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On 1/11/2003 1:31:08 AM Wild Onion wrote:

I still haven't heard what the connection is between President Bush and Enron scandal is.

Of course Bush spoke with Enron. He is a Texas oil guy.

So what about one ride in a 737? Great publicity for AA and for AA lobbying efforts. Was there a law or ethic violated in that?

I ask again: Where is the connection between President Bush and the scandal at Enron (not just whether Bush has had lunch with somebody), and more importantly, what in the world does that have to do with anything at AMR?

Don't just say "Enron" to try to emphasize something you don't like about AA management. Since there's no stated correlation or connection between the two, it just makes you seem uninformed.
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You should find it interesting.Why do you think they shredded all those do***ents?
Dubya had a little Enron like deal going at Yale to!
He learned how to do that from his buddy Ken..
Type in Enron and Bush once your at the site..
also type in AMR and Bush.Some good reading there to..
On 1/11/2003 9:30:36 PM j7915 wrote:

[blockquote]----------------On 1/11/2003 1:31:08 AM
The scandal is being covered up, once and maybe if, we ever find out who talked to Dick Cheney about his energy plans, then ENRON will be all over the paper. They bought access to the corridors of power in Washington, they probably also deflected the White House from the CA, problems until the problems became so huge they could not be covered up. And while others have gone to jail, Skilling & Co are at large, investing in secure homesteads while other firms are hauled into court.
Now does that not sound like political connections?

Now I understand. On Jan 20, 2001 at exactly 12 noon EST, Enron began their criminal negligence. Up to that time, they were 100% honest and above board because of their fear of that great crime fighter, Bill Clinton, and his band of loyal Democrats fighting for the American way of life (at least during whatever time he had available when he wasn't in search of you-know-what or planning on who to pardon and how much to charge and determining rental rates for the Lincoln bedroom, etc). And we all know that Enron, Global Crossing, WorldCom, etc., NEVER gave a red cent to the Dems, just the Republicans. Yeah, right. Do they deliver newspapers to your little fantasy world, or do you have access to factual information from other sources....or do you just rely on James Carville for your news?
On 1/14/2003 1:43:45 PM AgMedallion wrote:


Now I understand. On Jan 20, 2001 at exactly 12 noon EST, Enron began their criminal negligence. Up to that time, they were 100% honest and above board because of their fear of that great crime fighter, Bill Clinton, and his band of loyal Democrats fighting for the American way of life (at least during whatever time he had available when he wasn't in search of you-know-what or planning on who to pardon and how much to charge and determining rental rates for the Lincoln bedroom, etc). And we all know that Enron, Global Crossing, WorldCom, etc., NEVER gave a red cent to the Dems, just the Republicans. Yeah, right. Do they deliver newspapers to your little fantasy world, or do you have access to factual information from other sources....or do you just rely on James Carville for your news?

Clinton didn't need Enron. He had more than enough financial support from the Communist Chinese Army!

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