 30 days, which is common. By suspension was "officially" for providing a stock comment, but in reality was to passify other unions who did not like me exercising my constitutional right to opin an OpEd column.

I am no cyring fowl, but again listing facts, which are mostly official ALPA statements.

In fact, today ALPA MEC Chairman Bill Pollock told Reuters "U.S. Airways is attempting to force pilots to bear an unacceptable and unjust burden."

Another fact is that Dow Jones reported (US Airways) pilot Dave Ciabattoni of Wallingford, Pa., estimated that his overall pension will at best be cut in half under US Airways' proposal. He said he didn't believe the company's assertion that resolving the pension issue is the airline's final hurdle to financial stability.
"If the difference between solvency and liquidation is this issue, then the company is going to liquidate," he said. "The pilots alone can't save this company."

Seprately, tonight's alpa code-a-phone said, "The RSA testimony centered on its financing agreement with US Airways. The RSA representative admitted after making numerous evasive statements under cross examination that there are potentially other ways to satisfy the final DIP investment conditions, other than to terminate the pilots’ pension plan. He testified that RSA was "deeply skeptical" that the pilots pension plan could not be terminated, and when asked if RSA was using or going to use its DIP financing agreement to apply negotiating leverage against ALPA and the US Airways pilots, the RSA representative testified 'no'."

If true, I wonder where US Airways can get the savings necessary to meet the DIP financing requirements without terminating the pilot pension plan?

According to Dow Jones ALPA contends the issue must be resolved through collective bargaining rather than in the courts, and has asked Mitchell to deny the proposal. Mitchell said he would also review the impact collective bargaining may have on the company's proposal.

I find this issue interesting because every union could have had the parity review if they desired, ALPA has provided two W-2 cuts, three cuts that have lowered the company's pilot pension obligation, as well as productivity and benefit cuts.

On the other hand, some of the other unions rejected the parity concept, have provided only one W-2 cut, one cut to lower the company pension obligation, as well as productivity and benefit cuts.

Regaradless, this case is being continued and is far from ending.

Biff (LavMan):

I may quit, but not until the pilot pension issue is resolved one way or another. The pilots still have a defined benefit plan in place and today in court the RSA witness testified there are "potentially other ways to satisfy the final DIP investment conditions, other than to terminate the pilots’ pension plan."

I understand this testimony and other statements made today were encouraging from ALPA's perspective.

Regardless, I will make a decision on my employment dependent on what occurs, which is in the best interest of my family.

There are alternatives, but it's not a black and white decision, yet.

By the way, when did you take two pay cuts? In addition, I find it interesting how many posters rally around ALPA taking a fourth cut, but their own employee groups have taken just one cut.

It's easy to push for other employee group cuts to take multiple cuts, but reject any thought of one self-taking another cut.

ALPA's cuts have been enormous and dramatically out pace 30,000 other employees. As Bill Pollock said today US Airways is attempting to force pilots to bear an unacceptable and unjust burden."

Pitbull, I have emailed/PM my response. Lets try to get back on the original topic and don't direct postings towards an individual.

Also, avoid any personal insults....

"Flaming" is insulting another user's post, opinions, subject, grammar, or an attempt to pick an online fight. "Slamming" is making offensive, condescending, or insulting comments about a user, product, or company (ours or anyone else's) in order to pick an online fight.

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